( /\ /\ /\ Continue to older entries above: DAHS Memories Archive 6 /\ /\ /\ )
Lorraine Pastore (now Lorraine Allen) - 1972 - eallen9089@aol.com - Plainview, NY - 2000.10.01
Memories: Ricky Sinclair and Morning Glory, Kevin Nichols and football games.
Eileen McNerney (now Eileen Vultaggio) - 1987 - tjrock@optonline.net - Levittown - 2000.10.02
Looking for: Any old friends that want to chat about the good old days
Christina Jennaco - 2000 -knocco21@aol.com - SUNY College at Oneonta - 2000.10.02
Memories: My favorite memories have to be 10th grade Spirit Night (go red), Homecoming 1999, painting all of the banners, Singled Out, Emmy Night (the Backstreet Boys), cutting yearbook everyday, me and Carri To's obsession with Mr. Avena (calling him at 2:00am and hanging up, taking any class that he taught, coming in late, T-B for lunch everyday, getting late passes from Mrs. Caroll, making up every excuse to Mrs. Lopos why me and Carri couldn't play, and telling her all the places we had to go for class officer stuff, the "hall nazi", etc, most of all being a class officer for Mr. Sherman for all four years... it goes quick... but I wouldn't change a thing...
Jack Jacobsen - 1962 - jnorwy@aol.com - Millersville, MD - 2000.10.03
Comments: It was such a great joy for me to see the note from Mr. Aiello. He was an inspiration to many of the things that I have attempted throughout my life. I first came under his scrutiny in elementary school when he was my gym teacher (believe it was at Summit Lane). Later on, from junior high to DAHS we came into almost daily contact. Most of the time because I was teetering on the "bad" side of him and Mr. Graham. Just want to let him know that many of us still think of him often and thank him for his "tutelege." Jack Jacobsen
P.S. I am very sad to hear about the death of Mr. Reilly, our academic leader.
Rhoda Robinson (now Rhoda Brown) - 1970 - beaksandpaws@aol.com - Cape Coral, FL - 2000.10.04 (new e-mail 2000.12.13)
Looking for: Mr. Richard Mancini
John Egan - 1964 - jegan@west.net - Santa Barbara, Ca. - 2000.10.04
Looking for: Lois Tucker
Memories: I noticed in the '65 list that Bernard "Bunny" Goldstein died in 1970. Bunny was a pal of mine. We used to bowl together and shoot some pool down at the South Village Green pool hall. I always remember feeling somewhat privileged to get out of that pool hall alive but I always felt safe with Bunny. He was a little guy, but he had a lot of personality and I don't remember anybody f'ing around with him. One Saturday night in the Winter of '63 I got a call from Bunny asking me if I wanted to shoot some pool. My parents were, for the most part, a pair of real a'-holes, but they didn't mess with me too much as long as they thought I wasn't out looking to get laid. Shooting pool in a disreputable pool hall was, for them, much more respectable than dating, so they let me out. Bunny picked me up in a brand new Cadillac and we sped through town on the icy roads. I relaxed in the front seat exhilarating in the skids on the sleek roads as Bunny hit the brakes hard at every opportunity. I looked at him and asked' "Hey, whose car is this?" He gave me a quick glance and said, "I don't know." It was then that I realized that we were in a stolen car. The ramifications of grand larceny beyond me, I just laughed and enjoyed the ride. We got to the South Green and the dirty old man at the desk gave us a hard look as he always did, but looked to the color of our money, which was good. We shot nineball, the game to play there. Some tough guys were about but they had other things on their mind besides beating up on two pansies from Division High. They were right about me but Bunny always gave the appearance of being armed. We shot some games, and with Bunny calling the shots, we left after a few hours and he drove me home. I never saw much of Bunny again after that, although I think we did bowl a few games. He didn't have long to live. Bunny was a great kid, good for a lot of laughs and I'm real sorry to hear that he died so young. If his parents and siblings ever get this message, please know that Bunny was a real credit to the human race. He always made me feel real welcome. I don't know what happened but I guess he died with his boots on. I'm sure that's how he wanted to go. JE
Michelle Trivolis (now Huggard) - 1989 - mnmhugs@aol.com - Levittown - 2000.10.04
Memories: Too many to list
Comments: I've been married to Matt Huggard also a Division graduate for 7 years now. We have 4 beautiful children 3 boys, Tanner 6, Trevor 5, Jack 2, and finally Molly 5 months. They are great kids and I am enjoying being a full-time mom. We moved around a little -- Farmingdale and Pennsylvania -- but ended up back in Levittown and I wouldn't change a thing. Would love to hear from old friends.
noname - (no e-mail) (someone on flashcom.net) - 2000.10.05
Looking for: Chuck O'Malley, John McCann
Janet Koster - 1993 - number5child@cus.com (bad e-mail) ; number5child@compusa.com (bad e-mail) - Levittown - 2000.10.06 (new e-mail 2001.01.22)
Memories: Mrs. Ruffini's English class and class field trips. Mr Kissane's Social Studies class.
Nicolle Trivolis (now Lohmuller) - 1993 - aulax44@aol.com (bad e-mail 2004.10.07) - New Hyde Park, NY - 2000.10.06
Memories: Too many to list
Comments: I am married and have 2 beautiful children, Kelci Morgan almost 4 yrs old and Andrew Jacob (A.J.) 6 months. I met my husband Keith through fellow classmate Shane Dorfman at a formal at West Point. I am currently General Manager of Gap, Gap Body and Gap Kids. For all those who are wondering about the 10 year class reunion I am working on it now and will keep you all informed. Would love to hear from old friends. Hope all is well.
Dan McBride (now Bass Man!) - 2003 - abercrombelax@aol.com (bad e-mail 2003.03.27) - Levittown - 2000.10.06
Memories: I never had a memory. I just thought I'd throw my name down so you guys wouldnt forget me!
Jackie Berns (now Jackie Karp) - 1965 - jknc5@aol.com (bad e-mail 2003.03.27) - 2000.10.07
Comments: I moved from Levittown, after 9th grade, in 1962 but have nothing but great memories!
Michael Trivolis - 1985 - budrunner218@aol.com - East Meadow - 2000.10.08
Comments: Happily married for 9 years with 3 children, life is good. I would love to hear from some old friends.
Linda McDonald (now Linda McDonald-Healey) - 1971 - lh1753@aol.com - Greenlawn, NY - 2000.10.08
Memories: The memories are endless and the fun part is we're still making them, especially with the on-going plans for our 30th (yes, you heard correctly 3-0) reunion next year. Old memories that pop into my mind... hiding out in the canteen, Senior Variety Show, Senior prom weekend. Going to watch the guys play football and baseball.. Our parties and picnics. Good times with good friends.
Comments: I'm one of the lucky ones, I still get a chance to commiserate with the ol' gang. I've had the great opportunity in life to move back to the Island after living down south for a few years and even during my "sentence" in Alabama - I was able to keep in touch with Levittown (mom still lives on Wolcott Rd.) Five McDonalds have graduated from Division -- and we're all proud of our Levittown heritage.
