( /\ /\ /\ Continue to older entries above: DAHS Memories Archive 3 /\ /\ /\ )
Margaret Reynolds (now Margaret Sargent) - 1974 - doodled@worldnet.att.net (bad e-mail 2001.10.28) - Huntington, L.I. area- 2000.01.01
My favorite memories are of participating in the school musicals, being in band, orchestra, and madrigal singers, and hanging out in the band room when I should have been in class. Also, all the wonderful people I got to know well, some of whom are still my closest friends.
Ryan Darcy - 1999 - dogchow22@aol.com (bad e-mail 2003.03.27) or darcykdrop16@hotmail.com (bad e-mail 2003.03.27) - Manhattan College - 2000.01.02
Memories: Baseball for the four years I was there was great. We had a great run Senior year, but it had to end. Now I got four more years of ball at Manhattan. Thanks for all the memories and I will see y'all when I come home.
Mike Gurr - 1983 - mongurr@aol.com - South Florida - 2000.01.03 (new e-mail 2003.06.27)
Memories: Playing football and hanging out with the boys; proms and road trips; Nelson parties; trips to Manhattan by way of LIRR and the NYC subways; Painting Memorial's goal post Dragon Blue; ski trips; Spit; Pier 84 concerts; cutting classes & still graduating; Jones Beach - just to name a few. Growing up in Levittown was great; the friendships that were made & the fun that we had couldn't get any better. I will always treasure the memories.
Diana Wrynn - 1981 - dwrynn@earthlink.net - still in Levittown - 2000.01.03 (new e-mail 2003.04.27)
Comments: Still in Levittown; have an eight-year-old daughter who is just like her mother (Lord help me). Still see a lot of Debbie Phelan (Berutich), Terry Marone and the Andrews twins Maureen and Eileen. I work part-time importing silk fabrics from India, which keeps me busy. Hope to see and hear from a lot more people from the class of 1981.
Denise Silverstein - 1978 (moved in 1976) - kingdom1411@juno.com - Virginia - 2000.01.04
Looking for: Any friends who remember me
Memories: Friends and old times
Comments: Please contact me if you remember me
Steve Mohr - 1960 the best one - znando@aol.com - San Pedro, CA - 2000.01.05
Memories: Being the only guy in the whole school with a car!!!
Comments: I wish we all could go back 40 years for just one day at D.A.H.S.
Jeanne Toale (now Jeanne Gusso) - 1994 - beaner@msn.com (bad e-mail 2000.04.14) - Tempe, Arizona - 2000.01.05
Looking for: no-one special
Memories: going by the smoking doors, sneaking out to lunch, running from teachers, cutting class and one big social hour!!
Comments: Wouldn't do it again if someone paid me to!!
Gary Felsten - 1970 - gfelsten@iupui.edu - Columbus, Indiana - 2000.01.07
Comments: I've enjoyed reading about classmates and other friends from DAHS. I remember many of the people who wonder if anyone remembers them. My best memories involve time spent with friends. I've stayed in touch (loosely defined) with a couple of classmates and hope those I've lost contact with are doing well. I kept going to school for about 8 years after high school and I now teach psychology and do research at a small campus in the Indiana University system. I miss the ocean. This is a really nice site.
Patrick Peterson - 1970 - patrick.peterson@judicial.state.co.us - Colorado - 2000.01.07
Looking for: Peter Hoff (1970)
Chris De Franco - 1985 (almost - I moved) - chrispsl@bellsouth.net (bad e-mail 2003.03.27)- Port Saint Lucie, FL - 2000.01.08
Memories: Hanging out with Richie Burnett and Mark Munesteri
Mark Davis - 1965 - mfd@dolby.com - San Francisco - 2000.01.09
Memories: Technical electronics and Jerry Fields.
Plane geometry and Douglas Erath. (QED = Quod Erat Demonstratum)
Splitting the math medal with Rick Rosen.
Mr. Lasker, Rick, Sandy, Leslie, and Richard Sandler debating political and social philosophy, while the rest of us watched from a distance.
Sadie Hawkins.
All my classmates.
Corinne Kaegi - 1972 - corrick@together.net (bad e-mail 2003.03.27) - 2000.01.09
Looking for: Peg Rochon, etc.
Jim Longobardi - 1972 - drjim@absolutefootcare.com - San Diego - 2000.01.10 (new e-mail 2003.08.02)
Memories: Mr. Amen in Gym class, Jerry Jewell's Football Team, "The Strike" "The Canteen"
Miss Daniels' Art Class
Running track for Mr. Pivnick.
Most of all Mrs. Stillwaggon for her inspiration and encouragement to forge ahead with my goal to live my dream and become a doctor. What a great human being and a wonderful teacher. I am glad I reached my goal.
Patti Vesque (now Patti Cottone) - 1981 - nyart@aol.com - NY - 2000.01.10
Looking for: just to say hello
Memories: The mural painting of the blue dragon outside the girls' gym. Does it still exist? And hanging out with the lunch crowd. I also had lots of fun in all of my art classes.
Comments: My art career has always been a constant. I currently teach art at the Heckscher Museum as well as paint murals in public and private places. I still love to paint and to create with clay although there isn't much time for that now. I'm married and have two girls. I missed the 10-year reunion because I was living in Hawaii at the time and due with my 1st child. After hurricane Iniki we came home and I started teaching in Hickville School District until 1995. Then for a short time I stayed home to raise my girls. I've been very blessed so far and I know that my angels are always looking out for me. Life is good.
Eric Rutig - 1983 - erutig@aol.com (bad e-mail 2003.03.27) - Orlando, Florida... south of the Mason-Dixon - 2000.01.11
Memories: Bleacher parties
cutting class to hang out in "the sump"
having a full head of hair
Linda Holec (now Linda Henn) - 1969 - snowgal999@aol.com - Flagstaff, AZ - 2000.01.11
Looking for: Sheila Pourch, Jill Crozier
Tommy Snaith - 2001 (moved 1998) - (no e-mail) - (919) 481-3083 - North Carolina - 2000.01.12
Memories: I moved away in July of 1998 to North Carolina. I only attended my freshman year at Divison, but I went to elementary and middle school in Levittown. (Northside, Wisdom Lane) My # is (919) 481-3083.
Comments: I miss Tiffany, Jackie Allysa, Woods, Juliano.
Maureen Jensen (now Maureen Nelson) - 1984 - mtnelson@optonline.net - Levittown, NY - 2000.01.13 (new e-mail 2000.09.14)
Memories: Hanging out with Regina Ackley and Kathy Schneiner, and Regina making me smoke, ha ha. Playing volleyball and softball. Going to the Nelson parties, little did I know then I would end up one of them - marrying Mike.
Comments: It's nice to see comments from people I haven't heard from in years. I hope to hear from any of my fellow classmates. Mike and I live in Levittown and have two beautiful boys, 5 and 3. Happy New Year to all!
Mike Nelson - 1980 - mtnelson@optonline.net - Levittown, NY - 2000.01.13 (new e-mail 2000.09.14)
Memories: Hanging out in the stands, playing sports, and going to other people's parties. Having great friends, Walkie, Chuckie, and the gang. Hope to keep in touch with all my old friends whom I graduated with. Happy New Year to all.
Comments: I live in Levittown, with my wife, Maureen Jensen 1984, and our two beautiful boys, Brendan and Ryan.
Pat Dunne (now Kunkel) - 1967-patsykunkel@email.msn.com - California - 2000.01.13
Memories: I so remember finding out J.F.K was killed - Mr. Quirk (assistant principal) told us in the auditorium. The freezing-cold Saturday afternoon football games. Walking everywhere.
I've been back to Levittown several times and have a ball with Lorranie Paccihana (Stroncone) and Janet Plass (Newport). When were togather we're still 16. I have lived in California since just after graduation. Have 3 grown sons and have been married 31 years. It's so great to see the names from the past. The teachers too. This is a great web site.
