( /\ /\ /\ Continue to older entries above: DAHS Memories Archive 1 /\ /\ /\ )
Warren Zaretsky - 1960 - oliveeye@aol.com - Scottsdale, Arizona - 1999.01.05
Favorite DAHS memories: Smoking dope, orgies under the bleachers, Kwanza celebrations, cross-dressing.
Comments: Gee... 38 years. And it seems like a mere 38 years since I left. Not much has happened in such a short span; but then, they were only letting me out every other weekend for most of that time. I'm really much better now and don't mind registering wherever I move... or on this list either.
Frank Barning - 1960 (groan) - fbarning@yahoo.com - At my computer - 1999.01.08
Favorite DAHS memories: Blowing up Chem Lab
Comments: To Warren... the Levittown charter made it illegal to celebrate Kwanza. We were a lily white ghetto. But you were the leader of the pack, long fabled in song by Ellie Greenwich from Levittown Memorial. Where have you gone, Carl Furillo?
Charles Winterhalter - 1976- Westbury, Long Island - 1999.01.09
Favorite DAHS memories: "hanging out"
Comments: hi there everyone!!! just want to log on and hope to keep in touch with alumni from Levittown...
Joe Boneillo - 1973 - joebones43@aol.com - Smithtown, NY - 1999.01.11
Favorite DAHS memories: Friends and Sports
Bill Craven - 1963 - rvwhc20@aol.com - Fort Wayne, Indiana - 1999.01.16
Favorite DAHS memories: lots of good memories
Comments: Looks like a interesting place, meet up with some old friends.
Andrea Racz-Peligri - 1989-paul17@attglobal.net (bad e-mail 2003.03.27) - Stony Point, NY - 1999.01.16 (e-mail change 2001.03)
Comments: This site is great. I have been searching for a home page for Division for a while. Looking forward to my class reunion some time this year. Would love to hear from classmates.
Elise Cole (now Bannon) - 1973-ejb55@aol.com - Bedford, Texas - 1999.01.19
Favorite DAHS memories: Friday nights at the stands
Chrissy Ruane - 1993 - ruane6595@aol.com (bad e-mail 2004.10.07) - Levittown - 1999.01.23
Favorite DAHS memories: Mr. Omara's Economics Class
Comments: I was a new senior when I started Division, but that year turned out to be the best year I had in high school. I wish I'd had more time to spend there. :-)
Karl Ebe Kloetzer - 1962 - karlncal@bigvalley.net - Auburn, California - 1999.01.31 - Rocklin, California - 2002.04.13
Favorite DAHS memories: Art class
Comments: I would like to know when class reunions are or if there is a newsletter.
Walter (Wally) Linder - 1961-xwal@aol.com - Buffalo Grove, IL - 1999.02.02
Favorite DAHS memories: Playing Soccer, and girls
Comments: I picked up a few names --Thank You
Tom Zeiser - 1975 - tfzcat@juno.com - Saint Charles, IL - 1999.02.06
Favorite DAHS memories: All those great parties we had! The fun times in Chorus and that movie we made in Mrs. Connoly's Theatre Arts class!
Comments: I was hoping someone would do this! Since I'm out in Illinois this is a great way to get in touch with friends!
John Zeiser - 1977 - jzeiser@optonline.net - Levittown - 1999.02.06 (new e-mail 2000.09.06)
Favorite DAHS memories: Picking on Trina before chorus concerts
Artie Tangel - 1974 - atangel@aol.com - Vero Beach, Fl. - 1999.02.07
Favorite DAHS memories: Mr. O'Brien's English Class
Comments: I did not get involved in many things in high school but I do miss it. It is true what they say "You don't know what you are missing till it is gone". I sure would like to hear from anyone from DAHS.
Favorite DAHS memories: Can't say, have not been convicted yet.
Comments: please inform me of possible 25-year reunion. I would love to here from anyone from 1974 class.
Ron Schechter - 1968 - schecro@erols.com (bad e-mail 2003.03.27) - Washington, D.C. - 1999.02.08
Favorite DAHS memories: Graduating
Comments: It looks like the Class of 1968 let its 30th Reunion pass without a party. Too bad. We missed our 10th, but did our 20th and 25th. Nice job on the site. I learned about it from a friend who graduated from Levittown Memorial.
Brian Muller - 1981 - mullerbj@aol.com - Great Falls, Montana - 1999.02.09 (new e-mail 1999.09.03)
Favorite DAHS memories: All the plays we did
Comments: I stumbled onto your page by accident. But I'm glad I did!! I would love to hear from others.
Frank Barning - 1960 - fbarning@yahoo.com - San Diego - 1999.02.16
Favorite DAHS memories: Learning to drink
Comments: There was a great loss today in the entertainment world. The man who wrote the song "Hokey Pokey" died. What was really sad is that they had trouble keeping the body in the casket. They'd put his left leg in... well, you know the rest.
Ann Crescenzo (now Fazzino) - 1961 - joeann@flash.net - San Antonio, Texas - 1999.02.16
Favorite DAHS memories: Attending all the sports events, the Senior Prom, the pajama parties and the nightly summer parties, and taking in the sun at Levittown's Azalea pool, and stopping off each day at the North Village Green.
Comments: It's been nearly forty years since I walked through the halls of DAHS. I have such warm memories of Division. I can still remember the close camaraderie that we all shared. I would love to attend 1960's & 1961's fortieth class reunion and receive E-Mail from former classmates.
Giorgio Mutino - 1986 - gmoney310@aol.com - Still in Levittown - 1999.02.17
Favorite DAHS memories: getting suspended
Comments: Great Web Page. The last class of the great Memorial High School transfer. The most things I have fond memories of is going to the principal's office, and checking out the girls in the hallway. Still hang with a lot of the guys from school, Steve Weber, Rich Hipp, Gerard Desmond, Hughie O'haire, Tommy 'chowder' Purcell. Tommy (now Captain of Engine #3 and myself are Levittown Volunteer Firemen. Hope to hear from some people from that class.