Judy Zuckerman (now Judy Fine) - 1974 - tjf1000@juno.com - Old Greenwich, CT - 2000.10.09
Memories: When the dress code got abolished around 1969 and girls were finally allowed to wear pants to school; Mr. Danhieux's biology class; Integrated Studies.
Comments: I'm happily married to the guy I went to the prom with (anyone remember him?) and we have one daughter.
I've experienced some health problems over the past 22 years due to DES exposure. DES was a drug heavily marketed to obstetricians from 1941 to 1971 and was particularly heavily prescribed in our area to our mothers' generation during their pregnancies with us, both to prevent recurrence of miscarriage and sometimes even to women with no history of problems. I've been in touch with other DAHS alumni who were exposed & I'm sure we can't be the only ones. I encourage everyone to check with their mother to see if she took DES during any of her pregnancies. Check out the DES warning page for more details.
Jeanie Griffin (now Jeanie Nalty) - 1961 - jnaltysr@aol.com (bad e-mail 2003.03.27) - Patchogue, NY - 2000.10.09
Memories: Mr. Kenyon, teasing John & me in Cit. Ed. class about going steady
Steido - 1999 - steido@hotmail.com - Ltown - 2000.10.09
Memories: Being chill with everyone, all the cool people you know who u are!!!
Penny Schiller - 1969 - pennyoncape@hotmail.com - 2000.10.09
Looking for: Billy Carnes -- pay your bill at netcom, will ya? Been tryin to find you.
Looking for: Bernardi, Sherry and Diane Ingrassia, Cortez, Billy Kramer where the hell are you? Nancy Hopkins... come out of that hole!
Comments: Just returned from our 30th + reunion--was great to see Carol Flectner. We were all glad she could get time off from the circus.
Pete Shanahan - 1969 - pete_shanahan@colpal.com - Hopatchong, NJ - 2000.10.10
Memories: Crosscountry, flirting with Paula
Dave Beinlich - 1998 - kelseyspub@aol.com - New Paltz, NY - 2000.10.10
Memories: I miss drinking every weekend and partying. I miss roaming the halls tormenting the younger kids. I miss Mr. Hahn the most.
Dan Picha - 1998 - stigger108@aol.com (bad e-mail 2003.03.27) - New Paltz & Levittown - 2000.10.10
Memories: My favorite memory is when Mike Thomas threw around the fake testicle, when they were giving us the movie on the testicular cancer awarness. Nurse Keys cried but it was so hilarious. Coach Smith made us run and do push-ups but it was well worth. The next year the school had a different approach to teaching us.
Comments: I know I wasn't the nicest to everyone at school, and I said a lot of things I kinda didn't mean that I thought were funny at the time, but I realize now they were just mean, so if anyone feels that way maybe we can talk about it over a cup of coffee or something.
Bob Luginbuhl - 1969 - rluginbuhl@cs.com - Montgomery, AL - 2000.10.10
1969 20th Reunion Comments: Had a blast at the reunion! Great seeing all of you. Looking forward to the next one. Special thanks to Louie Lozito for getting there early and keeping me from leaving the Marriott after not recognizing the first 15 people!! For all the ladies that danced that night with me... WOW!!! Thanks Donna, Eileen, Alison, and Gail... I had no idea you all were going to turn out so great looking!! For George Harvey... thanks for not dying in Vietnam, like I was told... I would have missed your humor. For my good friend, Fred Kiesecker, thanks for helping to make the evening fun. For all the people I was meeting for really the first time, I'm looking forward to seeing you again next reunion. A special thanks to stunning Paula for giving me the greatest complement of the night. All in all I came in apprehensively but had a great night. Thanks to the reunion committee and all who attended. Bob Luginbuhl
Bob Mancino / "Monk" - 1969 - rmancino@jps.net - Clearlake, Calif. - 2000.10.11
Comments: Just want to say that my wife and I thoroughly enjoyed the reunion, everybody looked good especially Paula Plass, Andrea Silverstein, Barbara Boyer, Eileen O'Brien and Janice Altman... the years have treated you very kindly. Next time this happens I hope we can combine classes '68 and '70 to the mix and maybe have the reunion in some place like Las Vegas, but New York will do. Again, it was great seein' everyone and for those that didn't go to bad 'cause U missed something good.
All the very best, "The Monk"
Christina Masel (now Christina Hughes) - 1969 - maseltov37@stny.rr.com - Binghamton, NY - 2000.10.11
Memories: Sleeping in T.E., watching kids jump when Mr. Murphy would kick the trash can in Trig to keep us alert, learning more chemistry when Jeff Hesekiel taught Mr. Corey's class, being the only girl in T.E. (YES!), listening to Mr. Levy's weird stories...
Comments: A huge thank you to Janis Altman Fusaro, Donna Pape Porter, and Edith Arthur for a wonderful reunion (class of '69)! The food, music, and ballroom were great, but it was being together with so many of the class of 1969 after 31 years that was the best part of all. Many thanks to all that came, despite the travel time and expense. I heard someone yell "let's do it again in 5 years". I second the motion. It was a lot of fun and I am so happy that I was there. Thanks again to Janis, Donna, and Edith. God bless the class of '69!
Paul Beswick - 2001 - pb1015@aol.com - 2000.10.12
Memories: Last year here at Division, and I have far too many memories to name them all. I'll always have Mame and Sweet Charity. Homecoming, WINNING SPIRIT WEEK 2000, Yellow for LIFE!
Me and Murph chillin' in McD's office cause we're special officers. And the crazy parties in the freezing cold.
I'm not gone yet, but I know, after June I will miss the people who have made growing up a fun and learning process.
MRS. MCDONALD will always be my honorary mother in these halls, Stritzl/Carden always could make me smile, Wade/Corin-for helping me to flourish my talent -- to name a few
I vow to make my last year here the best - and I'll probably be organizing the reunions in the future-- :o)
Nancy Klein - 1979 - nepk59@aol.com (bad e-mail 2004.09.08) - Levittown, NY - 2000.10.13
Memories: One of my favorite memories of attending DAHS was participating in the different sports that I played.
Debbie Hirsch (now Debbie Temple) - 1970 - sirtemps@aol.com or deborah.hirsch-temple@med.va.gov - Ossining, NY - 2000.10.13
Comments: Please let me know when the reunion is. I didn't even know that there was going to be one. I will be there. Deb
Lester Diskin - 1962 - les.diskin@vdda.com - Riverside, California - 2000.10.13 (new e-mail 2001.04.13)
Looking for: Barbara White
Memories: Track and Field and the Prom
Comments: Sorry I missed the reunions, hope there's another one soon.
Ryan Dooley - 2003 - rdws@graphic-designer.com (bad e-mail 2003.03.27) - Levitown - 2000.10.14
my webpage: http://www.angelfire.com/zine/levittown
Looking for: Every one that cares
Memories: Well there are none...
