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the entries on this page were all posted at the same time, 2004.04.08 at 01:30.
Eileen Kramer - 1964 - eileen.kramer@dnr.state.wi.us - Eau Claire, Wisconsin - 2003.12.05
Memories: Not exactly DAHS, but my favorite memory of that time is of the beach -- any time of the year.
Nicole Schencl (now Nicole Whittingham) - 1973 - schennic@hotmail.com - North Carolina - 2003.12.08
Looking for: Sharon Thomas was pregnant at time
Theresa Bridgwood - 1983 - tbonz413@verizon.net - Levittown - 2003.12.10
Memories: Cutting class going to Eisenhower Park hanging out with friends Mrs Jarrett's English class signing up for student gov't to get out of class girls bathroom clouds of smoke
Bonnie Wollman (now Bonnie Pomerantz) - 1980 - bonniepom@comcast.net - Fort Wayne, Indiana - 2003.12.10
Looking for: Any of my old friends
Paul Goldsmith - 1979 - pgoldsmi@tampabay.rr.com - Palm Harbor, Fl - 2003.12.10
Comments: new e-mail address, 12/10/03... married now 2+ years... beautiful wife and now a beautiful daughter, Alexandra, born in February.
Billy Cline - 1998 - metaldevil@aol.com - The Library with Bengy - 2003.12.19
Looking for: Dipple
Frank Tremblay - 1968 - franktrem@aol.com - Babylon, NY - 2003.12.21
Looking for: Forgotten friends and memories
Memories: Reading thru this list I was again reminded of how many people one grew up with in Levittown. I have fond memories of so many of you, begining from Summit Lane.
So many stories, so much FUN! How much more of a babyboomer can one be? People hardly believe my Levittown stories (but I know you do)
To think that we compressed all those things into a few short years. It's no wonder there is no room left in my brain any longer.
Does anyone remember those weekly english quizes where you had to find the fault with the grammar of the sentences? They ALL looked OK to me (except misplaced modifiers -- those were easy to spot). Needless to say I am NOT an English teacher today. (But my wife is -- she teaches foreigners who have a hard time knowing exactly what a sentence actually is.) There but by the grace of God go I.
Patricia Moody - 1977 (Moved 1973) - pmoody3@cox.net - Providence, RI - 2003.12.23
Looking for: My past
Memories: Every time I read over this site, I think of more. They're better in my mind then in the written word.
Elaine Zazmar (now Elaine Watkins) - 1976 - e.watkins7@att.net - Austell, Georgia - 2003.12.25
Memories: Living in Georgia since 1986 (returned to NY for 1 year, 2000-2001). Work in financial services at an Atlanta hospital. Married, one 14-year-old who was somehow born knowing how to be cool. One ninja cat.
Best memories of Division include the Music Dept. with Mr. Reynolds. Chorus & Madrigals, trips to Montreal, Washington DC and good old Pacem in Terris.
The Sock Hop in 1973.
Other best teachers were Miranda (Christmas taco parties), Danhieux, Grissom, Perpall, Mezzapesa. Mr. Pivnick teaching yoga!!!
Making fun of Nixon: It was required.
Comments: The best thing about high school in the '70s was, almost nobody took it too seriously. And for those of us who did take it seriously, we now know that we had WAY less to gripe & moan about then, than we ever imagined.
Levittown's still a great place
but does anyone know who SHRUNK it???
Stephen Mathison - 1975 - batcaveslm@yahoo.com - Pittsburgh, PA - 2003.12.27
Memories: Locker #1661
Tracy Baranello (now Tracy Anglim) - 1979 - tz4kids3dogs@yahoo.com - Nassau County - 2004.01.05
Memories: Cheering, Marjorie's laugh, senior variety show
Comments: My worst memory is of my mother being dressed as Snoopy at the post prom. Timmy Allen danced with her all night!!!