John Baranello - 1975 - jbaranello@aol.com - Meridian, Mississippi - 1999.02.22
[Brunswick, Maine (update 2000.11.14)]
Favorite DAHS memories: 6 years of fun
Comments: would like to find out some information on the last reunion. I am in the navy (submarines) and was on deployment when it happened. would like to get in touch with old classmates.
Steven Ever - 1987 - kaspar11@webtv.net - Ocala, Florida - 1999.02.25
Favorite DAHS memories: Meeting the love of my life, Denise Shalaew, who I am now married to. I can't forget my entire senior year and all my friends. It was one of the best years of my life!
Comments: Even though I moved to Florida, Levittown will always be my HOME! I wish I could, for just one day, walk the halls as a student all over again. Division Avenue, I'll never forget you!!!
Frank Barning - 1960 - fbarning@yahoo.com - San Diego - 1999.03.02
Favorite DAHS memories: Lunch
Comments: Just back from Hawaii where I spent some time in Honolulu with Bill Astman, class of 1962. If anyone would like a copy of the class of 1960 mailing list, let me know. We are up to about 40 addresses. Any help finding people from first graduating class would be appreciated.
Sheila McAndrews - 1979 - pierban@aol.com - Wakefield, RI - 1999.03.08 (new e-mail 2002.10.27)
Favorite DAHS memories: getting kidnapped to McArthur every day at lunch & convincing Dr. Strasser I was really there, he just didn't see me.
Susan Padgett - 1962 - sumi@aol.com or sumi1@ix.netcom.com (bad e-mail 2003.03.27) - Bellmore, NY - 1999.03.10
Comments: Hooray for the Internet!!! Who needs AT&T... we can reach out and touch someone this way!! Would love to hear from ALL who remember me.
Jane Debbins (now Jane Stein) - 1967 - jhs49@comcast.net - Pacifica, CA - 1999.03.14 (new e-mail 2004.04.05)
Looking for: I'm trying to track down Roslyn Morrill. We graduated in 1967. She used to live on Kingfisher Rd. and has two sisters, Susan Morrill and Melinda Morrill. Anyway, my search for Roslyn stops in San Francisco which is her last known residence. (I live in Pacifica which is seven miles south of SF.) If anyone knows where Roslyn or her sisters are located, I would sincerely appreciate hearing from them. Additionally does anyone know where Sherryl Cantor is? Thanks for your help.
Favorite DAHS memories: Smoking in the girls' room.
Maria DiGiovanni Mollica - 1960-al7ofus@aol.com - Florida - 1999.03.16
Favorite DAHS memories: It was an experience
Comments: My H.S. ring was the ring photographed for the PERSPECTUM Year Book
Marlene Munnelly - 1981 - mm14la@aol.com - 1999.03.16
Comments: E-mail me with your current address, phone and e-mail address. We are starting to plan the 20th Reunion (I know, it's two years away, but time flies!). I'd love to hear from any members of the class of 1981.
Brian Jensen - 1980 - shadow37@ix.netcom.com (bad e-mail 2000.04.14) - moved back to Levittown - 1999.03.16
Favorite DAHS memories: Making up 180 gym classes before being allowed to graduate. Buying cigarettes from Sid for 80 cents a pack.
Comments: I moved back to Levittown recently. I forgot what a great town this really is, but now I live on the "other" side of the Turnpike. Great web site. Thanks Trina for doing it. I remember seeing you in the school plays when I was in the 7th grade.
Allan Kilfoyle - 1977 - runnerclub@aol.com (bad e-mail 2007.09.07) - Long Beach, NY - 1999.03.18
Favorite DAHS memories: Too many
Comments: Glad to see we have a page, I'm in favor of the reunion idea.
Ron Podolsky - 1964 - rpodol5678@aol.com - Levittown, NY - 1999.03.19
Favorite DAHS memories: Playing in R&R band
Comments: I married Janice Bearman (class of 1965). She, Dorothy Creden and Barbara Webster are planning a reunion for the class of 1965 and I'm helping out. All graduates from around 1965 are welcome. I am gathering names, addresses etc. Any help you can give would be appreciated. Phone no. 516 796-0523. Thanks. Ron.
Jennifer Goodman (now Jennifer Blustein) - 1990 - jbunky_2000@yahoo.com - Denver, Colorado - 1999.03.20 (new e-mail 2000.09.14)
Favorite DAHS memories: senior talent show
Comments: I just found out about the site. Hope everyone is doing great. See you at the reunion!
Lisa R. Fischer - 1988 - lcleary@earthlink.net - Orlando, Florida - 1999.03.20
My URL:http://home.earthlink.net/~lcleary
Favorite DAHS memories: too many to list!
Comments: I heard about this site from my friend Andrea Judson - what a great idea!!! I will spread the word to the people I still keep in touch with. Thanks for including me.
John "Woogy" Wohlgemuth - ~1980-striker210@aol.com - Pine Bush, NY - 1999.03.21
Favorite DAHS memories: Playing handball by the portable classrooms
Gil Citrin - 1967 - dart49@aol.com - East Meadow, NY - 1999.03.21
Favorite DAHS memories: Being with Great Friends
Kyle Sabo - 1998 - ksabo1@pride.hofstra.edu - Hofstra! (GO DUTCHMEN!) - 1999.03.22 (new e-mail 2000.11.16)
Favorite DAHS memories: Spirit Week - did anybody know that next year is going to be Spirit Week's 20th Anniversary?
Leslie L. Wallace - 1967 -lolasmom@earthlink.net - Staten Island, NY - 1999.03.22
Favorite DAHS memories: Donkey Basketball
Comments: Loved visiting this site. I was truly happy to find some of my old friends' names and e-mail addresses. Now I don't have to wonder what happened to everyone. Hope to hear from some former classmates.
Nancy Kuhn (now Nancy Coughlin) - 1967 - nkcough@aol.com - Hawthorne, NY - 1999.03.22 (new e-mail 1999.10.24)
Favorite DAHS memories: Pretending to be a cheerleader when I really wanted to be playing football, Fiesta, and making fun of Gil.
Comments: A huge reunion sounds great. This web page will renew a lot of friendships and bring back a lot of memories. Thank you Trina.