Comments: I don't have any
Jane Debbins (now Jane Stein) - 1967 - jhs49@comcast.net - Pacifica, CA - 2000.10.15 (new e-mail 2004.04.05)
Looking for: Mr. Levy, Roslyn Morrill
Does anyone out there know where Mr. Philip Levy, Social Studies teacher, can be located? I'm also trying to find Roslyn Morrill. If anyone knows please help me. Many thanx :-)
Christy McDonnell - 1966 -cmcdonel@sover.net - Rutland, Vermont - 2000.10.15
Looking for: Hey, Penny Schiller how was the reunion? Going to look up Kilbride in Philly during the Holidays. Hey! at least Billy Thomas managed to trade in the jeep. I heard that Carol Flechner is traveling around in a circus. Is that true? Hey Pen, when you signed on, did you hit enter?
Anna DiBenedetto (now Anna Papandreou) - 1977 - lillee0202@aol.com - Bayside, Queens, NY - 2000.10.15
Comments: I would have graduated with this class but moved to East Meadow. I still remember a lot of people from Summit Lane 2nd grade till 6th grade.
Len Sandok - 1963 - lsandok@aol.com - Bloomington, Minnesota - 2000.10.17
Memories: Footbal Games
Wrestling team
Comments: Great idea, I would love to come back east for a reunion. Please keep me informed.
Marybeth Urquhart (now Marybeth O'Halloran) - 1972 - beffie92@aol.com - Levittown - 2000.10.17
Memories: Senior variety show, leaders club, Miss Felicetti, Lake Placid ski trip
Craig Simak - 1991 - craigs@ibforum.com - Levittown - 2000.10.17
Memories: 1) Going back to school after downing a bottle of Cutty Shark with Gruber at Lunch and then throwing up in Ginther's bio class and eventually on Mr. Allen's Shoe's (Woops!)
2) Hangin out at the Deli
3) Hangin out on the bleachers!
4) Daversa's house (need I say more)
5) Fighting with Lynn (we ended up getting married)
6) Our class tried to break the record for most consecutive keg paties in a four year period. I think it still stands today!
Comments: I actually cleaned-up nicely after "high" school. Fortunately, I survived all of the drugs & alcohol and quit cold-turkey directly after graduating. Me and Lynn got back together in 1993 and got married in 1995. Kayla was born that summer, then Kyle in 1998. We have our hands full but I still see some of my freinds from school on a regular basis. I'm currently producing trade-shows and conferences nationwide. I can't wait for the re-union next year. Holy S**t, where did ten years go??? I'd give my right arm just to go back for a day!
Carol Anderson (now Carol Spinner) - 1981 - carolspi@mhonline.net - Cairo, NY (upstate) - 2000.10.18
Looking for: Jean Brady 1980, Debbie Desprisco 1981, Barry Fine 1981.
Comments: I moved upstate in August 1981. It was great to find this website it brings back a lot of memories. My brother Bob 1978 sent it to me. I look forward to the Reunion in Aug 2001. I was married now divorced, I have two girls 12 and 14 years old. I do keep in touch with Phyllis Orlando. I would love to talk to anyone who hung out at the West Village Green -- Jean Brady, Barry Fine and Debbie Deprisco. I have not seen any of these people in 19 years. See everyone next summer.
John Ankelman - 1985 - jankelman@aol.com (bad e-mail 2003.03.27) - Levittown Harbor - 2000.10.18
Memories: Way Too Numerous To List.
Comments: Obviously, a lot has happened since High Scool Days. Graduated Hofstra in 1990. Went into the commercial property & casualty insurance business. Now married to wife Aimee, 4 kids (Johnny 7, Courtney 5, Stephaney 4, and Brittney 10 months). Bought a house in Babylon Village (3 yrs) until family grew too big and moved back to Levittown (Swing Lane, McArthur territory, YUK!) Very happy back in the best town on LI.
Jean Keuning (now Jean Dixon) - 1981 - beagle1@techcomm.net (bad e-mail 2003.03.27) - Florida - 2000.10.19
Memories: First Day, Last Day, Lunch
Helene Lilienthal / Lainee Lilienthal (now Helene Carman / Lainee Carman) - 1967-lcbubbles@aol.com - Mastic, NY - 2000.10.21
Memories: Cry-Slurs Singing Group and being in the play "Annie Get Your Gun".
Melissa Weinstein - 1988 -mellaz2ny@aol.com - Phoenix, Az - 2000.10.21
Memories: I remember hanging out at the deli, a lot!! and cutting class to go to Eisenhower Park.
Comments: After High school I moved to Phoenix where I have been a successful hairdresser in Scottsdale. I recently moved back to NY with my fiance and now we are both back in Phoenix, where my family is. We will be married in the middle of 2001. I look forward to hearing from anyone from the class of 1988.
Chris Della Ratta - 1990 -dellaratta@worldnet.att.net (bad e-mail 2003.03.27) - Parker, CO - 2000.10.22
Memories: Graduating and getting the hell out of Levittown!!!
Karen Appel (now Karen Meyerowitz) - 1970 - seapa100@aol.com - Merrick, NY - 2000.10.23
Looking for: Friends from Summit Lane
Comments: Lived on Butternut Lane and went to Summit Lane from K-5th grade, then moved to Farmingdale. Graduated from FHS in 1970.
Justine Newport - 1997 - aquaprincess24@aol.com (bad e-mail 2003.03.27) - Levittown, NY - 2000.10.23
Memories: My favorite DAHS memories are all of them. I wish I was still in High School, because WOW the real world SUCKS! I'm currently going to college it's my 4th year so I should be graduating pretty soon. I'm a lifeguard all year round, I work for the Town of Hempstead during the summer and in the winter I'm the head swim team coach at the South Shore Y. I would love to hear from anyone who remembers me.
Gary Pfau - 1969 - gpfau@trib.net (bad e-mail 2003.03.27) - Columbia, Mo - 2000.10.24
my webpage: http://www.HomeRunRealtyMo.com
Looking for: Real Estate
Elaine Rosen (now Elaine Mascuzzio) - 1968 - wonder1099@aol.com - Atlantic Beach, NY - 2000.10.25
Memories: Mr. Levy's social studies class
John Egan - 1964 - jegan@west.net - Santa Barbara, Ca. - 2000.10.26
Looking for: Lois Tucker
Memories: In September of 1963 I saw the loveliest thing I'd ever seen at Division High. On the first day of class, on the side blackboard of room 204 (one of the rooms in the "new wing" which faced Division Ave.) was THE TREE ON INDO-EUROPEAN LANGUAGES, painstakingly painted on the side blackboard. It was really well done. The Indo-European root language was at the base and every language, such as Romance, (with a "leaf" for French & Spanish) or Germanic (with the appropriate "leaf" in sweet pastels for Dutch & Flemish, etc.) was painted above, with great care in various colors. I looked upon the pastel painting and wondered, "This won't last for one day." How wrong I was.