Bill Washburn / "Wally" - 1985 - dolfan24@worldnet.att.net - Franklin Square - 2000.01.16
Looking for: "The Boys"
Memories: Hanging out on the Bleachers, especially the night before a football game smoking cigars. Funnels. All-nighters where we would eventually crash in the grass behind the bleachers and almost getting run over in the tent. Behind the Division Avenue Deli & Tony's pizza. Hughie & Billy skitching in a cardboard box in the summer. All the sports teams especially Football with Patch, Wrestling & Lax. The last day of High School messing with the head Custodian. Getting my horns busted day in and day out by the Best Bunch of Guys there were.
(Cass, Billy, Richie, Jim, Dan, Johnny, Jamie, Rudy, Doug, Mike, Angelo, Joe, Hughie).
Comments: I hope everyone is doing well.
Richard Howard - 1977 - skidoc151@aol.com - Fort Lauderdale, Florida - 2000.01.17
Looking for: Barbara Mancini, Maureeen Shady, Howard Sherman, Marvin Velez
Richard J. Connery (now Chase Connery) - 1977 - chaseconnery@excite.com - San Jose, Ca. - 2000.01.14 (new e-mail 2000.08.05)
Looking for: Charlotte Reynolds [found] and Margaret Wodkins
Memories: Bad hair and even worse clothes and we all thought WE LOOKED GOOD! Shows, chorus, anything associated with the music department. Other things I don't dare mention. These days I call San Jose home but I still go east about once a year when the craving for some good deli overtakes me! Feel free to write!
Barry Goldberg - 1981 - bbdj22@hotmail.com - California - 2000.01.18
Looking for: Mary Ann Aull, Faith Fried, Lauren Carroll, Mark Keller.
Memories: Hanging out in the sweatbox.
Mrs Evans & Mr Smedley's class & working with Mr Mierjeski. Studio Oz.
Comments: thanks for this web page. It's good to be home!!!
Melissa Foy - 1995 - foymelissa@hotmail.com - Plattsburgh, NY - 2000.01.19
Memories: Spirit night, Choir class, Little Shop of Horrors, Lunch period, Chemistry with Mr. Miller.
Comments: I just graduated from Plattsburgh State in December. I am now attending the community college up here for Nursing! I am living with my boyfried Marc and working as a Residential counselor for an agency serving individuals with various disabilities. This website was definitely a great idea and I would love to hear from anyone from the class of 1995!
Lisa Meltzer (now Elisabeth Meltzer Lee) - 1976 - leefamily@post.com - Arizona - 2000.01.19
Looking for: old friends
Memories: Musicals and music groups. Mr. Erbacher and Dr. Levy's classes.
Larry Micalizzi - 1986 - lm11seven@aol.com - Bethpage, NY - 2000.01.19
Memories: The bleachers, afternoon house parties.
Koon-Fong Mai (now Kathy Mai) - 1969 - kathymai@compuserve.com - 2000.01.20
Comments: I have been working and living in London, England for the past six years and have just returned to New York. I'm married to an Englishman so I still spend a great deal of time there.
Rich Hosek - 1981 - richh@hirschintl.com (bad e-mail 2001.04.05) - Centereach, Long Island - 2000.01.21
Memories: Chuck Sciacca's 5th Period Math class in my Senior year.
"Chuck Buckles Forever."
Diane Nardolillo - 1986 - d.nardolillo@crministries.org - Boca Raton, Florida - 2000.01.21
Memories: too many to recall. I'll have to think about that one.
Comments: Life is wonderful, looking forward to hearing from some old friends!
Christina Masel (now Christina Hughes) - 1969 - maseltov37@stny.rr.com - Binghamton, NY - 2000.01.21 (new e-mail 2000.04.05)
Looking for: Susan Sachs, Carolyn Basile, Nancy Nevola, Kathy McGranahan, Debbie Peltz
Trina Cattler (now Trina Wallace) - 1975 - trina@divisionsocialstudies.com - the Great State of MAINE - 2000.01.21
Looking for: you name it!
Hi Everyone,
Wow! It's been so much fun reading everyone's greetings! This website has become such a phenomenal success, thanks to all of you :-) It's been better than all the reunions I never went to!
Go Dragons!
Patricia Browne (now Tricia O'Sullivan) - 1976 - jackal1946@aol.com (bad e-mail 2004.10.07) - Selden, NY - 2000.01.23
Memories: Mr Danheiux Bio class (him pulling a chicken on a paper towel!). The plays (hi Trina - I still can see you doing the "Spanish Panic" in "The Boyfriend"!) Mr Erbacher, Mr Cacossa, Miss Garlick and Miss Casey and all the other teachers whose dedication I only now appreciate!
Comments: I love the idea of this webpage. It is really fun seeing all the familiar names, and having the memories rush back. Thanks, Trina!
Betty Jean Reagan (now Betty Jean Cheney) - 1971 - reagancheney@aol.com (bad e-mail) - Levittown - 2000.01.24
Looking for: Good Friends
Memories: Reunions
Debi Roepke - 1985 - debi5554@aol.com - East Meadow, NY - 2000.01.24
Looking for: Old Friends
Memories: Memories: Hanging out on the bleachers, hanging with the gang on Sycamore (u all know who u r!), scavenger hunts, cutting class and either ditching inside Cataffo's or Kippy's. Our Senior Ski Trip. The SWEAT BOX! And to you Tommy and Mike..."WHO IZ THAT?!" that was one of the best nites of my life. I also had some great times hanging out with all my friends at Brothers Pub and Baker Street. Those were the days.
Comments: I am still in contact with a lot of the same old gang, so if you are looking any of them let me know or if you just want to say hello I'd love to hear from you.
Eugene Lampione - 2002 - minm2gz@hotmail.com - Levittown - 2000.01.25 (new e-mail 2000.10.31)
Memories: Making the Freshman baseball team!!
Comments: Plus we start too early and end too late!!
Scott Staub - 1996 - scottys678@aol.com - still in Levittown - 2000.01.25
Memories: Dan, Ollie, tennis matches, mischief with Ken Sudol, Winch, Spirit Weeks, Blimpie AKA Russia, Miller, etc.
Comments: I'm planning on student teaching at DAHS in the fall, I'd like to hear from anyone who wants to get in touch.
Mark Fradkin - 1962 - mrfradkin@aol.com - Freehold, NJ - 2000.01.25
Looking for: Anyone with whom I was acquainted in the early 1960s (and before).
Memories: It's hard to pick individual things. Spending six years in the same school piles up a lot of potential material (and this is not counting first grade back in 1950-51). The really best memories and just the people -- classmates, friends and teachers.
Comments: I am really impressed with the website. Having been completely out of touch with everyone since the 1960s, it really is wonderful to see some names and read the comments from people with whom I went to school. It is a little disappointing to see so few people listed from the Class of 1962, but I hope that will grow. I certainly would be interested in the giant reunion I saw mentioned here. I hope to hear from anyone who wants to contact me.
Jill Waunsch - 1983 - altimmus@yahoo.com - Levittown - 2000.01.26
Looking for: Anyone who remembers me!
Memories: Marching band, the competitions, The Hofstra Festivals, and the plays! The Islander parades on Hempstead Turnpike, the parties, and friendships that we thought would NEVER end. Cosmo, and the "Country Store On Wheels", spirit week, the Rutgers Cup winners, & our awesome baseball team! Does anyone else remember the teachers strike in 1978? Or "Fusco Mustgo?" A truly great school, with great teachers, & a great student body...
Comments: This web site is a great idea, and I hope all will pass the word to alumni to add their comments as well! Long Live the DIVISION AVENUE BLUE DRAGONS! Thanx for the memories!
Kathleen Wilson (now Puckhaber) - 1985 - jkpucks@aol.com - Wantagh - 2000.01.26
Memories: I now live in Wantagh with my husband John and our three children, Johnny 4, Kerri 3, and Jamie 7 months. I spent 7 years on the NYC Police Department before becoming a full-time Mom.
I still stay in touch with a lot of the high-school gang but would love to hear from others.
My high school memories are homecoming, volleyball, basketball, softball, football games, ski trips, hanging out on the bleachers, running from the cops, and never getting cold in zero-degree temperatures.