Meg Bosworth Henschel - 1971-megsunny@aol.com (blocks senders 2001.04.05) - Commack, NY - 1999.03.27
Favorite DAHS memories: driving Mr. Aiello crazy
Comments: A reunion sounds great. I hope life at 45 is doing justice to everyone.
Deborah Robertson - 1971- dolwick@mindspring.com (bad e-mail 2003.03.27) - Florida - 1999.04.02 (new e-mail 1999.06.11)
Favorite DAHS memories: Senior Year, driving up and down Division Ave. with streamers on my car.
Comments: I would love to hear from anyone from our class.
Len Farello - 1990 - perry27@webtv.net - San Diego, CA - 1999.04.05
Favorite DAHS memories: The wonderful people.
Comments: I just recently moved to California after spending six years in Brockport, NY (a suburb of Rochester). Found this page, think its great!. Can hardly wait to come back for the reunion!!
Bobby Austin - 1974-baov111@aol.com - Hicksville - 1999.04.06
Favorite DAHS memories: THE STANDS and Cast PARTIES
Comments: Just want to say that this is a great idea!!!
Martha Traystman (now Marti Welch) - 1960 - mtwlc@bellsouth.net - Frankfort, KY - 1999.04.06 (new e-mail 2001.11.30)
Favorite DAHS memories: Mr. C. and the building of the first Dragon
Cliff Fromm - 1960 - capitalleasing@msn.com - New City, NY - 1999.04.07 (new e-mail 2001.05.01)
Favorite DAHS memories: Mr. Flynn's English
Comments: I moved to Levittown in 1949 from Brooklyn. It seemed that everyone knew everyone else and the camaraderie was terrific. Third grade in the 3-room schoolhouse across from where MacArthur is now was like going to school at the turn of the century. Many people from that class graduated with me from DAHS in 1960.
Kathy Doughty Zimmerman - 1978-mrs981@aol.com - Nesconset, NY - 1999.05.03
I've been married 18 years and have 3 great kids. Every once in a while I take a ride through the old neighborhood (Piper Lane). Things have changed and they have stayed the same. Thanks for the memories.
Jay Hallett - 1974 - strumminjay@aol.com - Huntington, L.I. - 1999.05.04 (update 2004.02.01)
website: http://www.imsquared.com/v.cfm?local=3manrush
Hi -- First off, I really like your website... I signed it long ago and have told many friends and my brothers (all 3 DAHS grads) about it...
Alan & I play guitar around the Island and are both DAHS grads -- I'm from 1974 and he (Alan Koch) was in your class (1975). He now lives in Bethpage, I in Huntington.
Anyway... I looked at the calendar and realized it's the 25th anniversary of my graduating class. After I stopped sobbing, I wondered if you'd heard anything about a reunion...?
Carolyn Kudrena (now Carolyn Johnson) - 1976 - cpjbj1@email.msn.com - Levittown - 1999.05.10 (new e-mail 2001.03.13)
My favorite memories are about my best friends: Valerie, Debe, Clare, June Jeri, Cathy B., Cathy W., Karen, Phyllis and all the guys from Memorial that we hung out with: Jimmy, Brian, Keith, Joey, Nicky. I also have the most fond memories of YPF and CCD. I would love to hear from anyone from the old days.
This website is wonderful. I hope we can have that big reunion in 2001. Thanks for everything. peace, Carolyn
Bob Grant - 1973 - ragrant@usa.net - Cooper City, Florida - 1999.06.17
- Cooper City, Florida (suburb of Fort Lauderdale-Miami) since 1979
Favorite DAHS memories: Mame, Oliver, South Pacific; Shelly Steinberg; Tom Cestaro; Gene Aiello; Shirley Novak; Bart Ferrara; Dick Erbacher; growing up with Ted Moskowitz, Debbie Stetcher, Kenny Carr & Steve Carol; the West Village Green & pool.
Comments: What a great place to grow up! If we knew then what we know now... There is an book entitled: "The History of Levittown, NY" by Lynne Matarrese -- with some incredible pictures and historical info on Levittown. It's a shame we spent so much time on the "Great Tree and the Long House" and neglected some more recent history in our own hometown. Trina, thanks so much for marshalling this effort. It seems like just yesterday that we were all in the music department rehearsing for some show or another. If you get to South Florida, please let me know. Best regards, Bob Grant
Stephen Zwerling - 1960 - deptydog@aol.com - 1999.06.18
Sara Ann Seigler graduated in 1962 or 1963. Does anybody know her, if she is married, and where she is living now?
Leigh-Anne Hetzel - 1998 -angel8295@yahoo.com (bad e-mail 2003.03.27) - 1999.06.28 (new e-mail 1999.08.16)
My favorite memory of High school was Spirit Week. It was the one time of the year when we go to participate and show off our school spirit! Division is also where I met my boyfriend of 4 years!
The one person that really influenced me to work hard and helped me to figure out what to do with my life was my 11th and 12th grade social studies teacher, Mr. T. Winch.
This website was in transition and experienced some downtime.
No new sign-ups went in from 1999.06.29 through 1999.08.07 .
The yearbook signing page was down from 1999.04.07 until 1999.08.05 .
E-mails sent in from 1999.03.06 until 1999.05.04 seem to have been lost.
Sorry for this. Hope you find us again, whoever was affected.
Welcome to The RIFT #1
Ron Turner - 1960 - blackcat@gwi.net (bad e-mail 2003.03.27) - Rochester, New Hampshire - 1999.08.08
Favorite memories of Levittown & DAHS:
Summers at the swimming pool.
Typing class (I was one of two guys)
Taking the Regents exams
All the great people there
Matt Inger - 1992 - mattinger@mindless.com - Conshohocken, Pennsylvania - 1999.08.10
my webpage: http://matt.inger.us
Favorite memories:
1. Getting out of there.
2. The "Mud" game against Lynbrook High in 1990-1991
3. Lots of stuff I don't remember all too well.
Comments: I graduated from Drexel University in 1997 from a 5-year CO-OP program. Currently, I'm working at Lockheed Martin in Valley Forge, PA. I am 4 classes away from completing my Master's Degree in computer science from the University of Pennsylvania.