That day, our Principal, James R. Reilly told us "you are the worst senior class in the history of Division High." Even then, as a 17-year old idiot, I wondered what was the evidence to lead him to such a conclusion. I wanted to say something, but there were a lot of things I wanted to scream out about anyway, so I kept silent. This latest stupidity, from our hushed and invisible leader, only made me reflect that his words would only create the reality he wanted. (I guess I shoulda' been a psychologist). I knew we were good people and we didn't deserve to be spat upon like that. What we did with the Tree of Indo-European Languages, in fact, will speak about our care, the Class of 1964's, heed for the finer things in life.
The tree was painted by Mr. Edwin Brackin our English teacher. The thing that interested me most about the tree was the Celtic language section. I would have been really interesting to learn about the Scots, and Cornish and Welsh, peoples I didn't learn about till graduate school. Unfortunately, Mr. Brackin never spoke about the Celtic languages, nor about any other language, including English. He quickly revealed himself to be a moron. However the tree stood! Week after week, it stood, never marred, never so much as brushed. It stood, as a constant reminder of OUR RESPECT FOR CULTURE. As September rolled into October the tree stood, perfect in form. No one person touched it until November when it was erased and Mr. Brackin fired and replaced. Herbie Blades told me he erased it but I always felt he lied about that. I suspect Herbie wanted to be the one to have erased it, but even he had too much class. The person who erased the tree had to have been far more cynical than Herbie. I suspect it was an administrator. Since we had all preserved the tree for so long, the destroyer would have been someone very cynical and Herbie Blades was not that. We had some fools among our group, and some tough fighters too. But none of us destroyed that tree. JE
Thomas Murphy - 1975 - Arizona - 2000.10.26 - tman85345@yahoo.com - Phoenix, Arizona - 2004.10.12
Looking for: Ann Dorazio
Patricia Callan - 2002 - monkeegirl4222@aol.com (bad e-mail 2003.03.27) - Levittown (not by choice) - 2000.10.27
Memories: Right now I am in the computer room, not typing up my report like I am supposed to be doing. Well anyways. The best memories was Trial Law with Avena. Every girl in this class only joined up because they think he is so adorable. (awwww) The torture my friend has to go through today with the Hall Nazi in detention. (hahaha) The homecoming Party, which was hysterical (you had to be there) that's about it for now.
Penny Schiller - 1969 - pennyoncape@hotmail.com - Cape Cod - 2000.10.27
Comments: I can't put a face to John Egan but I loved reading his stories about Bunny -- my heart stopped and a smile slowly engulfed my face and spirit just seeing his name in print and thinking about my old friend. My favorite Bunny story goes like this... so, Johnny Ryan gets his hands on this fire extingusher... one of those big red ones and we fill'r up with water and drive around town with this giant watergun -- what a great time... we would see a bunch of kids on a street corner and drive by and just soak them... old folk walking dogs-them too... we were merciless... and all the while hilarious laughter filled the car ---- so it was John and me and Regerio was driving and we pick Bunny up at his house. We didn't get about two blocks and there's this musclebound guy walking some foo foo poodlish type dog -- we nail'm right in his face and we're all laughing above the sounds of Bunny screaming in that voice of his (that always sounded like laughter itself) and he's saying - "What are you crazy..??? That's my neighbor -- he works out in a gym (please remember folks NO ONE worked out in a gym in 1969) but we don't care... we continue to hose people and laugh our heads off while we head to buy some beer at that little place on Newbridge... down from the apartments... anyway, Bunny goes in to buy -- I'm sitting in the back seat with Ryan and all of a sudden I see these hands and arms come through the open front window and close around Regerios neck -- yep-Bunny's neighbor yelling "You think that's funny???" To this day I still don't know if the guy just happened to be there or if he followed us in his car... but I have promised myself I will get another big red fire extinguisher and go play before I die.
Debbie Hickman (now Debbie Webb) - 1973 - dawebb@optonline.net - Levittown -- for 24+yrs. after DAHS - 2000.10.29 (new e-mail 2001.07.21)
Looking for: Betty Gunsinger for Lorraine (Gupinski) Hutnik & I.
Memories: Field Hockey practice in the cold with "Annie" (no gloves or hats allowed!). Trick-or-Treating on halloween, in our Field Hockey uniforms, on our way home after an away game. The "Girls" Gym. Softball practice at DAHS and at Eishenhower Park - all before Title 9(?) Drivers Ed with Mr. "T". Those ugly blue sweaters we had to wear for our senior pictures! Our favorite politicians- Debbie and Mary. Belated thanks for all your hard work all those years.
Comments: Our 10th and 20th commitee meetings and reunions. What ever happened to our 25th? Let's start working on our 30th!!
Rick Hartson (now Rico Hart) - 1990 - ricohart2000@aol.com (bad e-mail 2003.03.27) - Selden, NY - 2000.10.29
Memories: Hanging out smoking pot.
Comments: F' the joxs
Pamela Stanley (now Pamela Zukerman) - 1988 - ponysales@aol.com - Vermont - 2000.10.30
Comments: The last time I saw anyone from this school, he (how's name I can't remember), was hired to strip for a group of old women I knew from work. Classic!
Chris Hansen (now Moe) - 1990-pwrwash928@aol.com - Bayville - 2000.10.30
Memories: Ski trips...
Tommy Snaith - 2001 - (no e-mail) - North Carolina - 2000.10.31
Memories: Chillin in earth science, before I moved, with Tiffany Abbate. Kikkin it with chris Flinn, and Ryan Darcy @lunch in the library.
Tara Liquori (now Murano) - 1993 - murano76@email.msn.com - Levittown - 2000.11.02
Comments: Hi to everyone in my graduating class! I hope all is well. I am great. I married my high school sweetheart, John Murano. I am a Kindergarten teacher at Summit Lane in Levittown. We are looking for a house somewhere other than here (if anyone is selling let me know). Truth be told I had a blast in high school. I would love to hear from anyone!
Jimmy Judson - 1961 - jimnmann@ttinational.net - Winchester, Virginia - 2000.11.03
Looking for: Bob Bonacci
Memories: Friday Night before The Saturday Football games.
Artie Tangel - 1974 - atangel@aol.com - Vero Beach, Fl. - 2000.11.06
Looking for: Any '74 Classmates
Memories: Looking to a reunion to see old friends and share memories. My life. After graduation enlisted in the USMC. After discharge I returned home and got married. Had 3 wonderful children, now 19, 16 & 7. got divorced in '98, after 19 years of marrage. I work for the U.S. Postal Service. Been there 20 years now. Moved down to sunny Florida in '85, where I live now. I would welcome anyone's email.
Barry Lackington - 1964 - balackington@aol.com - Massapequa, NY - 2000.11.07
Looking for: Steve Jankowitz, Richie Beckwith, Larry Black, Dan Mucchiari
Memories: I ended up going to Division because of the Technical Electronics Classes. All of my friends went to Memorial, but I managed to make so many more at Division. I went to the 20th reunion and loved seeing all my old classmates. I was disappointed when the 25th fell through. I hope we can get together again in the future. I remember making the bowling team a couple of years in a row, but wasn't allowed to compete. My father passed away in my sophomore year. He and my mother were on a mixed league in North Levittown. They voted to allow me to replace him even though I was under age (15). Even though they wrote a letter to the school that I didn't put in, or take any prize money, I still wasn't allowed on the team. Looking back, my bowling with my mother was the only thing that got her out of the house those first few years. But, I still would have loved to bowl for the school team. I remember my math teacher that year, Mr Simes. He really cared and helped me through a difficult time. I will never forget him.