Debbie Cooper (now Debbie Breihof) - 1983 - dbreihof@optonline.net - Commack, NY - 2000.01.26 (new e-mail 2000.08.29)
Memories: My favorite memories from Division are all the good times I had playing softball. No matter what was going on off the field, life was perfect while I was playing. I especially remember gym class in my senior year with Mr. Rufa and Mr. Patrovich and playing softball against the boys and kicking their butts!!!
Ellen Lasker (now Ellen Bishop) - 1980 - runningel@aol.com - Lindenhurst, NY - 2000.01.29
Memories: Hanging out with good friends, Ellen Browne, Mary Spano, Steve DeCaro, Rick Juliano, Danny, etc...
Hanging out at the pond and Barrymore's.
Junior and senior prom.
Comments: I married Scott Bishop 17 years ago and we have 13 year old twin girls and a 9 year girl. Like to hear from anyone who remembers us.
Nicole Ingenito - 1997 - suade07997@aol.com - Levittown - 2000.01.29
Comments: I'm getting married!!!
Lorraine Pacchiana (now Lorraine Stroncone) - 1967 - queenviper1967@aol.com - Elmont, NY - 2000.01.30
Looking for: Gil Citron
Donna Montesano (now Maziarz) - 1981 - froggy61@optonline.net - West Babylon - 2000.01.24 (new e-mail 2002.03.28)
Looking for: Rose Cardali, Callie Varellas, Monica Sampson, anyone from 1981
Memories: Driver's Ed at 6:00 am with Mr. Clapps. I think I drove him the craziest out of all us who were in the car. The Senior Prom and going to Great Adventure. Cosmetology class at the old Pintail or Laurel Lane School.
The senior ski trip to the Berkshires. Mrs Miranda's 9th grade Spanish class. I couldn't stand her and I think the feeling was mutual. Those of you who were in the class know what I mean. Hanging out with great friends.
Comments: It has been quite a busy 20 years for me. I'm married to a wonderful guy and live in West Babylon. I miss Levittown. Especially, the way it used to be when I grew up there. So much has changed. But the memories I have will be forever.
Denise Kaegi (now Denise Byers) - 1970 - dbyers@sover.net - Rutland, Vermont - 2000.01.31
my webpage: http://www.dbyersrealestate.com
Looking for: Mrs Santagato
Doris Wulff (now Bruckner) - 1985 - nyminit@optonline.net - Levittown - 2000.02.01
Memories: 12th grade Integrated Studies with Mr. Miller & Mr. Goelz!! Are they still around?
Comments: Just wandered into the site & thought I'd leave a line. If anyone remembers me I'd love to hear from you.
Frances Zappalla - 1977 - fzappall@nemours.org - Glenn Mills, PA - 2000.02.01
Looking for: Eugene Walsh (class of 1976), Alicia Marcone (1977)
Memories: Mrs. Stillwaggon class - anyone remember hiding in the back room and Mrs Stillwaggon not being even phase by not seeing us, she just assumed we were all in the back room. Rehearsals for the yearly musical and playing jokes on Mr Corin. Field Hockey and Annie Garlick Freeman.
Comments: Married with two children. I left Long Island for a great job but miss home, my family, and the beaches.
Sue Kazura (now Sue Maneri) - 1982 - suzee0414@aol.com - New Jersey - 2000.02.03
Looking for: anyone from class of 1982 that remembers me!
Bobby Austin - 1974 - baov111@aol.com - Hicksville - 2000.02.04
Memories: Cast Parties and the STANDS!!!
Comments: Remind me NEVER to fly American Airlines now that Habel works for them. I saw the cop comment, John. Remember I had to work the next day!!!
Callie Varellas (now Callie Triarsi) - 1981 - calalily719@aol.com - Yonkers, NY - 2000.02.04
Looking for: Dina Scarangella
Sue Bagdon (now Sue Leif) - 1970 - Bay Shore, NY - 2000.02.04 - sleif@consultant.com - 2004.10.07
Looking for: Everyone!!!
Barry Stern - 1973 - bjs457@aol.com (bad e-mail 2003.03.27) - East Meadow - 2000.02.05
Looking for: Donna Leonardis
Marti Lanfear - Phys. Ed. teacher 1966-1972 - martilan@yahoo.com - Hartwell, Ga. - 2000.02.05
Memories: Division was my first teaching experience and I have many fond memories. I ended my career at Northside Elementary, teaching there for the last 15 years. My husband and I retired in June and moved south in October. I would love to hear from any of you that would like to be in touch.
Richard Jacobia - Coach, J.V. Softball 1987-1994 - grouchy3647@aol.com - Cape Coral, Florida - 2000.02.05
Looking for: Former Lady Dragon Softball players
Memories: My favorite memories of Division are those of the hard work that the girls did to achieve the success they deserved. They were out there in the rain and cold and sometimes even snow working hard for a common goal.They all gave 110% all of the time and it showed in their success. It was a great feeling after a game to have the umpires, the opponents' parents, and even the other team, congratulate me on the fine team we had. I even got a note in the mail from one parent of an opposing team that played in our J.V. Invitational Softball tournament stating how much she enjoyed watching the Lady Dragons play. I would also like to thank the many parents who supported the team at both home and away games. Well enough about softball for now. I hope everyone is doing well, and if you ever find yourself in beautiful South West Florida, please feel free to visit. Bye for now.
Fred Goelz - Social Studies 1969-1995; Assistant Principal 1995-present - fred.goelz@gte.net (bad e-mail 2004.10.07) - 2000.02.05
I have been at DAHS for 31 years - since 1969-1970. I taught Social Studies, then became Social Studies Chairperson in 1991 and finally one of two Assistant Principals in 1995. I am currently working with the children of many, many former students which is an added benefit to a career that I have thoroughly enjoyed. Any former students wishing to come back and tour the building are certainly welcome. Just give me a call at 520-8350 X703 and I'll be happy to show you around.
Marilyn Reynolds - 1970 - maroro@msn.com - New Jersey - 2000.02.05 (new e-mail 2001.01.11)
Comments: It's really hard to believe it's been almost 30 years since my class graduated from Division. I've remained friends with several DAHS-ers and run into a few others in recent years, since I still live in the New York area. There were others I wanted to get in touch with but didn't know how, so I think this website is a great idea! As for where I've been -- after a bunch of heavy music study and lots of experience of both life and performing, I feel I can say I did become a good violinist and have been working as such in New York for many years. I am married to an opera singer and we have a son. My sisters, Margaret Reynolds Sargent (class of 1974) and Charlotte Reynolds (class of 1977) are living in the NYC area also, and my father, Bill Reynolds (chorus teacher at DAHS) and mother have been living in western Texas since 1993. I'd be glad to hear from anyone who knew me at Division.
Karen Constantine (now Stillman) - 1982 - reddots2@aol.com (bad e-mail 2004.10.07) - Jericho, NY - 2000.02.06
Memories: Hanging out on the bleachers in the freezing cold weather. Going to Sweet 16 parties and parties at houses. Watching all the lacrosse/football/basketball/baseball/wrestling games/matches, being a cheerleader, keeping score for the best lacrosse team and getting paid for it. The prom, dances, smoking in the bathroom, hanging out in the senior lounge. Ahhh those were the days.
Comments: Hi, I married a wonderful man from Westbury. We have two beautiful children: girl, Kaycie 6 yrs old and boy, Michael 3 yrs old. I live in Jericho we just bought a home in East Northport. We will be moving by 8/2000. Ok gotta run, kids are screaming. Take care. :)
Eileen McGuirk (now Eileen Caroselli) - 1967 - ecarosel@optonline.net - Farmingdale, NY - 2000.02.06
Looking for: anyone who remembers me!
Comments: Still friends with Janet Newport (formerly Plass). I married someone from LMHS.
Justine Newport - 1997 - aquaprincess24@aol.com (bad e-mail 2003.03.27) - Levittown, NY - 2000.02.06 (new e-mail 2000.10.23)
Memories: Spirit Night, Yearbook Class, Sports and just all the fun times that went on.
Comments: I'm a elem. ed. major at SUNY Old Westbury. I'm currently a sub at all the Levittown schools. I would love to hear from anyone who remembers me.