Carl A. Arnesen / "Rusty" - 1964 - rustytony@cox.net - San Diego, California - 2004.01.09
Looking for: Bob Abruzzo, Buddy Weston
in memoriam, Ramon "Ray" Abruzzo - 1964 - 2004.01.09
Comments: Ray was one of the most talented individuals I have ever had the privilege of knowing. He was a very accomplished guitar player, organist/piano player and I even saw him pick up a trumpet off-the-cuff and play along with the jukebox. He was a good athlete who wouldn't go out for organized sports (but a terror at sandlot tackle football). He was a gentle soul who could be tough if he had to be but never wanted to be. I found out that Ray had a degenerative disease when I returned from Viet Nam the last time, about 1970. He had changed to bass guitar although he always had very quick hands and fingers and had played a mean lead guitar. He explained to me that he no longer had the dexterity for lead because of his ailment but he refused to quit. When I next returned he had changed to keyboard and the last time that I saw him, he was still playing but needed the aid of a walker. He had obtained a van with only hand controls and no pedals and had refubished his garage into a room with ramps and other amenities so that he could continue to be independent. He told me that he would never give in to his ailment and would keep fighting it to the end. I truly believe that he did. When last I returned and tried to contact him I found that his heart finally gave out. I'm sure that his spirit did not. Ray was one of the most intelligent, (consistently on the honor roll without trying, unlike me and our other friends) kind and gentle soul who was a true friend to all lucky enough to call him friend. He was a man to look up to and he is and will always be missed.
____ Loar - 1996 - jaywills1020@optonline.net - 2004.01.20
Memories: Just wanted to see what's up with everyone. Hope everyone's doing good. Feel free to email me.
in memoriam, Barbara Locke (d. Oct. 29, 1975) - 1974 - Irene Locke - il11003@aol.com (bad e-mail 2004.10.07) - Elmont, NY - 2004.01.20
I was and still will always be her little sister "Irene" and would invite words from her friends.
My one brother already received a beautiful letter from Mr. Thomas Cestaro and I thank him for this.
Have a happy New Year to all!)
Attn: Thomas Cestaro (English teacher)
Re: Student and graduate of 1974 Barbara Locke (a.k.a. Bobbi)
To: 1974 Graduates:
Thomas Cestaro (a retired English teacher from Division Avenue) responded to my brother Al with a beautiful letter about my sister Barbara (Bobbi) Locke. The following is my response to him. I am her little sister "Irene".
Thank you Mr.Thomas Cestaro for having both the quality of possessing the knowledge of the fragility of time and how it is important to respond as soon as our hearts know what to say and for the simple soulful effort of reaching out and making contact even if we are still uncertain of our words. This to me shows true love and admiration of your work with students!
I hope to get some e-mails back and I am welcome to any. In e-mailing me you are reaching a 37 year old woman not the 9-year-old I was then. In other words you are reaching a grown up and I am accepting all e-mails pertaining to this.
I hope that all listening are so far having a healthy and happy new year! Sincerely, Irene
Krissy Matovich (now Krissy Matovich) - 1984 (left Division in 10th Grade, graduated Holy Trinity HS, Hicksville) - iluvyankee@aol.com - Bethpage, NY 11803 - 2004.01.27
Memories: Softball, Track & All the Parties
Danny Coreas - 2000 - ddannyboy26@aol.com AIM:cDaNnYbOy26 - Pace University Class of 04, NYC. Living @ 45 Wall St... Come Visit... - 2004.02.01
my webpage: http://www.911fitness.com/trainerherodirectory.html
Memories: Favorite DAHS memories, I think everything! HS was a piece of cake compared to College. Pace University Class of 04' now on my way to New York Medical College to get my DPT (Doc in Physical Therapy) Real life awaits and Its scary that time is flying by so quick... If anyone is doing business or living in the city Email me. Hope Everyone is doing well.
Arthur B. Cooper - 1987 - wavlstmr@optonline.net - North Bellmore - 2004.02.07
Looking for: David Verbeeck & Richard "Ricky" Stilwagen
Laura Burke (now Zummo) - 1975 - lzummo57@hotmail.com - Still in Levittown - 2004.02.11
Memories: The Talent Show and the pinball machine in the Senior Lounge.
Comments: I can remember how I wish I could gain 20 pounds. Oh how I wish I could say that now..