Comments: Anyway, for myself, I'm married for 33 years, have 2 children and 2 grandchildren who I adore. I never got into electrical engineering, but I own my own computer consulting company. I live in Massapequa, NY, and have a condo in Boca Raton. I would love to hear from anyone in our class especially those mentioned above. Take care everyone.
Daniel Mckee - 1988 - merlin70_@excite.com (bad e-mail 2003.03.27) - California - 2000.11.09
Looking for: Anyone...
Memories: I look back now and just wish I could have done then what Im doing now... but it was always the parties with everyone...
Kelly C. O'Neil (now Steele) - 1988 - kcsteele@mpinet.net (bad e-mail 2003.03.27) - DeBary, Florida - 2000.11.09
Looking for: Jodi Vecchio, Kathy McDougal
Jamie Colen - 1981 - machjamie@aol.com (bad e-mail 2003.03.27) - North Hampton, NH - 2000.11.10
Looking for: Anybody who remembers!
Memories: We moved out of Levittown in 1978 when my family bought an old farmhouse in New Hampshire. I still think of my great childhood years in Levittown and friends often. There are so many memories that come flooding in from reading through the names here, it would be great to hear from some of you! I hope all is well. Drop a line!
Sheri Cooper (now Sheri Herold) - 1983 - somegirl1218@aol.com - Levittown - 2000.11.12
Memories: My favorite memories of Division Ave were hanging out at Kippys. We used to go there second period every other day. Also lunch time at the pizza place by Tri-county. I remember going through high school waiting for it all to be over and now I wish I was back there.
Comments: I married Mike Herold in 1990 who went to Memorial High School.We have 2 beautiful daughters together ages 7 and 9. I also have a 17 year old daughter from my first marriage who will be going off to college next year
John Baranello - 1975 - jbaranello@aol.com - Brunswick, Maine - 2000.11.14
Looking for: Steve Borrelli
Bill Flinn - 2001 - fodads26@aol.com - Levittown - 2000.11.14
Memories: All my good friends. all the other kids who were kind of weird and whom I didn't really like. All of my cool teachers. Weizeracks Nail Polish. All the passes I got from rosenberg and Avena so I didnt have to sit with Chad and Todd, because I never really cared for either one of them. Being banned from emmy night because sherman and his boyfriend got beef. all the fire extinguishers I heisted. The time we changed the letters in the sign around during finals. All the toilet paperings we did, all the crazy halloweens and keg parties. anything else that was cool.
Comments: Peace
Brian Koss - 1981 - bkoss2000@juno.com - New York - 2000.11.15
Looking for: Peace of mind???
Memories: my memory is going but these are some things that I still remember... in no particular order.
1) all the great people in are senior class.
2) study hall (did we ever study???)
3) going to Mama Celeste's for lunch, when you could get 2 slices and a coke for 2 bucks.
4) roberts lindsey's fender stratocaster.
5) gary arnolds drive to be the next... robert plant.
6) laurie davis's smile.
7) the art department, mr smedley in general.
8) the comic mind of chris miller
9) the amazing artistic talent of sean cassidy, (I still have an
10) lynn marshall and dona rosenblum, my two best friends
11) aggrivating Mrs. Freeman (I once told her "Those who can... do; Those who can't... teach and Those who can't teach... teach gym.")
12) me and tom lackerman getting rides home from... who was that ms. rogal??
Paul LaMar - 1968 - plamar49@aol.com - Amityville, NY - 2000.11.16
Memories: Watching everyone dealing with life in the 60's. Laughing so hard
so often at and with Joe Norwark, Brian Gleason, Bob Burzo, Richie
Humphrey and so many other guys. Mr. Vitale's Boys Chorus, you had to be there to believe what went on.
Hanging at the North Green. The Fillmore East! Stonybrook Univeristy's Concerts. The Allman Brothers Band!
Getting my first taste of the "left" and the "right".
Listening to Ricky Estrem play the clarinet and sax. Man he was just unbelievable.
Parties, Alison March Marybeth McCarthy, friends.
Karen Creash (now Scribner) - 1970 - scribnerbubbadog@aol.com (bad e-mail 2003.03.27) - Babylon, NY - 2000.11.16
Looking for: Cathy Pomponio, Linda Dougherty, Margaret Fahey, Eileen Brigante and any one else who remembers me.
Memories: There were so many. To list a few: The Senior Variety Show (Age of Aquarius) with Margaret, Cathy and all the others, Senior Carnival, going out with Eric, Larry (the substitute teacher) and all the other people who went to the Filmore, Mama Leones, etc. The night we went to Mount Misery and got in a whole lot of trouble (does anyone remember that?)
Comments: I live in Babylon, NY have an 11 year old son, will be married 24 yrs. this May. My parents still live in Levittown. Hope to see you at the 30th reunion whenever it is.
Jay Barsuaskas - 1984 - mouseboy@optonline.net - Hicksville, NY - 2000.11.17
my webpage: http://www.geocities.com/joeschwinn
Looking for: The Sycamore gang
Elizabeth Glatz - 1976 - rlintner@ezaccess.net - Honesdale, PA - 2000.11.17
Looking for: David Seaman
Michael Schlapp - 2004 - vschlappyv@aol.com - Levittown - 2000.11.18
Looking for: Babes
Memories: The girls of course
Comments: Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!
Jonathan Webb (now Jon Webb) - 1995 - headach22@hotmail.com - Still in boring Levittown - 2000.11.18
Looking for: Chris Reardon, Mandy Leonard, Keith Tennant, Kyle Smith, Aelish McKenna, Tom Hunter, Ron Juarez
Memories: Junior year, Homecomming game when (what was his name?) did naked jumping-jacks on top of Summit Lane.
Comments: Why was Jeff playing The Jackson Five out of his Voltswagon Bus? DEURO (ask me in person what that is) DEURO!! Yankees Rule Mets Suck. Later. () () * ----
Patrick Weinbrecht - 1990-tazzman797@aol.com - Los Angeles - 2000.11.21
Comments: Hello Class of 1990!! I hope everyone is happy and healthy at this stage in their lives. I can't believe its ten years already and the reunion is tomorrow. Since I live in LA now and such short notice was given, I will not be able to attend. Hopefully the 20 year reunion will be planned a little better, no offense Chris. I will be in NY Dec 24th till Jan 3rd so if anyone is interested in a mini-reunion at TGIF's or something, drop me a line. Also, if there is going to be a website with pics from the reunion, let me know. Anyway, I hope everyone has a great time at the 10 yr. and please don't be shy, I look forward to hearing from you.
Kevin Darcey - 2001 - yogiman523@aol.com - L-town - 2000.11.23
Memories: SW's 4 LIFE
Comments: Dubin aint easy...