Lori Klein - 1983 - betyb4u@earthlink.net (bad e-mail 2003.03.27) - Franklin Square - 2000.02.08
Memories: Integrated Studies
Beth Cohen (now Bryant) - 1974 - bryantfamily@prodigy.net - Atlanta, Georgia - 2000.02.08
Memories: Lots of great memories and great teachers Mr. Kaufman, Dr. Levy, Mrs. Stillwaggon.
Comments: This is a great site. I had a lot of fun reading the comments. Love to hear from anyone from class of 1974.
Deb Barrett (now Deb Carroll) - 1972 - Peachtree City, GA - 2000.02.09 - llorracbob@mindspring.com (bad e-mail 2004.05.15) (new e-mail 2002.07.01)
Comments: Hey Y'all - I'm down here in Sunny Georgia! Love the green space. Reminds me of New York in the old days. So glad to see this website. Would love to hear from anyone! Old friends touching base would be lovely! I'm doing well, kids are 23 & 21, still married to the same man, celebrated our 26th anniversary last year. OOOOhhh getting old, man! Some of you will get a kick out of this. I got me a 1973 Volkswagen Bug last year. We call it the anniversary beetle in honour of our wedding. Think I'm regressing? Working for a Global company in an environmental field, I'm a national accounts rep. Translation: I put out fires all day long. Look for me in the listings. Deb C.
Jill Geisman (now Jill Budney) - would have been 1971 - jbudney389@aol.com - King of Prussia, PA - 2000.02.10
Looking for: Diane Gelfer, Mary Grace Miner, Jerry Reichert
Memories: I was only at DAHS from 7th through 9th grade, but I remember feeling like I was part of something really special - could any other high school have as much school spirit as DAHS? The Blue Dragons were undefeated so the football games were always lots of fun and I also remember "Instant parties" that were held at my cousins' house (Jeff 1961 and Ellen Peyton 1965). I moved to New Jersey in 1968 and my new high school never measured up to the expectations I had after being at DAHS for three years.
Comments: Nice Web Site! Even though I feel somewhat like an outsider because I didn't officially graduate from Division, I have been able to find some of my old friends here. And I would definitely be interested in attending a reunion! Jill
Dot Whidden (now Dot Clark) - 1969 - dclark@dps.k12.oh.us - Dayton, Ohio - 2000.02.11
Comments: Wonderful web site. Like a trip back home!
Robert Kazura - 1975 - dic570@cs.com (bad e-mail 2004.10.07) - Virginia - 2000.02.12
Looking for: John Edgars
Elizabeth Drozd (now Jackowski) - 1987 - medtech002@prodigy.net - East Meadow, NY - 2000.02.13 (new e-mail)
Memories: Hanging out with all of my friends. Senior prom.
Robert Dilberger - 1971 - robert.dilberger@cendant.com (bad e-mail 2003.03.27) - Islandia, NY - 2000.02.14
Memories: Mr. O'Brien, Mr. Garvey, Mr. Miller, Mr. Wright. Walking down the halls singing the Jarret sleeps tonight. The Beatles and CCNY.
Suzy Jane Hunter (now Suzy Hunter Fouts) - 1979 - willitout@aol.com - San Diego, CA - 2000.02.14
Memories: Myself and Claire Mahoney on the senior ski trip and sleigh riding into a tree.
Comments: I have two children ages 5 & 7.
Joanne Sarlo - 1969 - joanne_sarlo@us.crawco.com (bad e-mail 2003.03.27) - South Portland, Maine - 2000.02.15
Comments: I've finally been found after all these years. Anyone remember me? Drop a note. Unfortunately, my e-mail address is through my job. I'm not a computer person, so I do not have a computer at home. Been living in this cold state of Maine for the last 23 years. It has kept me well preserved. I have two grown children; a 22 year old son and a 19 year old daughter (both away at school), divorced (anyone have a single friend? {male please}) Would love to hear from other 1969 grads! Look forward to a reunion.
Tracey Ever (now Tracey Levinson) - 1984 - delmom425@cs.com (bad e-mail 2004.10.07) - Wilmington, Delaware - 2000.02.16 (new e-mail 2001.02.09)
Looking for: Anyone who remembers the good times.
Memories: Senior Year!! Great friends, great memories. Hanging out with Carol, Roxanne and Danny. We had some great times together. Cutting class and going to Cattaffo's, cruising in the Monte and just being together.
Larry Carelli - 1980 - carelli@sensormatic.com - Lake Worth, Florida - 2000.02.16
Looking for: Bob Downes, Mike Mazza and Mike Brady.
Memories: Great times and a lot of laughs.
David M. Phillips - 1970 -b747fedave@aol.com - Henderson (Las Vegas), Nevada - 2000.02.17
Memories: The year we won it all in football, the championship. Also, the great senior year with the prom and all the goofing off, going to the beach and enjoying the relief of the end of the road. And then to go on to the rest of my life. I have fond memories of so many people that I cannot list them all. Many of you helped me through the growing and learning that is not always easy. Thanks for the great memories.
Valerie Schultheiss (now Valerie Kuramoto) - 1980 - vkuramot@mwc.edu (bad e-mail 2003.03.27) - Fredericksburg, VA - 2000.02.17
Memories: Hanging out at the stands and the courts! Going to lacrosse and football games. Playing field hockey with Nancy, Carol and Coleen. Playing tennis when Mr. Krug was our coach. Sharing a locker with Coleen Ernst and Paul Goldsmith. Mr. Festante! Peering in the window of Mrs. Pacifico's "chef's class" to check out all the guys trying to learn how to cook! $2 keg parties!
Carol Schultheiss (now Carol Cavallini) - 1970 - [ care-of vkuramot@mwc.edu (bad e-mail 2003.03.27) ] - Verona, Italy - 2000.02.17
Looking for: Maxine Stuart 1971
Memories: Cacossa's art club.
Susan diMonda (now Sue Stemple) - 1981 - sjstemple@pnh10.med.navy.mil (bad e-mail 2003.03.27) - Virginia Beach, Virginia - 2000.02.18 (new e-mail 2000.11.27)
Memories: Senior ski trip
Tony Moscato - 1968 - mick7897@aol.com - Tampa, Florida - 2000.02.21
Looking for: all my fellow classmates
Memories: Playing baseball under coach Arculeo. The junior prom and senior prom, the donkey basketball games, and going to the saturday football games. Can't forget going to the mall for lunch as a senior privelege. Man do I miss those times and all my friends. My printing shop class my junior and senior years, and now I've owned my own printing company for nearly 22 years. Just talked to my best friend in H.S., Charlie Carubia. He lives in Saint Augustine, Florida.
Comments: Need to know everthing that's going on for all of the class re-unions. My mailing address is:
Tony Moscato
6807 Rosewood Court
Tampa, Florida 33615
My office telephone number is 813-237-2672
Sue Rutkin / Susie Rutkin(now Sue Villatore) - 1962 - subvillato@yahoo.com - Long Island - 2000.02.21
Looking for: Any 1960-1963 KIDS!!!
Just yesterday, we were all in H.S., worrying about whose house we were going over to watch American Bandstand at, or who was going to have a party that night. The year 2000 was an undreamed-of science fiction movie. Now most of us are parents, grandparents, semi-retired or retired. AMAZING, WHERE DID THE TIME GO? But bring us to a Levittown DAHS reunion and we all are 16 again.
I look forward to the 1960's (&1961's) reunion this July 2000. I will be there. Hope to see as many old friends as possible there.
Maryann Webster Delaney (class of 1962) and her husband, Ed, own a restaurant on Hicksville Road in Hicksville, called Delaney's. Why not drop in for an informal reunion..., or why don't we plan one? Anyone interested, drop me a line and let's get it rolling.
Bob O'Brien - 1960? (dropped out 4/1959) - trkstopfl5@aol.com - Sanford, Florida - 1999.11.07
Looking for: any grads who may presently reside in Florida.
Memories: those toughguy (not really) gym teachers, i.e. Gene Aiello, Jerry Jewell; and all the memories I missed when I joined the Navy in 1959.
I believe I attended Division Avenue High School 1957, 1958, 1959. I remember Bob Noonan who dropped out the same year as I did. Others I remember are Al Smith, Al Pike, Tom Smith and a biology teacher Mr. Tessier.