Bonnie Benson (now Bonnie Brennan) - 1973 - Levittown - bbrennan21@aol.com - 1999.08.10
I still live in Levittown, but in the Island Trees School District (Special Education Teacher)
Memories: Lockers never working, Ugly Gym suits, Football games, school plays, the auditorium, the cafeteria and the senior lounge, my math teacher Mr. Sciacca, Miss Watson our advisor and our car washes, the post prom (Las Vegas night).
Barbara Benson (now Barbara DeNoto) - 1964 - blodycoach@aol.com - Mount Sinai, NY - 1999.08.11
Favorite memories: the football games, cheerleading, meeting under the bleachers, chalk fight in chem lab
This is a great page, my younger sister really found it. I'd love to hear from anyone in 1964. A big blast sounds great, our 20th was a lot of fun.
Remember -- Cheers, Cheers for Division High, you bring the whisky I'll bring the rye, send those freshman out for gin and don't let a sober sophomore in, etc.
Victor Siclari - 1979 - Pittsburgh, PA - 1999.08.12
Favorite Memories: Great friendships; Senior Ski trip (toga!, toga!) and all other ski trips; band (stage, marching, jazz with Ernie Teichert); orchestra (show and stage); trips to Chinatown after the bar scene; post-prom trip to Great Adventure and dragging muffler; practical jokes (by others) on teachers (felt sorry for the subs); graduation day and opportunity to excel scholastically. Many others too numerous to mention.
Comments: Enjoying life and career with wife and two children in Pittsburgh. Looking forward to reunion to see what everyone else has been up to for past 20 years.
Look me up at http://www.reedsmith.com/ourattorneys/viewAttorney.cfm?itemid=5833
Thomas Cestaro - English teacher 1965-2000 - tac6930@aol.com - 1999.08.12
I am still teaching at Division; this will be my last year (1999-2000). I have thoroughly enjoyed my career and look forward to retirement. I am now a grandpa so I will have many things to do with my little granddaughter, Juliana. Her mom (my daughter Donna) is teaching at Abbey Lane (4th grade), so the Cestaro legend will live on. I would love to hear from former students.
Re All-class reunion: I would love to see this happen; I think it would be a great party to include an all-class reunion.
Mr. Goelz and I once ran a 5-year reunion party and it was a great success. Please try to organize this.
James Day / Jimmy Day - 1978- Kingston, Tennessee - 1999.08.12
red70442@bellsouth.net - Ten Mile, Tennessee - 1999.08.12 (update 2002.02.07)
my webpage: http://www.geocities.com/ohyessssssssss
Big reunion sounds good. Miss the turnpike.
Jeanann Cramer (now Jeanann Maniaci) - 1984 - maniacint@aol.com 1999.08.06
Would love to here from people from 1984 who knew me. When I got married I left Levittown for 7 yrs. Married in Oct 1, 1988. I lived in Hicksville from 1988 to 1995. I have three kids Edward 14, Danielle 5, and little Stevie 18 months.
Joel Bearman - 1973 Levittown (Island Trees) - jbear359@aol.com 1999.08.12
Married Pat Young DAHS 1971, have 2 girls ages 13 & 10. Best memory: Senior year.
Louie Vagnuolo - 1982 - landlv@bellsouth.com (bad e-mail 2000.04.14) - Davie, Florida - 1999.08.13
My favorite memory is just all my friends (you know who you are) and all the great times we had and all our accomplishments from hanging out on the stands drinking to winning the Rutgers cup. (Oh and don't forget the Hamptons house, thanks for letting me be a part of that.) I am very happy knowing that just about all my friends are doing very well and at least the ones who are not are healthy. So once again I must say "here is to all the young dudes." I miss all of you guys and our time together. Thanks for a great childhood!
Comments: I know I am going to take a beating for all that favorite memory stuff but it is worth it!
Joy Harding - 1966 - joycee0220@aol.com - Tampa Florida since 1977 - 1999.08.21
Favorite DAHS Memories: Football and Basketball games. My best friend, Nancy Thomas (Russo), Class of 1967, was a cheerleader. Mr. Mezzapesa's English classes. Mrs. Kavanaugh's Shorthand classes. Hanging out at the Azalea Pool across from my house. My Mom and my sister Kathie (class of 1979) and her family still live there.
Comments: Went to our 25th in 1991; only 46 people from our class showed up. Have been keeping in touch with some of you online. Have worked at MetLife for 33 years now, since graduation. Have a 20-year-old, Tim Crosby, who is studying to be a fireman... Keep in touch... Come visit Florida and Disney, and call me...
Dave Foy - 1974 - docdads@aol.com - Still in Levittown !! - 1999.08.27
Favorite Memories: "The Pit" & Hanging at the bowling alley with DAHS grads from classes 1968-1976.
Comments: Married, 3 daughters. Haven't been to any of the reunions but plan on going next time.
Kathy Savold - 1981 - kmeyer4@cox.net - Fairfax, VA - 1999.08.27 (new e-mail 2002.11.25)
4106 Middle Ridge Dr. Fairfax, VA 22033. I would like to know where my kickline teammates disappeared to. Alison Fisher, Arlene Hawes, Stacey D'Errico, Diana Turkovich and anyone else from a different year who was on the team. Am also looking for Lauren Carroll and Barbara Nizich. If anyone out there remembers me (for better or worse) get in touch. I'd love to hear from you.
Denine Bongiardino (now Denine Ramsey) - 1984 - Las Vegas, Nevada - bendy66@aol.com (bad e-mail 2003.03.27) (new e-mail 1999.08.27)
Favorite DAHS memories: All the stuff we used to do in the music department. Anybody from the class of 1984, I would love to hear from you.
Stacey Metz-Ceragioli - 1985-bq13166061@aol.com - Sherman Oaks, CA - 1999.08.27 (new e-mail 2000.01.15)
Valencia, CA (update 2000.07.18)
I moved away from Levittown in 1987 and really haven't been back since. I hope others will sign the yearbook. I always wonder what happened to my neighbor across the street, etc.