Neil Davis - 1974 (Transferred to MacArthur for senior year) - nbuickgod1@aol.com - Levittown - 2004.02.16
my webpage: http://www.ebay.com
Looking for: Curtis Axelrod
Memories: Meeting my high school sweetheart for the first time in the "Sweatbox", a name we dubbed for one of the entry foyers as it seemed the heat was always excessively on there.
Comments: Still can't believe that its almost 30 years since graduating! I work for a local bottled water company here in Nassau County. I'm a BIG ebay fanatic. I buy (mostly) and sell vintage audio equipment from the '70s and '80s. Anyone out there looking for any of the really wellmade gear from that nearly forgotten and bygone era should not hesitate to get in touch. The wife's ready to get a U-Haul and cart it all right out of here. Guess you can say i'm well into my mid-life crisis. I also collect vintage Buicks, mostly from the '70s, and one of my 1971 Rivieras was leased to Fox SearchLight pictures for the making of the film "The Ice Storm".
in memoriam, Cynthia (Cindy) Davis (now Cynthia Prime) - 1972 - ?@? - Greenwich, NY - 2004.02.16
Comments: This is a posthumous entry for my dear late sister Cynthia. Although I would have loved to enter her favorite memories, but obviously only she knew what they were. She finally succumbed to cervical cancer on Feb 5th, 2000 after a long battle. May her gentle soul rest forever in heavenly peace. Anyone wishing to contact me regarding her, you can email me at nuickgod1@aol.com
Diane M. Dewey (now Diane M. Adolpho) - 1961 - dianeadolpho@yahoo.com - Mesa, Arizona - 2004.02.17
Looking for: Judy Parent, Marie Cadamone, Arthur Clears
Jeff Boris - 1987 (Dropped out for personal reasons) - jeffboris@emimusicpub.com - New Jersey - 2004.02.18
Looking for: Anyone who remembers me
Comments: I have been married for almost 12 years now. Who'd a thunk it.
I have 3 sons ages 11, 9 and 5.
I have been working in NYC for a major record company for over 8 years.
I have only kept in touch with one person from high school.
I would not mind hearing from anyone who might remember me.
Paula Cantos - 2001 - xoxo413@aol.com - NY, leaving this month for the Air Force, so I will be traveling everywhere. - 2004.02.18
Looking for: Nobody specifically,
Memories: Every memory from highschool was great. I finished Nassau Community College and have joined the Air Force to study physical therapy. I'll always hold Division avenue close to my heart, I had some good times. Contact me for the reunion! I'd love to see evrybody.
Alan Pateracki - 1969 - gtralan@aol.com - East Rockaway, NY - 2004.02.18
Memories: I remember most everything as if it were yesterday. Friday and Saturday nights are a little hazy though. Hangin' out at the North Village Green- no matter what the weather was like. Didn't matter. Was the place to be for my crowd. Of course Al (the pharmacist) would come out and tell us to move along. Yea Right! Can't forget to mention Miltie or Artie (he was a riot). Being chased by the renties (Jack the Drunk) up at Azalea pool. The popular guys always gettin the hot girls. Wondering who was going to be the first to do hard time(and some eventually did). At school I most remember Mr. Waters. Great guy. And we played our hearts out for him (or we'de be practising in the dark). Best friends that I still see from time to time. Only thing about going to these re-unions though is that we all look like the teachers now. See you all there. I'll be the guy with the grey hair.
Tabitha Hernandez (now Tabitha Vicino) - 1996 - tabby1277@aol.com (bad e-mail 2004.10.07) - Babylon - 2004.02.18
Comments: Here living my dream with my gang of 4 kids and hubby!
Joseph Sellas - 1993 - rockvanity04@yahoo.com - Westchester - 2004.02.20
Looking for: Isadora Delgado
Jennifer Bivona (soon to be Pepitone) - 1995 - lefty76@verizon.net - Lindenhurst, NY - 2004.02.22
Memories: Being part of the JV and Varsity Softball and Soccer teams.