Bob Pickard - 1988 - pickardb@aol.com (bad e-mail 2003.03.27) - Seaford, NY - 2000.02.18
First of all, to everyone at the 10-year reunion who I told I was a Gynecologist... I lied, sorry. I would also like to apologize to the guy in the mens room who I called Phil, who later turned out NOT to be Phil.
Come to think of it, I don't even think we graduated with a Phil.
Scoring the winning touchdown in the homecoming game against MacArthur.
Senior year.
Giving the Valedictory speech at graduation.
Beating up an assistant coach who cursed me out during a game.
(Actually I did this four years later in a bar... well worth the wait.)
Signing everyone's yearbook "Someday you'll be sorry!!!" (that one still cracks me up)
Fond hellos to:
Coach Gorman, who abused me day in and day out for two years. It was worth it.
Coach Robins, who taught me the fundamentals of the game of basketball. Applied later in life but again, worth the wait.
Seņor Capo, who fed my ego like nobody's business.
Mr. Ryan - Truly the funniest teacher in the history of secondary education.
Mr. Tier - A worthy adversary.
Shaun Walters, Rob Hall and Joe Bonsignore (in no particular order). The best friends a guy could ever have.
My wife Theresa, who taught me how to succeed. And how to say I'm sorry with jewelry and baby grand pianos (which she never plays but I don't complain because I APPRECIATE HER).
I hope this message finds you all well.
Jim Ambrose - 1989 - Long Island - 2000.02.22 - thatsjustjim99@aol.com - Sarasota, Florida - (update 2001.10.28)
Just want to say a quick hello to all. I heard about the reunion through a friend of a friend and was sorry that I was unable to attend. If anyone wants to drop a line to say hello that would be great so till then take care and good luck.
Dolores M. Lantt (now Dolores M. Hofman) - 1965 - Island Park, NY - 2000.02.22 - dolores.hofman@asdoonline.com - 2005.04.29
Looking for: So many!!
Memories: I made so many wonderful friends who have truly influenced my life as it is today. I had a chance to see some of them in 1999 at our reunion. I especially loved performing in plays and musical productions. I met my husband of 32 years while I was in 11th grade. I remember the excitement I felt knowing he'd be waiting outside the school to pick me up after class. It was such a wonderful time in my life.
Comments: The Class of 1965 had a very successful reunion on 9/18/1999. Approximately 140 attended. A journal was published and I am now working on a post-reunion journal. Many of our classmates are still missing. We're planning a 40th reunion in 2005 and would love to give everyone a chance to attend. If you are not yet part of the list, please contact me via e-mail or phone (516) 431-8176.
Ken Mancino - 1970 - kleosalami@aol.com - Paradise - 2000.02.22
Memories: Watching Pete Leyden steal everything he could out of the High School.
Kyle Sabo - 1998 - ksabo1@pride.hofstra.edu - Levittown - 2000.02.23 (new e-mail 2000.11.16)
Looking for: Anyone interested in helping form an Alumni Association
Comments: If anyone is interested in helping me put together an Alumni Association, please email me. The administration really like the idea, and would like to see something get off the ground soon. Go Dragons!
Sandra Geller (now Sandra Apgar) - 1988 - bsapgar@hrb.de (bad e-mail 2003.03.27) - Giebelstadt, Germany - 2000.02.24
Looking for: Old friends
Memories: My fondest memories were in the music department. I loved the marching band tournaments, and musicals. Mr. G and Henry were awesome teachers and I learned a lot from them. I made a lot of friends and learned a lot about people. Those are lessons that I have taken with me through my lifetime.
Comments: I married my husband Brian in September 1995. We were married at West Point Military Academy. He is currently a Blackhawk helicopter pilot and is due to take his company command this summer. We have a beautiful 3 year old daughter named Lindsay Nicole. Right now I enjoy being a stay at home mom. We have lived in North Carolina and Alabama. I lived with my parents during his Bosnia deployment but stuck it out here in Europe while he was deployed to Albania. We currently reside in Giebelstadt, Germany. We love Germany and have tried to absorb as much of the culture as possible. In addition to sight-seeing I enjoy going to all of the antique stores here and refinishing the pieces that I buy. I have also learned how to quilt and I am currently making quilts to sell at our Craft Cottage on post. Mostly I am kept busy with a very active 3 year old who attends pre-school and ballet classes. I am curious about the whereabouts of a few people and I would love to hear from any of my old friends.
Randi Wexler (now Randi Kopp) - 1988 - rljkopp@aol.com - Long Island, NY - 2000.02.24 (update 2001.03.28)
Looking for: old friends
Memories: Music, Band, Marching Band, Band Camp, Marching Band Competitions, Chorus, Swing Choir, Musicals, "Joseph...", "Oklahoma!", "A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum", "Bye Bye Birdie", Senior Variety Show, Dances, Football Games, Tri-County Flea Market, Division Avenue Deli, NYSSMA, Mr. Browne, Mr. Cestaro, Mr. Allen, Mr. Zacker, Mrs. Wieczerzak, the Parties, Senior Awards Night, the Proms, Graduation Day.
Comments: Division is a great place and I still miss it.
I married my husband, Lewis, in July of 1992. He is a Senior V.P. at Zurich Scudder Investments in Manhattan. We have two beautiful boys: Joseph was born in August of 1996. He is smart, funny, athletic, PC literate (gets that from Daddy) and loves to sing and dance (gets that from me!). Our newest addition, Jason, was born in September of 2000. We are living in a beautiful house on Long Island and are very happy. Our brother and sister-in-law just bought the house next door to us and gave us our first niece, Jessica, in May 2000. We love skiing, sailing, and traveling.
Sandy Geller-Apgar (1988) and Chris Sauer (1986) are still two of my closest friends. It was great seeing everyone at our 10-year reunion in 1998. Thanks to this wonderful website, I've been in touch with many old friends. I hope all my old friends are well and look forward to hearing from anyone who knew me way back when...
Larry Campbell - 1973 - lcmp406@cswebmail.com - Merrick, NY - 2000.02.25
Memories: Mostly I remember the day I won the town race and the town folk carried me through the marketplace on their shoulders. That evening, dozens of teenage girls didn't want me to leave the party. I was too polite to tell them I had to go home and finish writing my valedictorian speech, the one where I first laid out my vision of the Internet. I also remember the many lives I saved with simple acts of heroism and the countless lives I touched with my generous spirit. I am so grateful that my memory is so sharp, these memories still so clear. Unlike you who are reading this. How I pity you. I can see you sitting at your PC reading this, shaking your head, wondering out loud "Why don't I even remember this guy?" It's a pity, it really is.
Pat Carew - 1981 - pcarew@optonline.net - Levittown - 2000.02.25 (new e-mail 2001.06.26)
Memories: Clarinet practice with Marlene Munnelly.
Stacey Hyland - 1990 - staceyhyland@netscape.net (bad e-mail 2003.03.27) - Frewsburg, NY - 2000.02.27
Looking for: old friends
Memories: I just found this site and i think it is great!!
Let's see memories: spirit night; I can't and rarely admit that I ever liked new kids on the block.
the coolest english teacher, Mr. Z. and you can't forget Mrs. Carrol who always used to kick my butt when I was late. I can't wait to hear about the reunion... maybe I will see some of you there. Best wishes to all.
Monica Pilar Lawrence - 1977- monicapilar@msn.com - Tucson, Arizona - 2000.02.27
Memories: I remember great music programs and productions.
Comments: I am married (I kept my maiden name) and have two children. My son is graduating from high school this May. My daughter is a junior in high school. I am a Cardiac R.N. working in the hospital setting. My husband is a Cardiologist. We live in Tucson, Arizona. I don't miss the cold snow days of Levittown. I would like to hear from everyone and anyone. I didn't make to the reunion but I hope all is well from the class of 1977 and all schoolmates.
Lisa Lombardi (now Lisa Alvino) - 1982 - lindalum07@msn.com (bad e-mail 2003.03.27) - Levittown, NY - 2000.02.27 (new e-mail 2001.02.18)
Comments: I'm still living in Levittown . I'm married to Robert Alvino from class of 1984. We have three children and one on the way. Yes I know I'm nuts! I still see some of the girls from our class. Love to hear from anyone who remembers me.