Jane Ray - 1981 - janmar8563@hotmail.com (bad e-mail 2003.03.27) - Levittown, NY - 2000.11.23
Looking for: Randy Appel
Memories: school plays I was in, Fiddler on the roof & Carousel
Rod Hamas - 1982 - (omitted e-mail) - Longwood, Florida - 2000.11.24
Looking for: Bob Marshall
Karen Swistak (now Karen Goodman) - 1970 - smokeyco@yahoo.com - Arvada, Colorado - 2000.11.24
Looking for: Any classmates
Memories: Playing in the orchestra (does anyone remember Mr. Messina?) and singing in the chorus (anyone remember Mr. Aaron?). Can not believe it is 30 years ago!!!
Comments: I am now living in Colorado after raising my three children in Levittown (all of them graduated from Division). My twin daughters live here in Colorado with my three grandchildren and my son who was just recently married, lives in Carle Place and is a NYC police officer. I have been happily married since January 1971.
Jennifer Rivellese (now Irving) (post-divorce, took natural father's name) - 1990- freckles2572@aol.com (bad e-mail 2003.03.27) - Still Levittown -- There Is No Cure :-) - 2000.11.26
Comments: There has been some confusion about my original posting. Here it is in a nutshell: My stepfather adopted me when I was five changing my last name from Irving to Rivellese. When I got divorced I went back to Irving (I no longer speak with my Dad and didn't want his name). That's the story.
Steve Brown - 1965 - safeman777@yahoo.com - Smithtown - 2000.11.26
Memories: Mr Fields TE classmates, the newspaper and yearbook, Mr Levy's enthusiasm, how quick HS went by.
Jeannette Calaway (now Jeannette Magee) - 1964 - jenlmagee@aol.com (bad e-mail 2003.03.27) - Fountain Valley, CA - 2000.11.28
Memories: I have many fond memories of jr & h.s. days at DAHS with great friends & nice teachers. The field trip we took to the World's Fair in 1964 was great. I especially loved cheerleading at the football & basketball games and being involved in the student council.
Comments: Looking back on my youth at DAHS brings many nostalgic memories.
I tell my kids & grandkids that I used to walk to school over two miles in the snow & rain -- they can't relate. I've lived in CA since 1965, but sometimes still miss the four seasons. Would love to hear from other class graduates!
Gary Pickrodt - 1970 - gdp865@netscape.net - Selden, NY - 2000.11.29 (new e-mail 2003.10.28)
Looking for: Patricia Janssen, Nancy Fuller, Rich Shedler
Dwight Powers - 1966 - dtjp@aol.com - Long Beach, NY - 2000.12.01
Looking for: Tom McCarthy, Kevin Reilly, Frank Bauer, Jimmy Selkirk, Mary Anne Lozito, Julie Marzigliano, Stella and Margaret Thompson, etc.
Memories: Dennis and Al Madisons' parties, hangin' out at the Green, Viet Cong Fagella and "The Grey Goose" rat-hunting in the dumps in the Hamptons, drinking in "the pipes" at Azalea, Artie at The Green, goofing on Tom McGough behind the counter at the Green and risking his future employment there, Sal (baby-boy) Saitta, working at Primelight (our boss Murray Rood "stop fahtzing me around the block" with Dennis and Al Madison, Sal Saitta, Scott Deacon, Steve Fahey, Bob Shand and John Driscoll, playing soccer for Mr. Pivnick, Mr. McKeon, Mr. Lewis and Mr. Wright, my cousin George Maniscalco (now retired from LAPD) and how he prevented some greasers from kicking my ass, running varsity track with Mr. Pivnick (2 mile run) and getting kicked off varsity track with Dennis Madison (still my best friend and bro) by Mr. Pivnick for catching us smoking after practice, those stupid square-dancing and cha-cha lessons in gym (Dan Durlacher) yee-haaah!, consuming mass quantities of Big Cat Malt Liquor, Chug-A-Mugs etc., Bruce Nystrom pushing a shopping cart loaded with Big Cat from Joe's Deli at the Green to Madisons' house in broad daylight during one of our many cutting-out days, all of our collective phoney draft cards and my numerous aliases-thank you Bill Slepoff (the master forger!), going to the World's Fair 64-65 numerous times and never paying to get in, getting kicked out of the World's Fair with Rick Beyers and Frank Bauer for "borrowing a rick-shaw", Kevin Rogers breaking my nose at summer recreation fighting over a stupid basketball and me bleeding all over him to get even, being refused "permission" to have my photo taken for the yearbook because my hair wasn't "combed right" and telling those concerned to f**k-off!, all the pretty girls like Celeste Lenihan, Diane Grater, Lynn Boerner, Nancy Marchesano, Amelia Galizi, Betty Ann McGovern (who definitely wore saddle shoes-you big fag!), Paulette and Rose Zacchia, Diane Zucconi, Barbara Padgett, Kathy Shaw, etc. etc if you are not here mentioned, it is due to lack of memory due to my long abuse of alcohol - which I no longer do - I am clean and sober since Jan.19th, 1981, waiting for the Beatles-Stones etc. to come on the Ed Sullivan Show on Sunday nights, Mr.Avedis, Mr. Sipos, the witch Miss Miranda, Raul Elvir, Jack Kilbride and Bob Terril, membership in the Top Fists - a fictional gang created by Steve - (Brian Jones) aka "chubby" Fahey, Denny Bauries A-Mo?, Christy, Kathy and Kevin McDonald - and the great McDonald family Christmas Parties, being sent home because 1. my hair was too long, 2. my pants were too tight, 3. wearing "Beatle-Boots" to school and/or not going to school and or coming to school late or leaving school early, or not shaving (also 7 suspensions for various high crimes and misdemeanors, Bob DeLorenzo, HATING SCHOOL in general, the STEP program (work-study) that allowed me and countless other juvenille delinquents to graduate from said school, Mr. T, Mr. Amen, Mr. Jewell, my good friend "seriously folks" Mr. Aiello, Mr Quirk (JFQ), The Parrot - Dr. Yannett telling our Sr. class we were the worst and that he wanted us to wear uniforms, lousing up graduation for Dr.Yannett with Dennis Madison - thanks again buddy!, not ever studying or giving a s**t - my loss and no one else's I might add, thinking I had all the answers and eventually finding out I did not, the "Flower Boys" at the turnpike, the Alexander brothers, Tom and Jim McCarthy and their cousins Charley and John Englert, my best man the late and great Jim Robertson (he went to Chaminade), Richie Powers (no relation), Mr. Reilly the old principal telling us on the loudspeaker about JFK's assasination and crying as he did so in 1963 which touched me deeply, contibuting money for the trees we all paid for to have planted in front of the school in honor of JFK - they are nice and big now folks, watching "cat-fights" by the bike rack - remember I'll meet you and kick your a** by the bike rack - usually rock'n'rollers or greaser chicks like T.U.G.I.T.S., Tom McCarthy wearing a church key on his belt on the weekends and all of us needing his assistance with his opening skills - thanks Iron Hands, "the Bronze-Body - Tom Maher, Kevin Hutcheson, Booby Carter, rushing home to watch Soupy Sales, hitching rides everywhere, watching others get tatoos, getting tatoos from Richie Tatoo, Ritchie Spoteck, Jimmy Speelman, Derek Graves, Dennis Champney, Barbara Grasso, Melba Hemphill, Billy Flinn, my partner in crime and oldest friend on earth - my brother Dennis who shared many a beating with me just shy of child abuse by my father (mostly) and my mother who whacked us with any available inanimate objects due to having two insane teenagers during the 'sixties (ah blame it on those god-damned Rolling Stones and those Beatles and TURN THAT SHIT DOWN!), being classified 1A while a senior in high school, Jack Considine and his band, Gino and The Starfires - Gene Galizis Band, swimming sans wearing apparel at night at Azalea sometimes but not often enough with some female crazies, Herbie Blades, and hating the fags that ran the class and them hating me and that RAH-RAH-DIVISION crap!!! Graduating - finally, against all odds - in 1966 and immediately going to the Green with Nystrom and others to get loaded.