Ellen Browne - 1980 - ellenbrowne@aol.com (bad e-mail 2003.03.27) - Albany, NY - 1999.08.29 (new e-mail 1999.11.21)
Favorite DAHS memory: "Freebird" played over and over at the Junior Prom. Hi especially to Steve DeCaro, Ellen Lasker & Scott Bishop, Debbie Ernst, Mary Spano, Danny Wall, and my brother and sisters.
Isabella Lore (now Isabella McClancy) - 1990 - mios99@aol.com (bad e-mail 2003.03.27) - 1999.08.30
Hi everyone! I married Rick McClancy of Seaford, class of 1990 on June 29, 1997. We live in Seaford with our new son Richard III, who was born May 19, 1999. Currently I am a Music Teacher (chorus and general music) at Northside School in Levittown. I am looking forward to seeing my class at our 10th reunion. Keep in touch.
Bob Graham - English, Chairman, Assistant Principal and Principal, 1956-1986 - ideal@optonline.net - 1999.08.31 (new e-mail 2001.12.17)
I was thrilled to come upon this web page after serving with great joy for 30 years at Division. I've been to a number of reunions but think it is a great idea to have one huge one at Eisenhower Park.
After leaving Division, I was at Central Office for three years, but that was a drag compared to the fun and the great people at DAHS. I am now retired after a sales career of selling software to schools. My wife and I have two wonderful grandchildren who we see often as well as two Division graduates who live in our development. Both are teachers. If you get a chance, drop me an e-mail.
Bob Fincke - 1974 - fincke3@home.com- Cranford, NJ - 1999.08.31 (new e-mail 2001.04.18)
Currently residing in Cranford, NJ with my wife & 2 daughters.
Memorable Moments: Day-long ice hockey games in the Division Avenue sump, "The Streak" by a fellow student who I cannot name, Mr. Gross's geometry class, Steve Page coming to Mr. Nolan's 8th period English class with his bowling shoes on (forgot to return them for his shoes at the alley). And a lifetime of memories from an unforgetable place. Thanks DAHS & class of 1974.
Marilyn Orlick (now Marilyn Mathews) - 1969 - flannel2@home.com- Poulsbo, WA - 1999.08.31 (new e-mail 1999.12.05)
Looking for: Betsy Curfman
Memories: My favorite memory had to be our senior trip to Bear Mountain. Having never been on skis before, but wanting to ride the chair lift onto the mountain, I proceeded, not having a clue HOW I'd get down... I skied down, yes, standing... Towards the bottom I spotted Mr. Amen... "Mr. Amen, Mr. Amen, how do you stop these things?" The gallant and wonderful Mr. Amen stood directly in front of me... That's HOW I stopped!!! The pool at the Green was a lifesaver for the summers, spent a lot of time in the Levittown Skating Rink and the outdoor rink at Jones Beach was the best... Levittown was a GREAT place to grow up!!! Still crave Carvel... there's nothing like it!!
Marian Tepper (now Marian Stern) - 1973 - thema18@optonline.net - Medford, NY - 1999.09.03 (new e-mail 2004.11.11)
Memories: The music department ruled!
Comments: I am married and have 2 daughters, ages 19 and 16.
Roxanne Tardo (now Brunner) - 1984 - jtrs4@aol.com - Levittown - 1999.09.05
I am interested in finding some of my old classmates that I have lost contact with over the past 15 years. I am still a resident of Levittown and I have a son who will be attending DAHS in two years. I am very excited about this, for I hope he will have the same wonderful experiences as I did. I would love to hear more about this website as it was just brought to my attention just a few days ago by a former student of 1983. Would love to be posted and hear from any of the students from the class of 1984.
Sue Lerner (now Bowden) - 1972-bbowden@voicenet.com - Yardley, PA - 1999.09.06
Memories: Giggling through French class, feeling stupid every day in Calculus, and being totally humiliated by winning the Betty Crocker Future Homemaker of Tomorrow competition.
Comments: I'm married with 2 sons, ages 14 and 12. Would LOVE to hear where Debbie Fried, Linda Travalino and Kathy Corbett are! Keep up the good work, this site is a great idea.
Michael Ruckdaschel - 1987-mruckdschl@aol.com (bad e-mail 2004.10.07) - Columbus, Ohio - 1999.09.06
I am currently residing in Columbus, Ohio and have been since October 1992.
My favorite teachers were Mrs. Pink for computer class, I guess because that's where my career started, and because I enjoyed her class. And J.D. (John Davis) for Science classes. He was great! A little bit crazy too, but I think that's what made it most enjoyable. I participated in the play Pippin too. It was a big part. I think my only line was, 'Pippin! Pippin! Look at my duck!" It wasn't even a duck, it was a dog. I totally missed the ten year reunion. Didn't even know it happened, if it did. I would be interested in hearing from anyone from those high school years who would care to write. Does anybody know anything about any reunion plans?
Josephine Composano (now Willis) - 1966 - jomikewi@optonline.net - North Babylon - 1999.09.07 (new e-mail 2000.08.09)
Looking for: Michele Chubre [found], Jackie Conrad, Susan Whitman, Barry Armstrong (class of 1965), Nancy Marchasano (last heard she was in NH)
Memories: All of it!
Comments: I have been trying to find old friends from HS for years. Anyone interested in contacting my brother Vinny Composano - 1968, let me know.
Diane Neal (now Diane Marrone) - 1988 - diane710@optonline.net - West Babylon - 1999.09.07 (new e-mail 2000.06.26)
Memories: Ordering pizza and having it delivered to the window in Calculus class. Wonderful chemistry lessons with Mr. Tier - especially the one where all of his papers caught fire. Pre-dance parties at the bleachers.
Comments: I'd love to hear from anyone who just wants to catch up or reminisce.
Carole Morse (now Carole Marturella) - 1962 (moved 1961) - carole52@aol.com (bad e-mail 2004.10.07) - Bay Shore, NY - 1999.09.07
Memories: My favorite teacher was Mr. Reggio. He made us laugh even though we were terrified of him. At least I was!