Barbara Dilberger (now Barbara Shulock) - 1965 - thelead@hotmail.com - Bainbridge Island, Wash. - 2000.02.28
Looking for: Lynne Foley (still on west coast?)
Memories: Mostly I remember the intensity and excitement of youth. All the football games and the dances, long afternoons in Mr. Calderone's class. All the people, would love to see you all but those reunions are just never at the right time. Would love to hear from Linda M, Kathy C., Lynne F.
Dennis Kelly - 1973 - denniskelly@cox.net - Irvine, California - 2000.02.28 (new e-mail 2002.12.12)
Looking for: Raymond Mierjeski, Vocational Printing Teacher [found]
Comments: Is there going to be another reunion, class of 1973? (the last one was in 1993)
Bob Mancino / "Monk" - 1969 - rmancino@jps.net - Clearlake, Calif. - 2000.02.28
Memories: Saturday afternoon football games are some of my fondest memories.
The comraderie with the other players, the bragging rights if we won or even just the honor of representing DAHS, win or lose. I believe the years I spent at Division were the formative years of my character. I didn't realize it then but many of my teachers would say that those would be some of the best years and they were right. "The child is the father to the man" as someone once said and those years spent as a child at DAHS have made me a better man.
To all those that I have spent those years with that I may have hurt by cruel things I may have done or said, I apologize. I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me and if you don't it doesn't really matter cause next time I see you... I'M GONNA GIVE IT TO YOU EVEN WORSE AND SEE HOW YOU LIKE IT THIS TIME !!! Love, the Monk
Peggy Armitage (now Peggy Connolly) - 1975 - fpandkids@netzero.net (bad e-mail 2000.03.24) - 2000.02.29
Memories: Our senior ski trip was the best.
Comments: Since I now have kids, thank God the rules have tighened up a bit.
John Plass - 1964 - plass@earthlink.net - Huntington Beach, Calilornia - 2000.03.01
Looking for: Herbie Blades
Barbara Wildes (now Barbara Votke) - 1976 - mamavot@aol.com (bad e-mail 2003.03.27) - Patchogue, NY - 2000.03.01
Looking for: Helen Pogal
Christine Worsthorn - 1973-christine.worsthorn@us.pwcglobal.com - Long Island - 2000.03.01
Comments: Just wanted to update my email and say what a great site this is. I've found and visited friends I haven't seen in years. Thanks again Trina.
George Gibson - 1965 - gibso3@aol.com - Levittown - 2000.03.01
Looking for: anyone
Marjorie Kowalski (now Marjorie Giordano-Hamm) - 1965 - flickers@taconic.net - Hillsdale, NY - 2000.03.02
my webpage: http://www.FlickersBandB.com
Memories: cutting school and getting away with it!
Mr. Levy's classes
Creating a stir in Mrs. Fox's class with my stockings!
Senior prom
Comments: I'm still challenging "the systems"... oh well, someone has to do it !
I have a cute Bed & Breakfast just outside of NYC... on the western Mass. border... come and see me if you're in the area.
My picture is not in yearbook, because I was trying to stand up to the photographer who would not let us have a second sitting, since his screw up was making the deadline fall short... I glued a picture into as many yearbooks as I could... let me know if you want one, if you still have your yearbook, 34 years later!!! Margie
Colleen Ronan - 1996 - skyyseven@aol.com - still on the Island - 2000.03.02
Memories: My favorite division memory is Jeff Miller. What a cutie! The beauty of innocence and ignorance of our lost youth. LAP forever
Marianne Gushue (now Derby) - 1984 - mare2112@aol.com - West Islip, NY - 2000.03.03
Wow... so many memories! Smoking in the girls' room (with no doors!)... Hanging out at the game room at lunch time... Dan Thaler and I convincing Wendy Mock that there was a dead body in an old refrigerator next to Governors... Sneaking past the hall monitors to escape!! Parties at Jimmy Reid's house... Jimmy, Julie, John, Bobby, Mary and others... hanging at the sump with Kelly, Melissa and others... Gee, I notice there are not many school related memories??!! Maybe I should have gone more often!!! Oh well!!
Sabrina Bisson - 1994 - vigbud@aol.com (bad e-mail 2003.03.27) - 2000.03.04
Looking for: (classmate) J. Testuverde. (Was told by my fiancee that we had gone to school together.)
Joyce Estrin (now Joyce Estrin-Mendelzon) - 1973 - jmendelzon@comcast.net - Santa Clarita, California - 2000.03.05 (new e-mail 2003.06.19)
Memories: My favorite years were spent on the stage of D.A.H.S. appearing in the school musicals each year ("Sound of Music, "Oliver," "Mame," and "South Pacific." I played flute and piccolo in the band and orchestra and sang in chorus. Loved Mr. Teichardt, band director. I loved marching in the football games in the fall. Took five years of language (both French and Spanish) with Miss Felicetti (she and I remain close friends since graduation). I had Mrs. Stillwaggon for bio (loved her), Mrs. Jarrett English, remember Mr. Bunton?, some great teachers -- some not so great. Loved being able to walk to the Mays shopping Center during lunch hour. Remember Grants and Woolworths? I walked those hallowed halls about 10 or 11 years ago holding my children's hands and taking them on a tour of the halls and auditorium. It was strange! Anybody remember me?
Dolores Gushue - 1968 - dolores.josiah@nasd.com - Levittown - 2000.03.05 - new e-mail 2003.12.31
Memories: The football games and basketball games. We had championship teams back then. It was great fun.
Barbara Lampione - 1995 - bellasgirl@webtv.net (bad e-mail 2003.03.27) - East Meadow, NY - 2000.03.07
Looking for: The few REAL friends I had in high school
Lisa Byrne (now Lisa Smoot) - 1982 - thesmoots@aol.com - Setauket, NY - 2000.03.07
Memories: Hanging out with friends, helping out with the yearbook, working at McDonald's with lots of other classmates (yikes! cannot believe that we actually had fun working there!)
Comments: After Division, graduated SUNY Albany (went to school with Wendy Neifeld and Doug) with degrees in Psychology and Sociology and then off to Saint John's Law School -- graduated in 1989 and went to work for a very large law firm in Manhattan (hated that)so came back to Long Island and worked for a few small firms where I met a fellow SJU graduate and opened our own practice in Mineola -- which has been doing very well for the last few years and continues to grow. In the interim, met a wonderful man and married him (13 years this past February) and have three beautiful children -- Kayleigh, 8; Dallas, 2 1/2; Tristan, 9 months! Moved out to Setauket and built a house -- every once in a while I run into someone from High School and fondly recall our teenage years! Just recently ran into Mr. Pahl and had a blast talking to him and my daughter at the same time (weird experience!) Just this week had a big case with opposing counsel Avrum Rosen (and over 76 hours of working together, discovered that he was a Division graduate also (ten years before me) and he told me about this site! Hope to hear from some classmates soon!
Dawn Votta (now Dawn Alefeld) - 1985 - nikadu@aol.com - Holtsville, NY - 2000.03.09
My favorite memories of Division Avenue are hanging out with my friends, cheerleading and victory parties (when we won) and school dances.
Comments: I have been happily married for eight years to a great guy whom I met at a friend's bar. We have two beautiful children, Nicole and Michael. Nicole will be three years old this April 2000, and Michael will turn one year this coming June.
We have a beautiful home and a "wacky" golden retriever who we call Brandi.
I enjoy doing things with my family and going on vacation.
I work partime in East Meadow for a medical billing company and have been there for nine years.
Everything is going great.
Skip McCarthy - 1962 - jmccarthy1@indy.rr.com - Marion, Indiana - 2000.03.09 (new e-mail 2001.11.10)
Looking for: Tommy Moriarity Class of 1962
Memories: Dances at the new "Pintail Lane School", being a sophomore in a high school with its first-ever "senior" graduating class. Thursday bus trips to Jones Beach in the summer. Baseball games breaking out almost anyplace in the neighborhood. But more than anything else, growing up in a place where tranquill peace set in, knowing that no matter what, we all looked out for each other. Mr. Levitt had a dream, it was up to us to fulfill it. And based on this web site I believe we have.