Susan Kirsch (now Susan Duncan) - 1973 - saphire484@aol.com - Suffolk County, NY - 2000.12.02
my webpage: http://www.levittownbook.com (some Levittown photos and excerpts from her book, "Levittown: The Way We Were")
Looking for: Louise Shacklady, where are you???
Mike Pantano - 1996 - mangmang61@hotmail.com - Fayetteville, NC - 2000.12.03
Comments: What's up DAHS how's life mine's good. I'm now in my 2nd year in the Army jumpin' out of planes and enjoying life at Fort Bragg. I also am engaged and am expecting a son on 16 March 2000. I hope everyone is doing good. Peace
Georgina "Gigi" Foss(now Georgina Annunziato) - 1991 - jagf1023@comcast.net - 2000.12.03
Memories: Still hanging out with Nicole, Matt, and Chris. Favorite moments: GIRLS LACROSSE TEAM... never would have been one with out me. I guess it would also be hanging out behind spit. Now that was a good time, and I know everyone can relate. Hanging out back there getting in trouble, meeting people, can't do that anymore. Too bad for all who never experienced that... And of course Mr. Zackers' english class, he was the best teacher you could ever have. And last, the favorite moments were the way the cliques were always in war, that had to be more like the funniest moments. Im glad I was a bystander because it was hysterical. I know you are all laughing now!!! Hope all is well with everyone, and that everyone is happy. Always stay that way... can't wait to see everyone again in the future...
Pam Castagnaro (now Pam Kulin) - 1972 - butta381@aol.com - Norwell, Massachusetts - 2000.12.04
Looking for: Just found Cathy Krucher and Carla Perch. Thanx!
Memories: As the holidays are approaching... I would just like to wish everyone a warm and wonderful Christmas and New Year! Thank you for giving us this great website. I have heard from so many blasts from the past and really enjoy reliving the memories. It all goes by so fast doesn't it? It seems like yesterday that we were hanging out at the Canteen with all our friends signing yearbooks. I thought it was so cool as a junior to be able to hang out at the Canteen with all my senior friends! Just wondering if there are any plans for a '72 reunion?
AnnMarie Dima (now AnnMarie Cleary) - 1987 - ann81769@aol.com - Patchogue, NY - 2000.12.05
Memories: Although I transferred out of Division in 11th grade, my best memories are of "Battle of the Bands", Spit parking lot, J.D. the coolest science teacher, buying tons of roach clips and music pins from Tri-County at lunch. I often wish we could go back for just one day. I hope everyone is doing well.
Kathleen Flanigan (now Pidoto) - 1988 - ckpid@aol.com - Levittown - 2000.12.06
Comments: I married my husband, Chris in July 1992 (we dated in high school but he went to Island Trees) We have a son Christopher who is 6 and a daughter Kelly who is 3.
Ken Krill - 1990 - kkrill@iwon.com - Dix Hills - 2000.12.06
Looking for: People interested in a career opportunity in the financial services industry. If you are interested or know someone, please contact me at kkrill@iwon.com
Vicki Accardi (now Vicki Tackenberg) - 1971 - galadriel1984@aol.com - East Meadow, NY - 2000.12.06 (new e-mail 2001.07.17)
Looking for: Marty Wein
Katherine Keehn / Kathy Keehn (now Kathy Salanitro) - 1964 - oxk@metrocast.net - Gilford, New Hampshire - 2000.12.06 (new e-mail 2002.08.23)
Comments: Will there be a Class Reunion in 2004???
Dorianne Kennedy (now Dorianne Cattani) - 1982 - doriannec@yahoo.com - Muttontown, NY - 2000.12.07 (new e-mail 2002.12.25)
Memories: Acting in Fiddler on the Roof and Carousel, singing in the Senior Variety Show
Brad Updegrove - 1965 - bupde27@aol.com - Vienna, Virginia - 2000.12.07
Looking for: Larry Shapiro
Memories: I enjoyed being with my friends, who included John Pergola, Larry Shapiro, Larry Ryan, Dave Kelly, Lee Hayward, and others. I also especially enjoyed Mr. Langdon's Earth Science class.
Comments: I've been married to a wonderful Long Island girl for almost 25 years. We've got four children, two guys and two gals. I retired as a Special Agent with the U.S. State Department's Diplomatic Security Service last year. I'm working part-time for the State Department and will be opening a business early in 2001. I'd love to hear from some of my former DAHS classmates.
Joe Tierney - 1996 - joewtierney@yahoo.com - 2000.12.07
Memories: Parties, parties, parties
Comments: I cannot believe that there is a Division Avenue home page - this is amazing to me.
P.S., I will laugh my ass off at the reunion.
Frank Barning - 1960 - fbarning@yahoo.com - San Diego, CA - 2000.12.08
Memories: I would enjoy hearing from any of the Division people from the pre-Beatles era, especially the perverts. We don't get older, just better.
Doriel Wyler - 1968 - ontra2479@aol.com (bad e-mail 2003.03.27) - San Francisco "of course" - 2000.12.12
my webpage: http://wwwteacomforts.com
Looking for: Friends and Cindy White Class of 70
Memories: Changes and hippie movement... shirts tuck in to out
winter and teachers... Rothenburg? Stiener? Mr. Levy? Miss Garlick?...
Comments: Michael Swartz passed in San Francisco in 1993... I was with him, to send him off comfortable.
??? - ??? - ?@? - 2000.12.13
Comments: I LOVE DIVISION!! its fun
Nancy Carlino - 1966 - nccf7@aol.com - Las Vegas - 2000.12.14
Looking for: Everyone!!
Memories: So many, let's save them for the reunion.
Philip Simonetti - 1966 - Chandler, Arizona - 2000.12.14 - philn2zed@cox.net - 2005.07.17
Looking for: Harry Evert
Michael Lampert - 1974 - mmtaks@hoflink.com (bad e-mail 2003.03.27) - Hicksville, NY - 2000.12.16
Memories: I come back to this web site every now and again, just to see who's been here and signed up and get in touch with. Those that attended had a great time at the "informal" 1974-1975 reunion we had last year at a restaurant / bar in Farmingdale. The only thing missing was more of you being there with us.