Comments: This is so great! I am recognizing so many names and am awash in memories of the innocence of those years and the friendships we had. Keep up the great work! Who could know that one day we would all be accessing this kind of information on a computer!! I would love to hear from anyone who remembers me. I moved to Florida with my parents and siblings in 1961 for a short time. I didn't graduate from Division but I had attended since 7th grade. At that time the oldest class was in 9th grade.
Perry Vitucci - teacher 1988-1992 at Division; + LVC - smpk79@yahoo.com - 1999.09.07
Comments: This web site is a fantastic creation! Great Job! It brought a smile to my face to read about the alumni that I know. It began for me at Division as a young teacher in 1988, through 1992. It has now been twelve years in Levittown. I am presently at Levittown Vocational Center (Memorial). I was at Wisdom Lane 1992-1994. It has been a pleasure to have bonded with and watched so many young teenagers grow and become adults, and a gift to me to have a career where I am a part of their lives, and this wonderful community. Hey students, I am now 35 years old and have three children. Many of you from Division are probably married by now also, I'd love to hear from you. **I'll never forget the class of 1991!!** I am very happy at LVC, room 117, where I continue to teach drafting and architecture. I am still a big part of our DAHS teenagers' lives, teaching Drivers Ed (1992-present); those memories continue to fill volumes in my book. You ALL are great!! Let's have that GIANT reunion. I will be there!
John Gino - 1983 - ltbeak222@aol.com - Levittown - 1999.09.08
Memories: Hanging out at North Levittown Lanes and being chased out every night by Bald Bob the night Manager. Finally they just hired me and I've been there since 1981. To Doc, Gil and the Piglet the shop is still the place!!
Andrea Silverstein (now Andrea Gold) - 1969 - acg717@hotmail.com - Toronto, Canada - 1999.09.08
Looking for: all my good friends
Memories: The junior and senior proms. My Home Ec teachers. Da Group. Regents exams. SATs. The senior ski trip. Graduation day!!
Comments: I'd love to hear from everyone who cares to contact me. Living in Canada has been great but high school isn't the same here. I have been disappointed there was no 30th reunion.
Bob Hahn - 1974 - rhahn@kilstock.com (bad e-mail 2003.03.27) - Charlotte, North Carolina - 1999.09.08
Memories: Enjoyed hanging out with friends, the weekends and senior year.
Comments: This is a wonderful website. Thanks for putting it up.
Kevin Jensen - 1972 - bigkevj@aol.com - Hicksville, NY - 1999.09.08
Memories: Riding the school bus to Jr. High school Baseball practice at Jerusalem Ave. field and singing songs about everybody's nickname. My was "Bear Puss"
Alan Pateracki - 1969 - gtralan@aol.com - East Rockaway, NY - 1999.09.09
Memories: Too numerous to mention them all. Perhaps it was being involved in sports because Division always kicked ass. And if we didn't win the game, we always won the fight.
Susan Tumbarello (now Susan DeLuise) - 1989 - sue1970@optonline.net - Levittown, NY - 1999.09.10 (new e-mail 2003.09.13)
Memories: Marching Band
Denise Schmith (now Denise Gleason) - 1975 - dj11157@hotmail.com - Southern California - 1999.09.11 (new e-mail 2000.10.09)
Looking for: Doug Powers
Memories: Hmm... lets see... Hanging out on the football bleachers and being chased by the cops. Hanging out at the Community Church parking lot and being chased by the cops. Hanging out at "the chain" and being chased by the cops. Hanging out at Mark Spencer's house -- at least there we were not chased by the cops! :) Oh yeah, and Brothers Pub, of course!!
Comments: Cool page! Brings back a lot of memories. It's nice to see where everyone has gone and what they have been up to. Good job!
Chris Miller - 1981 - millcelest@aol.com - California - 1999.09.12
Memories: Integrated Studies with Mr. Goelz and Mr. Cestaro.
Comments: Count me in on a reunion.
Chris Corritore - 1982 - corycc@aol.com - Long Beach NY - 1999.09.12
Memories: standing naked in the locker room showers with Joe Weingart and Louie Vagnuolo and singing show tunes.
Comments: hope to get a hardy response from any of you blue dragons.
Jocelyn E. Cardoza - 1981- frazzlednttown@yahoo.com - Oklahoma - 1999.09.14 (new e-mail 2004.03.09)
Looking for: Nancy Clark
Memories: Walking to the Division Avenue Deli for lunch... Drivers Ed with Mr. Chasnov... listening to Ken Holt, Peter Freeman and Tony Cautela play their instruments for the Salvation Army at Christmas Time in the old Mid-Island Plaza.
Kathy Miller (now Kathy Kaufman) - 1977 - kkaufman913@cs.com (bad e-mail 2004.10.09) - Vacaville, California - 1999.09.14 (new e-mail 2002.05.03)
Looking for: Alicia Marcone, Mary Habel - Where are you guys?
Comments: This website is FANTASTIC! Trina, you have done a wonderful job and should be commended for your efforts. It's incredible to be able to go "back in time" and find you share so many of the same memories and fondness for such a "Wonder Years" town and an excellent high school environment. I look forward to the great reunion - with all DAHS classes. I'm living in California with my husband of 15 years, Kevin. We have four children - ages 12 down to 4. Looking forward to a visit this Thanksgiving. Would love to hear from old friends or new friends.
Christina Biamonte - 1995-airtink@aol.com - Levittown (new e-mail 1999.09.14)
Memories: Mr. and Mrs. Weiczerzak; Volleyball with Coach Horan; Marching band with Kristine; and senior year with Chris.
Carol McCook (now Michalowski) - 1984 - cam66@optonline.net - Lindenhurst, NY - 1999.09.14
Looking for: Danny Blafford [found], Sean Lipien, Tracey Ever, Jeanette Wahl
Memories: There are a lot of memories. Hanging out by the Deli, Cattafo's (when it was Cattafo's, not any other name). Having a blast in cosmetology in the dungeon. Going to class incognito, for those of you who knew what that meant. Just having an overall good time driving around at lunch and after lunch when we should not have been. Getting caught in the bathroom smoking, and not getting into trouble.