Joanne Perrett (now Joanne Rice) - 1974 - prhi@netcom.ca - Toronto, Ont., Canada - 2000.03.10
Looking for: Betsy McConnell, Gina Ferrari, Dale Gardiner, Robert Kolb
Memories: Yearbook editing, art and gym classes, tennis team, ski trip and generally hanging out with the unique class of 1974!
Denise Cass - 1970 - catmanduke@aol.com - Forida - 2000.03.11
Looking for: Terry Clarke, Barbara Scienski, Rita Sherwood, Grace Webb
Jeffrey Byrne - 1979 - drjeffdc@aol.com (bad e-mail 2003.03.27) - Syracuse, NY - 2000.03.11
Memories: One of the top memories has to be our senior ski trip. Others include our poker nights, and of course the good friends we shared those times with.
Robert Grant - 1985 - johnchapt3vers16@aol.com (bad e-mail 2004.10.07) - Bethpage, NY - 2000.03.11 (new e-mail 2002.04.22)
Comments: I would like to wish all of my former classmates well. I have a melancholy feeling when I think of high school days. I was never one of the outgoing characters of Division, but I enjoyed being a part of that wonderful group of people. These days, I am married and have three beautiful children, Melanie (6), Bobby (4) and Jessica (1). I attend Levittown Baptist Church and have embarked on a lifelong journey to learn God's word and become closer to our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Ironically, Danny Walsh's mom attends my church and when Danny lived in Levittown, he too was a member. I was able to see Danny just last sunday, he is married and doing well. I am still great friends with Andy Atkins; he was my best man and I was his. He is a schoolteacher now. I still hang with Brian Parpan, he is married and is a Nassau County cop. Well that's all for now. God Bless you all and good-night -- BG.
Jim Gilroy - 1985 - jeghead11@aol.com - Levittown - 2000.03.12 (new e-mail 2001.08.18)
Memories: Senior Ski Trip. Anybody seen PeeWee? I need some Saran Wrap!!!
Cathy Gavin (now Foy) - 1974-chucktravl@aol.com - Levittown - 2000.03.12
Memories: Hanging out in the Pit.
Kathleen Spallone / Kathy Spallone(now Katie Spallone) - 1974 - kspallone@aol.com - Ithaca, NY - 2000.03.12
Comments: Mike Tolomeo (also class of 1974) and I moved to Ithaca, NY shortly after high school... Got married in 1982 and have been here ever since!
Arlene Gibson - 1961 - agibson@vegasnet.net - Las Vegas, NV - 2000.03.12
Memories: Basketball, Football, and Wrestling - games - Judy Bowen & Johnny Sanzone on Prom Night :)
Robert Hofmann - 1969 - flightis4me@aol.com - Merrick, NY - 2000.03.13 (new e-mail 2000.09.26)
Looking for: Kristin Lennstrom, Tricia Lennstrom, Sheila Pourch, Christine Wyler.
Memories: All the years' chorus. My fondest memories were of those I sang alongside.
Comments: In retrospect attending DAHS helped to make me who I am today and more importantly it taught me the effect one human being has on another by how we treat them. In looking back, DAHS was not the hell I thought it was, only purgatory. Since leaving and reflecting on my life since then I thought I had done a 180 degree turn (until recently). I have discovered I am still evolving. Since leaving high school I have spent most of my time on Long Island, with the exception of 15 hellish months I spent in Fort Lauderdale from 1979 until 1980. I have had many careers including retail, restaurant work and banking (which I thought I was going to retire from). I am now a flight attendant with American Airlines and have been with them for 10 1/2 years. That is what I am doing now. Last year though I decided I wanted to try my hand at acting and am currently studying in Manhattan. No this was not a life-long dream, just something I decided I wanted to try. I will do my first showcase at the school on May 11th and then a second play on July 28th, 29th and 30th. Hopefully with some the right direction and my connections maybe I will start another career. Who knows, but I have decided that I will not let life pass me by and I will not die wondering what if!
Maryann McGuire (now Doyle) - 1974 - skama@juno.com (bad e-mail 2003.03.27) - Levittown, again! - 2000.03.14
Memories: I have lots of fond memories of Division Avenue HS. The most important being the good friends that I met there. I am fortunate to still keep in touch with some. Some other things that come to mind are the many fun times we had back then such as the prom weekend, senior variety show, senior lounge, some of the more colorful teachers (who shall remain anonymous, but you know their names), those ugly yellow gym suits, the plays, and "hanging out".
Comments: A giant reunion sounds great. I know a lot of people asked what happened to me, because I did the other reunions. To be honest, I moved since the last reunion and lost track of all the info. It was a huge undertaking trying to find all of you the first time, and I wasn't up to doing it again. I'm glad to see this site. I'm grateful to all who have made it so wonderful.
Jennifer Angele Sureda (now Francaviglia) - 1988 - angele777@msn.com - Aquebogue, NY (Eastern LI, North Fork) - 2000.03.15
Looking for: Sandy (forgot last name, math class 12th grade Ianni), K.C. O'neill (Ozzy, one of my bodyguards), Kathleen Sullivan (my other bodyguard), Dominick Digiacomo (where r u?),
Memories: Bible study in Biology class - thanks Mr. Festante! Mr Zoia, a kind man.
Mrs. Wieczerzak (English) Thank you for being a true teacher and not being swayed by my charms.
Mr. Pallace thanks for Thomas Merton and encouraging my poetry writing. Mr. Nolan for taking a chance with me by letting me into your class last minute. Mrs. Collins for making my mother's day, she still has your note in her diary! And Mr Ianni who put up with me two years in a row with all of my yapping!
I hope I didn't forget anyone. As for the students there are many I remember and some I can't seem to. But I am glad my final move was to Levittown. I have been to many different schools. from Brooklyn to Queens to Long Island - I have lived everywhere. But Levittown was definitely my favorite place! Thank you Maria for finding me after all these years - I had a great time at your wedding! God Bless you ALL! I hope He sends His love and Peace to you and His Angels to protect you! yes, still preaching after all these years! Took a sabbatical unfortunately for 3-4yrs away from HIM, I'm Sorry for that, but I'm back where I belong, so send your prayer requests and questions! Bible Study is back in session! love, jenny
Darrell Grant - 1990 - dgrant@vistarms.com (bad e-mail 2003.03.27) - Northern VA - 2000.03.15 (new e-mail 2000.07.27)
Comments: I got married 6 years ago and have 2 kids (Ashley 5, Chloe 1)
I moved to Northern VA in 95 to work for a SW consulting firm. Looking forward to the reunion. (Anyone know when and where??)
Peter Muller - 1971 - petertopshelf@aol.com (bad e-mail 2004.10.07) - South Huntington, NY 11746 - 2000.03.15
Memories: Graduation
Lynn Kelly (now Lynn Muller) - 1971 - lymn23@aol.com - South Huntington - 2000.03.15
Memories: Going to Lum's to hang out with friends.
Slumber parties with the girls.
Senior Variety Show.
Victor Troia - 1973 - vic_troia@yahoo.com - Tampa, FL - 2000.03.16
Memories: All of my memories from DAHS were great, especially Senior year.
I met a great many friends and really had a lot of fun that year.
Comments: Married Stephanie Sherbiak (Syosset HS). Some of you may have met her at the last reunion. Living in Tampa FL since 1996. 2 grown children.
We look forward to hearing from classmates.
This is really a great website, Trina. We had a lot of fun reading the comments in the yearbooks.
Tony Rubin - 1972 - recordingangels@hotmail.com - NYC - 2000.03.16
Looking for: anyone I don't still see all the time
Memories: well it was kind of a a really fun, weird blur.
Mark Rotker - 1968 - pencethepainter@worldnet.att.net - Lake Worth, Florida - 2000.03.18
Comments: Just wanted to wish a happy birthday to the class of 1968 as we all turn the big 5-0 this year... hard to believe... "If I knew I was going to live this long, I would have taken better care of myself" -Mickey Mantle and the class of 1968... best to all, keep the faith... Mark
Peggy Ellen Herman (now Peggy Ellen Rubin) - 1972 - recordingangels@hotmail.com - NYC - 2000.03.18
Memories: Art club.