Christina Matos - 2003 - nybrat2122@aol.com - Tampa, FL - 2004.02.24
Comments: Eventhough I only lived in Levittown for 6 years, I made some life long friends.
Leyden (now Lynch) - 1981 - klsilver@comcast.net - Boston area - 2004.02.25
Comments: Here's an update to my last listings... We now have baby number 2!
Matthew was born in November 2003 at a whopping 10 lbs. 3 oz. I have enjoyed corresponding with fellow classmates!
Laura Burke (now Laura Zummo) - 1975 - johakm@farmingdale.edu - Levittown - 2004.02.28
Memories: Senior lounge and talent shows
Comments: I can remember the days when I could eat everything I wanted, and stayed skinny. That was so nice.
- ??? - ?@? - 2004.02.28
Looking for: Neil Learner
John Castrogiovanni - 1988 - johncast@hotmail.com - Syosset - 2004.02.28
Memories: I suppose I was the quietest and most introverted members of the DAHS class of 1988, however I do have a few good memories of fun times I managed to have when I wasn't too busy walking with my head down low or being 'accidently' pushed into a locker: getting busted cutting class with Arline Carroll and trying to escape by hiding in the Professional Building on Division Avenue, learning to appreciate the beauty of color and design from Mrs. Andresakes, geting faster and stronger at each track meet without anyone from DAHS being present to see it (nobody ever crossed town to go to Macarthur... unheard of!!), Mr. Miller's creative writing class (wish I still had my journals and short stories), photography and drawing and having my work in display cases in the lobby, being awarded 'most outstanding' in art at our awards night yet losing 'most artistic' among my peers (rats I wanted that so bad!), 7th period Western Civilization with Mr. Wieczerzak with Lynn and Raenne, shopping at 'The Gap' on Hempstead Turnpike and wearing anything from there with... white Nike high-tops (eww.), listening and watching the slide-show at graduation and suddenly wishing I had been part of it all... and to this day I can't hear 'Change' by John Waite without having that feeling...
Comments: Would love to say 'hi' to the following people in no particular order: Lynn Hegarty, Kim Cody, Tracy Fitzpatrick, Lisa and Jimmy Elliot, Fran Rodriguez, Janice Portoguese, Lisa Carbonell, Rob Scheiner, Eric Hartman. I am currently living in Syosset with my longtime partner and will probably be moving within the year. I am a healthcare computer applications analyst for a major company here on Long Island... and don't wear white hightops anymore.
Amy S. Giberson (now Amy S. Burgess) - 1975 (Moved to SC Senior year.) - peacorncrib@charter.net - Simpsonville, SC - 2004.03.02
Memories: Hanging out at the Stands.
Going to Lums.
Crozier in band practice.
Rick DeMeis - 1963 - rickd@reedbusiness.com - Massachusetts - 2004.03.02
Comments: Now Senior Technical Editor at Design News magazine.
Andy Mineo - 2005 - andturtle2@juno.com AIM: amradio1012 - 2004.03.02
Comments: Andrew, Lord of the Dance. Write me if you want enlightenment.
Brian Muller - 1981 - mullerbj@aol.com - Poquoson, Va - 2004.03.04
Looking for: Any of the folks who knew me, I've been out of touch for a few years.
Memories: Well first and foremost was the TV studio and the shows. I got involved in both from 7th grade onwards. I feel Fiddler was the best we ever did!
Remember Uncle Sam's? And Spit? What about Penrods? Is OBI still open? Do the Village Greens still exist? Is Jones Beach still a cool place to go?
Comments: I recently retired from service to our country. Just short of 23 years in the Air Force. I now finally own my own home as well. I have been dong some reflecting on the past since I retired. It is interesting to be retired at 41. I have found myself wishing I was closer friends to those of you I went to school with. Many of us didn't see things the same back then. I have been finding though that almost all of us see things the same now. I missed our 20th reunion due to my Air Force commitments. I plan on being at this big weekend thing in July. I hope I can meet some of you in class of '80 and '81 (I dropped back a year in 9th grade). I haven't been to Levittown in, well a very long time. Anyone should feel free to drop me a line.