Comments: Anyone who would like to get in touch with me to talk about the past, or the present, I'd be happy to communicate with you.
Dean DeAngelo - 1987 - dean93@aol.com - Levittown - 1999.09.15
Looking for: people from school to chat with
Anthony Russo - 1981 - South Windsor, CT - 1999.09.15 - trusso4034@cox.net - 2004.12.26
Memories: Hoops -- beating Valley Stream South in the first Blue Dragon basketball playoff game since the sixties. Our Senior Variety Show which allowed me to shed my shy, quiet protective shell. Sitting in science class while the class of 1979 blared Boston and Marshall Tucker from the jukebox in the senior lounge. (Which incidentally was disbanded before our senior year.) Telling Mr. Wahl (science teacher) that Tommy Orlando had jumped out the 2nd story window. His response, "good!! when he gets back tell him to go to the principal's office." So many more to list, not enough time. Although i get back to the island somewhat frequently, it seems like so much has changed in town. Nor have I. I don't see as many kids playing in the streets when I visit my mom. Touch football, wiffle ball, kill the ball carrier, etc.... Trying to explain to my young daughters the great times we had while growing up seems almost impossible because they were such great times. I sometimes miss them dearly.
Comments: Thanks for an awesome site. Marls you know that you can count 11 and me in for our 20th. Trina, the idea of a huge reunion at Salisbur... oops, Eisenhower is a great one. I plan on being there.
Eric Antlitz - 1983 - ericredy@webtv.net - Commack, NY - 1999.09.15
Memories: Drinking in the sump before school
Mike Ruggiero - 1983 - mikepsycho@webtv.net (bad e-mail 2001.04.05) - In the woods of Suffolk - 1999.09.15
My favorite memories of DAHS involve drinking case after case of beer at the football stands on the weekends... Oh, and hangin' out at "Kippy's."
Comments: Haven't made it in Hollywood yet but I did get my name in VARIETY recently when I was promoted to manager at the Bravo Cable Networks where I work programming The Independent Film Channel (yep, I'm still a movie freak). I think its pretty funny that, so far, the only other person to add their name to the class of 1983 list is a guy who lived 5 houses away from me, John Gino - how ya doin' there Johnny?
Aldo LaFiandra - 1982 - alafiandra@alston.com - Atlanta - 1999.09.17
Comments: Would love to hear from some folks.
Nancy Yank (now Nason) - 1964-bayberry136@aol.com - Levittown - 1999.09.18
Memories: Senior year and being voted biggest flirt in the class.
Brian Muller - 1981 - mullerbj@aol.com - Seoul, South Korea - 1999.09.20 (new e-mail 1999.09.03)
Memories: I had to add another posting. The site has sure grown since I found it in January. I worked on every musical we did from 1975 to 1981. Lots of great fun. I remember my first computer class, on a Teletype!! What about Communications Workshop?! What a great alternative to English. I very rarely get back to the Island. My life as an Air Force aircraft mechanic and flight engineer keeps me busy. The new Do you remember page really hit me. How could I have forgotten the roller rink. And what about Uncle Sam's!! Or ice hockey on the sumps. There are so many more. Marlene you can count on me for the 20th reunion. I am retiring from the Air Force in 18 months. It has me looking back at the last 20 or years and thinking WOW!
Bill Mitchell - 1974 - wtmitch@us.ibm.com - Langhorne, PA - 1999.09.21
Memories: too many to mention
Comments: We are running out of time. Is anyone running a 25th reunion?
Billy Palazzo - 1977 - Saugus, CA 91350 - 1999.09.22- oneacre@charter.net - Flowery Branch, GA 30542 - 2004.11.17
Looking for: Old Friends
Memories: A good education.
Comments: Nobody called me for any re-union?
Kathy Allen (now Kathy Maniscalco) - 1966 - kmanisca@mhg.com - Biloxi, MS - 1999.09.22
Comments: Would love to hear from anyone and everyone in the class of 1966 or 1967.
Susan Buono - 1974 - sabuono@aol.com - San Francisco - 1999.09.22
Memories: Senior Year, of course! Who could forget: The "Masked Streaker" (Why did he bother with the mask? That boy had the most recognizable body in the school!); Joey Pascale - the funniest senior class president ever; Faggione and his Vette; Steve Miller's "The Joker" blaring from the jukebox in the senior lounge over and over again; pep rallies; Thunder Thighs; Tarzan; Brooks; the stands; football games; football parties; the pajama parties after the football parties; the "special talent" Marianne Allen like to exhibit at those parties; Girls' Streaking Night (You know who you are! Was that the coldest night of the year, or what?); the ski trip and sloe gin fizzes; "Hey Big Spender"; the bus trip to see "Godspell" (sorry Eileen); Wilbur's "present" at the senior prom (pure genius!); dancing at the Blue Dragon; and a certain blue Volkswagen.
Comments: The statute of limitations has expired - whoever took Boom Boom's hot pants can fess-up now! Wish there was time to write something about everyone - you're all in my heart.
Alex Palazzo - 1974 - alxpalace@aol.com (bad e-mail 2004.10.07) - Los Angeles - 1999.09.22
Memories: You wouldn't believe it if I told you!
Donna Pape (now Donna Porter) - 1969 - imakiddp@aol.com - Lancaster, PA - 1999.09.22
Memories: Spending time with friends, working in the gym office, working on the yearbook, and graduation day are among the best. The news of Kennedy being shot is one of the most vivid.
Comments: I would love to hear from people that also went to Division and know what it was like growing up in Levittown. What a great place it was. Those were happy times. These are happy times too. I married my soulmate 22 years ago and wish everyone the happiness that we share.
Lee W. Klughers - 1972 - leek@mindspring.com - Raleigh, NC - 1999.09.23
Memories: Photography class with Mr. Galaskas and the wide ranging group that made up his class.The production of Oliver with Dick Erbacher, Joe Cacossa, and a great group of people I have the fondest memories of.
Comments: Glad I happened across this site, from a message in the Dephi message forum from Classmates.com.