Rekindling old friendships and making new friends with people you hardly knew is great fun and doing it without the only objective of getting laid can really be enjoyable! I hope there is another one this and every year... maybe we could buy our own place and have a continuing reunion for all old DAHS alumni!!! mike
P.S., Where were you Donna DelGiorno? Jayne Boyer said she is your child's guidance counselor, so you must be still out here somewhere!!
Judy Garber - 1969 - judy.garber@vanderbilt.edu - Brentwood, TN - 2000.12.17
Comments: I would like to keep in touch with people. I also would appreciate hearing about future reunions. I am sorry I missed the last one. I would love to hear from people. I am living in Nashville, TN. I am a Professor of Psychology at Vanderbilt University. Hope to hear from some old classmates.
Kim Rago - 1997 - flowrpowr420@yahoo.com - Floral Park, NY - 2000.12.18 (update 2001.04.11)
Memories: Getting Out!
Charlotte Reynolds - 1977-charpoomini@hotmail.com - Guttenberg, New Jersey - 2000.12.20
Looking for: Correspondence, old and new friends
Memories: Retreats at Warick; shows, e.g. Mame, Bells Are Ringing, Grease, Guys and Dolls; mock convention, All-State, All-County
Stephen Bailin - 2002 - yooda614@aol.com (bad e-mail 2003.03.27) - 2000.12.20
Memories: Being on the school bowling team and bowling my first 300 game during the summer at North Levittown Lanes.
Comments: School should be for an hour each day.
To finish school and go summer vacation in June and not worry about getting up at 6:30 every morning.
Richard Tuck (now Dr. Richard Tuck) - 1966 - richardmtuck@aol.com - Melville, NY - 2000.12.21
Memories: Many of my fellow students and playing in the band and orchestra.
Comments: Left DAHS before senior year.
Claire Marckesano - (should have been 1973) - 1973 - claire_11209@yahoo.com - NYC & Wash., D.C. - 2000.12.21
Looking for: Debbie Sanford, Marion Ryan, Sharon Glynn, Vinnie Ferrin, Joann McKenzie, Kathy Sullivan, Linda Ratowitz
Memories: Cutting class and going to Wilfred's with Debbie Zuckerman. Also, tormenting Mr. Aiello, and especially Mr. Graham.
Comments: I quit before graduation. Went on to obtain GED, graduate Univ. of Virginia and Fordham Law School. Am currently involved in politics and divide my time between NYC and Washington, D.C.
Scott Benjy - 1998 - thickdruff@aol.com (bad e-mail) - With Foy - 2000.12.21
Memories: The red wet
Comments: Its hairspray not druff I swear
Wayne Blodgett - 1965 - wayneb99@aol.com - Laurel Springs, NJ - 2000.12.23
Memories: Getting up early in the morning to go to "technical electronics" classes, to study about new and up-to-date inventions such as the transistor. I also enjoyed track and field practice in all kinds of weather and having the other kids copy the answers off of my papers in driver's ed. The movies about gory car wrecks in driver's ed. were great! Also hearing our chem teacher (what was his name) say, "it's a gas". Those were the days, my friends.
Kris Behrman (now The Emperor) - 1992 - draqula@mindspring.com - North Pole - 2000.12.23
Memories: Blowing a stretch up the parking lot entrance, almost killing Mr. Locke (why would he attempt to stop a 1970 Chevelle with his body?).
Comments: Do not contact me for any reason. Those of you who had no reason or desire to speak to me then should not attempt to contact me now. I still do not want to speak to you now, either. Have a nice day.
Carol Garber (now Carol Pratt) - 1968 - cpratt8874@aol.com - Amherst, NY - 2000.12.25
Looking for: Cassie Holloway Olsavicky
Dennis Champney - 1966 - dachamp@comcast.net - 2000.12.25
Memories: collecting lawn ornaments from all around Levitown to place on the roof of DAHS as a special gift to the class of '65. Jim Moher, Ed Grass and John Moriarty spent 2 or 3 nights preparing our "gift". So many great great people. dys and week just hanging out. Mr. Aiello, Jerry Jewell, Mr. Amen, Jim Garvey GOOD people. Watching Frank Monte play defensive end. He WAS rudy. Jones Beach, North Village Green. Watching our own monsters of the midway play football - Tony Pacionne, Mike and Pat Hill, John Ferrara, Rich Krachfin, so many more. Levittown was a great place to grow up. Filled with characters, people you admired and people you wanted to be like.
Lori Kutchens (now Shapiro) - 1987 - mach1ch5@yahoo.com - 2000.12.26
Looking for: Samantha Yonkasky
??? - ??? - ?@? - 2000.12.27
Looking for: Kelly McPartland
Patty Donohue (now Patty Saddlemire) - 1970 - pasadd@hitter.net (bad e-mail 2003.03.27) - Inverness, Florida - 2000.12.27
Memories: Cosmetology classes at MacArthur H.S.
Mike Luffler - 1968 - mikeluffler@hotmail.com (bad e-mail 2003.03.27) - Macedonia, Ohio - 2000.12.29
Looking for: Tom Jacubec
Memories: I figure I saw more than 125 Varsity Baseball games during the 6 years I kept score for coach Amen, making it to the North Shore finals our senior year. Acquiring the nickname "Magic Mike" from Coach Campanelli by shooting long jumpers as manager of the Basketball team for 4 years. It's too bad the 3-pointer wasn't in effect back then. I've used the skills learned in those days in local corporate sports skills competitions in recent years.
Other memories include the Technical Electronics (Mr. Fields) class which started with about 15-18 students in 10th grade and ended up with 5 or 6 our senior year (what a drag getting to school at 7:30 a.m. - 45 minutes before everyone else). Math classes with Mr. Weilhoefer and Mr. Murphy, Senior English with Mr. Mezzapesa (spelling?) and Mr. Levy's Social Studies Classes were the most memorable academic memories. Finally, the softball games during the summer right after school let out.
Comments: I live in Macedonia, Ohio with my wife (Lin) and daughters (Kirstin 16 and Courtney 13). Macedonia is located halfway between Cleveland and Akron Ohio.
Jimmy Nolan (now Yoko Ono) - 1972 - mrruba@optionline.net - West Islip - 2000.12.29
Memories: Just laughing all the time.
Comments: I now hate to laugh.
Chris Antonacci - 1997 - chrisantonacci@yahoo.com - State College, Pa. & Levittown - 2000.12.30
Looking for: Old friends who I've missed along the way
Memories: I am primed to graduate from Penn State real soon and I am searching for a job as a sportswriter for a newspaper. If any fellow alums have any contacts, drop me a line. Just kidding. But I still remember my Division days and would love to hear from anyone who knows me. Never forget: hanging out, playing hoops and Jeff's class. Take care.
( \/ \/ \/ Continue to newer entries below: DAHS Memories Archive 8\/ \/ \/ )
last edited 2007.09.04