Thomas Cicero - 1994 - tec18554@optonline.net - Levittown, NY - 2004.03.09
Looking for: Any one from the past interested in catching up
Annie Sorcher (now Annie Thommen) - 1979 - athommen@sandyspringbank.com - Mount Airy, Maryland - 2004.03.09
Looking for: Stacey Andrews, Tracey Baranello, Margaret Brown, Mary Giordano, Jeannie McIntosh
Alfred Eriksen - 1974 (I was busy) - aeriksen@optonline.net - Long Island, NY - 2004.03.13
Looking for: Gary Doughty (he owes me $20)
Memories: Funny, I really don't remember much.
Joanne Perrett (now Joanne Perrett-Rice) - 1974 - jprhi@aol.com - Toronto, Ontario, Canada - 2004.03.14
Looking for: Gina Ferrari
Diane M. Dewey (now Diane M. Adolpho) - 1961 - dianeadolpho@yahoo.com - Mesa, Arizona - 2004.03.15
Looking for: Marie Cardamone, Judy Parent, a 1961 yearbook (mine was destroyed in a flood in Hawaii)
Pat Lanotte - 1976 - planotte@optonline.net - Sea Cliff, NY - 2004.03.16
Memories: Football parties on Saturday night. Senior Variety show with Lori Becker (we did a spin off on the Beeltles, as bugs). Senior lounge. Mr. Pahl's 12th grade Physics class with Debra Gray and Ellen Carr.
Dwight Powers - 1966 - marchmarine17@aol.com - Long Beach, NY - 2004.03.20
Looking for: World peace
Kellyann Toale - 1991 - mek2318@aol.com (bad e-mail 2004.10.07) - Cornwall - 2004.03.20
Looking for: Michael Leone
Mike Mcfeely - 1998 - mcfeely_376@msn.com - Levittown - 2004.03.24
Looking for: Patty Gattus
Memories: Bleachers
Comments: I had a lot of fun times in Division I'll never forget
in memoriam, Donna Matovich (now Donna Matovich-Huth) (d. August 15, 1993) - 1975 - by her sister Kristy - mach1blond@aol.com - 2004.03.26
Comments: I wanted to post my sister's information on the board. She passed away at 35 years of age. She was happy, beautiful and married. She had no children. My sister had many friends from Division Avenue and many great memories. Anyone wishing to respond please do.
Thanks, Kristy - Sister
Joel Edelson - 1975 - jedelson@utekcorp.com - Brandon, Florida - 2004.03.28
Memories: Remember the Shows!!!
Denise Beaumont - 1987 - denisemaret2000@yahoo.com - Smithtown, NY - 2004.04.01
Looking for: Diana Brown?
Rita Sherwood - 1971 (Did not grad. with my class) - redrita7252@cs.com - Port Charlotte, Florida - 2004.04.03
Memories: The parties...
Gregory Catanzaro - 1972 - gcatan6mm@aol.com - 2004.04.05
Looking for: Dennis Lent, David Weiss, Penny Rochon, Mike Schramm, JeanetteYarmosh, John Padgett, Pat Connolly, Danny Ventura
Memories: There are many: Eating lunch at Tony's Pizzeria, Wilfreds Luncheonette, Mr.Bunton's History class. Young Love. My friends; some still alive (It would be a Joy to see them again). There are so many memories I haven't the time to put them all to print.
Gerald Millman - Faculty 1961 - 1986 - Colorado - 2004.04.07
Memories: I did not realize one could comment on DAHS memories. So here goes. Helene and I retired to Boynton Beach, Florida in June of "86". We lived there for 16 years and moved to Greeley, Colorado in June of 2002. Was'nt it Horace Greeley who said "Go West YOUNG MAN". The move was prompted by my daughter living in Cheyenne and then moving to Denver. My fondest memories at DAHS include my advisorship of the yearbook for seven years and the camaraderie of staff during our long strike. THOSE THANKSGIVING TURKEYS WERE GREAT!!
Good luck to all you future graduates.
( \/ \/ \/ Link forward to newer entries below: DAHS Memories Archive 18 \/ \/ \/ )
last edited 2008.11.01