Elizabeth Drozd (now Jackowski) - 1987 - medtech002@prodigy.net - East Meadow, NY - 1999.09.24 (new e-mail 2000.02.13)
Looking for: Members of the class of 1987
Memories: All the friends I made while I was there and the Orchestra, Chorus and Marching Band.
Gail Ertrachter (now Levy) - 1974 - deucesdave2@aol.com - Saint James - 1999.09.24 (new e-mail 2000.03.25)
Memories: Senior trip to Rocking Horse Dude Ranch, I lost my glasses out the window somehow. And the talent show. We did a really bad dance to monster mash wearing my green bedspreads.
Comments: Thanks for this great website.
Bruce Nielsen - 1972 - brn299@aol.com - Levittown - 1999.09.25 (new e-mail 2000.01.14)
Memories: Being part of the Division bowling team with Mr. Pahel as coach. Going to Bick's for lunch. Hanging out at the bowling alley.
Comments: Now married with 1 son (in college) and 1 daughter (in middle school). Still living in Levittown and my kids have some of the same teachers I had. This website is a great idea. The best part is nobody can look older on a website.
Jack Maryon - Started 1952 ---- LMHS ~1956 - j_maryon@email.msn.com - El Cajon (near San Diego), CA - 1999.09.26
Looking for: Someone who remembers me from those glorious days
Memories: At lunch time walking through Woolworths to the Bluegrass Pool, going for a swim, and then sitting in class all day in a wet bathing suit.
Comments: I'm not sure of the length of time I attended Division Ave, but when LMHS opened, I was transferred. I left LMHS in 1956 to join the Navy where I stayed for 20 years. During my Navy career I did get my H.S. Diploma. After retiring from the Navy I attended college and received two AS Degrees and a BA in Administration of Justice. I next joined U.S. Customs and rose to the rank of Commander, and after 20 years I retired again. My wife is also from Levittown, Carol Baecht, sister Nancy, and a cousin Barbara. I now enjoy myself in Sunny Southern Cal. by going out in my boat and playing on the Internet. When I get bored with all that, I have a small part-time job as an Armed Escort.
Bill Hallbert - 1974 - whall44793@aol.com (bad e-mail 2003.03.27) - Stony Brook - 1999.09.26
Memories: Cramming for exams and being glad when I passed. Having lots of free time, which I sorely miss!!! Admiring all the pretty girls. Fabulous weekends, hanging with friends.
Terry Steinberg (now Terry Steinberg Elliot) - 1970 - tbpoodles@aol.com (bad e-mail 2004.05.15) - Southampton, NY - 1999.09.26
Looking for: Eric Colen Jr. or any Colen family member, Tommy Fagella
Memories: Mr. Levy's class... all my great classmates... how much fun we had... a lot of fond memories.
Comments: Would love to hear from anyone... this is a great idea after all these years. I have so many fond memories of so many people.
Barry Warren - 1969 - bmw4332@aol.com - Florida - 1999.09.26
Comments: I was not a big player in school, just an observer of sorts. I thought I was a player at the time but the years have given me a certain perspective on my youth. Would love to know how I was perceived back then... I get a kick out of stuff like that.
I was getting married the weekend of the first / 10-year reunion; moving to Florida the weekend of the second / 20-year reunion. I left my name around for a 30-year reunion but no takers. Oh well, I think brain death is setting in. I remember lots of faces but names are beginning to escape me. again, Oh Well!... Maybe an old connection would shake the cobwebs loose!
Memories: I had all these big parties throughout high school. Actually the tradition was started by my brother Bobby who was 3 years older. At any rate, I always look back with wonder that no real damage was ever done to my home/house. By today's standards of behavior, it seems incredable that all those parties, all those weekends, entertained so many people and nothing bad ever really happened; no property damage. Sure there were fights and relationship stuff happening all over the place but anyone who was at those parties will remember big crowds; regularly. I think it speaks to all of our past credit and basically innocent behavior that I would happily do it all again!
I also fondly remember "The Post", Mr. Waters's Lacrosse teams, Mr. Wright's Soccer teams (never a winner there, but enjoyed it a lot), The Village Greens, and many huge crushes on girls I never even spoke to...
Comments: This is a special place to find. None of us are the same and with the website many will express things that have always been there for them; me included. I intend to return often to see who found it. Thanks to everyone responsible for its existence!
my web site: http://www.cpmg4332.com
(Medical practice site; has a CV (a.k.a. resume) - click on "purposes practices and CVs".)
Albert Orlick - 1973 (moved 1970) - aeorlick@aol.com (bad e-mail 2003.03.27) - NY - 1999.09.27
Looking for: Steve Morey, Fred Eisner, Rich Meyers, Tommy LaPoint
Memories: I have to think a bit. I just stumbled on this site. What a suprise!
Comments: I have been looking for a couple of old friends that I lost touch with a long time ago. I moved to Maine back in 1970 and would have graduated with you all. If you heard or seen these guys please have them get in touch with me. I did play football and lacrosse so if you remember ever being smoked by me let me know. If you were a year or two older than me and you vividly remember beating me up or generally breaking my balls, Please drop me a line. We need to talk. If we ever kissed and it was nice, let me know. If it was not... oh well. If you spent more time at Gilgo Beach in the spring than in class, let me know. If I ever went out with your little sister... It wasn't me. Peace, Albert
Barbara Steinberg (now Barbara Rosefield) - 1970 - tbtwin1152@aol.com - Florida - 1999.09.28
Memories: The parties at Barry Warren's house and all the great times I had with many many people. I realize now how much of an impact my friends and those who I grew up with has made on me. Looking back it was GREAT growing up in LEVITTOWN.
Comments: Would love to hear from anyone who cares to write. THANKS for this site memory lane is great.
Elaine Zazmar (now Elaine Watkins) - 1976 - ewatkins7@cs.com (bad e-mail 2003.03.27) - Atlanta, Georgia - 1999.09.29 (new e-mail 2000.03.23)
[Forest Hills, NY (update 2000.09.15)]
Memories: Mr. Graham as "Ike."
( \/ \/ \/ Continue to newer entries below: DAHS Memories Archive 3\/ \/ \/ )