Marty Dulfon - 1975 - mdulfon@yahoo.com - Saint George, Utah - 2000.03.22
Memories: Hanging out at the North Green playing handball and stickball.
Levittown what a great place to have grown up. I miss everything from back then. It was great.
Bruce Florio - 1989 - bflorio@unch.unc.edu (bad e-mail 2003.03.27) - Chapel Hill, North Carolina - 2000.03.22
Looking for: The Pretino Brothers, and anyone else that knew me way back then.
Memories: Division Avenue Deli, Wrestling, and just being part of the whole DAHS experience, oh and who could forget the parties
Comments: Well it's been 10+ years since graduation and the class of 1989 had their reunion which was a lot of fun. It was great to see everybody. I am now living in North Carolina and working for UNC Hospitals with the Airmedical program as a Flight Paramedic. I hope that everybody from the class of 1989 is doing well and I hope to hear from them soon.
Margaret Dilberger (now Margaret "Maggie" McDonough) - 1975 (but I know more people from 1976) - jetfan1958@aol.com (bad e-mail 2003.03.27) - Upstate - 2000.03.23
Memories: Our great musical productions! I've been to a lot of high-school musicals since then, and I believe ours were in a class by themselves.
Comments: Is anyone still living in or near Levittown? I'm married with two teenagers: 14 yr. old son and 17 yr. old daughter. Also, one dog, black schipperke mix named Spartacus.
Paul Garille - 1978 - torjager@concentric.net (bad e-mail 2003.03.27) - Sands Point, NY - 2000.03.24
my webpage: http://www.garille.com
Looking for: Would like to hear from some old friends that may remember me, especially from hockey.
Memories: Mr. Danhieux - one of the best teachers I ever had, what happened to him?
Comments: Was really in class of 1979, but graduated a year early...
Roger Patricio - 1985 (almost - I moved in 1983) - rp242t@aol.com - Fort Myers, Florida - 2000.03.25
Looking for: Old Friends who remember me
Memories: Well, all memories were pretty good. The fondest were the musical productions and all Band and Orchestra Activities. I would like to hear from all old friends that I knew while I was there in Levittown. I moved in 1983 to Florida. I spent a few years in the Air Force before settling in Fort Myers Florida, as a Volvo Certified Technician. Hope to hear from old friends as time permits.
Daniel McIntosh - 1984 - dano11727@aol.com (bad e-mail 2004.10.07) - Coram, NY - 2000.03.26 (new e-mail 2000.07.02)
Memories: My 12th grade English class with Mr. Zacker.
My two years of Printing class with Mr Cooper
Comments: I was mostly a quiet person in high school.
Don't know if anyone would remember me.
After high school I went on to a two year college for printing.
Past three years been working for my friend from college John Kern.
I finally moved away from Levittown two years ago when I married my Wife Laura.
We have been renting an apartment and are in the process of buying a home here on Long Island.
Hope to hear from someone...
Ram Mohan - 2003 - vroom1111@aol.com [blocks senders 2000.03.29] - 2000.03.28
Looking for: top best student who are graduated in the year 2003
Memories: Great activities like Spirit Week, dances, sport games, Basketball game between Division and Wisdom, weight lifting, Mathletes, field trips, decorating for dances, etc.
Comments: Division Avenue High School teachers should give rewards to those students who DON'T SMOKE, don't take drugs, get good grades, or do good things to students who made honor roll or made high honors. We should have a dance each month.
Martin Librett - 1973 - librettlubey@cs.com - New York, NY - 2000.03.27
Memories: My favorite memory is noticing a girl named Pat Lubey in 11th grade English class who some 16 or so years later became my wife. We now live on the upper west side of Manhattan with our twin 3 1/2 year old daughters. Their backyard is Central Park and their rainy day hangout is the Museum of Natural History.
I also have fond memories of some good teachers; Dr. Levy, Mr. Sobanski, Mr. Miller, Mr. Segal and some others that tried hard.
My senior year was the first year of the Integrated Studies program. As part of the program we ran a mock election. I think it was the only place other than Massachusetts that George McGovern won. Unfortunately we had not yet submitted our application for statehood.
I also remember Larry Campbell winning the big race. Larry was too modest to add that all the girls laughed at his jokes at the party afterwards.
Randall S. Gordon - 1971 -ezra@totcon.com - Central Florida - 2000.03.28
Memories: I had a lot of fun with the Folk Club, and in Mr. Bunten's classroom. Does anyone remember the Racial Attitude Survey?
Gerri Silver (now Gerri Habib) - 1972 - shabib@spec.net - Levittown, NY - 2000.03.28
Memories: Mr. Lewis's science class. Hangin' out with friends Beverly, Maxine, Jan & Audrey. Cutting out for lunch and going to Grants and Bicks.
WORST Memory: Jump-rope routines in Miss Garlick's Gym class.
Sean Sullivan - 1999 - ss926@bard.edu - 2000.03.29
Memories: Strange and crazy times, however short for me, in that I had to leave after a year, oh well...
Emily Estow (now Emily Carroll) - 1960 - ecarroll@nmh.org or bobem2@21stcentury.net - Chicago - 2000.03.30
Comments: I love this website. It's transported me back in time, and our family was an early "settler" of Levittown, moving out from the Bronx when I was in 4th grade (1951). It was the best thing that ever happened to me, learning to ride a bicycle, play in grass, see dogs, go to the pool, meet my friends. I wasn't meant to stay in NY, since I looked for a job in Manhattan after college but never found one. Now I love Chicago and love to visit NY. My memories include the great outdoors, the playgrounds, the friends in high school, the Elvis Presley Fan Club vs. the Delta Gamma Phi Sorority, and the teachers, especially Mr. Fricke, Mr. Kalinowski, Mrs. Rowe, Mrs. Drumm, Mr. Chapman, Mr. Simes, many others, and especially Mr. James R. Reilly, my principal. Also Mr. Kiefer, Mrs. Eleanor Brownell, Mr. Gallo my 4th grade teacher, and all the rest. Really, all great influences on my life. Thanks.
Rich Behrens - 1966 - rbehren@sandia.gov - Fremont, CA - 2000.03.30
Looking for: Ron Tugender
Memories: Great times, good friends, and excellent teachers.
Lilette S. Levy (now Lilette S. Bagwin-Fogel) - 1960 - liletteb@aol.com (bad e-mail 2004.10.07) - Denver, CO - 2000.03.30 (updated 2001.04.05)
Memories: I remember acting in the plays and staying after school every day to watch the boys play baseball. I used to participate in all the sports - volleyball, softball, tennis, basketball. I loved going into the lunch room and seeing all my friends. I even had Pete Cybrewski's picture up on my wall. I went shopping every weekend with Louise Nicolosi and used to hang out a lot with the girls in my sorority. (Delta Gamma Phi). I loved dancing the Lindy and listening to Night Train every night.
Linda Appel (now Romano) -1974 - spanky1956@aol.com - East Meadow - 2000.03.30
Looking for: All old friends!
Memories: Just hanging out on the front lawn smoking, trying to sneak "out" for lunch because we weren't allowed, Mrs. Miranda's Spanish Class, Mr. Danube Biology Class. Remember when we weren't allowed to wear pants to school??
Michele LeBright (now Michele Roberts) - 1971 - shele.ash2611@juno.com (bad e-mail 2004.05.15) - Deltona, FL - 2000.03.31
Looking for: Robin Daskin [found]
Bob Gushue - 1970 - gushue@ix.netcom.com (bad e-mail 2001.04.05) - Hauppauge, NY - 2000.03.31
Memories: friends, Mr. Aiello, sports and just hangin' out at the North Village Green and the Community Church
Mark Blodgett - 1973 - mark.blodgett@med.va.gov - Illinois - 2000.03.31
Looking for: Tommy Lucas, Patty Swensen, Julie Ann Simmons
( \/ \/ \/ Continue to newer entries below: DAHS Memories Archive 5\/ \/ \/ )