( /\ /\ /\ Continue to older entries above: DAHS Memories Archive 9 /\ /\ /\ )
Audrey Rogers - 1982 - audrog@earthlink.com (bad e-mail 2003.03.27) - Kew Gardens Hills NYP - 2001.07.03
Looking for: Patrick Rosenberg, William Elliot
Stephen Bailin - 2002 - wrestlerfan614@yahoo.com - Levittown - 2001.07.03
Memories: Being on the school's Bowling team for 6 years since I was in 7th grade. Also seeing my friends everyday and making fun of Mrs. Crawford just for a laugh.
Comments: Have A Nice Day!!!
Cherylyn Bisson (now Maniscalco) - 1969 - devonmarie@msn.com (bad e-mail 2003.03.27) - Florida - 2001.07.05
Looking for: Dolores DeCicco
Pamela Ray (now Pamela Russo) - 1974 - (would have been 1974) (Pat Ray is my twin) - mokeyp2956@cs.com (bad e-mail 2003.03.27) - Glen Cove, NY - 2000.12.09 (update 2001.07.05)
Looking for: Toni Carr
Lori Klein (now Lori Morris) - 1983 - betyb4u@earthlink.net (bad e-mail 2003.03.27) - Connecticut - 2001.07.07
my webpage: http://www.ineways.com/lori
Memories: I will never forget the experience of being in the Pippin, the 1983 class play. I made a lot of friends and had a great time.
One of my favorite memories is when the parking lot filled with water and the guys went boating in it.
Comments: I got married on April 22, 2001 at the Chateau Briand.
Vince Cassidy - 1966 - pretendr@bellsouth.net - Fort Lauderdale, Florida - 2001.07.07
Memories: Graduating.
Comments: In January of 1970, during a snowstorm, I went to Ghost Motorcycles in Port Washington, and bought the fastest motorcycle available to the public at that time. Since I had never even SAT on a motorcycle, let alone RODE one, I told them to deliver it to my house. 2 months later, I was on the road... imitating Michael Parks in the then popular TV show, "Then Came Bronson"... and heading for Florida and a warmer climate. I mention this because it is a prelude to my first career.
From 1972 to 1984, living in Tampa, Florida, I was heavily involved in motorcycle roadracing throughout the state. As a racer, over those years, I was the state champion in several classes... from 125cc Grand Prix to 1000cc Superbike. At the same time I was doing that, I was also a freelance journalist/photographer covering all the races held on that given day, at that particular track. The race reports & photos were sold to local newspapers where the races were held, and to national motorcycle newspapers. I was paid by the race promoters, as well as by the newspapers. I was also a freelance artist for 3 national motorcycle magazines. They paid me for whatever artwork they used. Up until approx. 1990, a large painting of mine was one of 2 paintings forming a backdrop behind the news anchors on a national cable TV motorcycle show called "MOTOWORLD". It was on USA Network back then, nowadays it is on ESPN2.
Then one day in 1984, I got on my motorcycle and rode away from it all. I moved to Fort Lauderdale, and started a whole new career in cable TV. I started out as a contract installer, and several companies, years and jobs later, have worked my way up to an in-house Head End Tech, for a local cable company. I keep the channels looking good, just prior to them going out into the field to everyone's TV sets. I maintain 16 Head Ends in 3 counties in South Florida.
Deborah Humphrey (now Deborah Gafney) - 1971 - mdgafney@yahoo.com - North Babylon, NY - 2001.07.08
I have been in the real estate management field for fifteen years; I am presently the Director of Accounting for Alexander Wolf and Company, Inc. in Plainview, NY. All those business classes really paid off!! I have been married for four years to Mark. My daughters, Theresa (DAHS 1991), Kate (DAHS 1993), and Debbie (DAHS 1995) are married. Debbie recently gave birth to my first grandchild, William. Candace graduated from DAHS in 1998. We have certainly contributed to the DAHS family!!I have a step-daughter, Danielle. Although she's not a DAHS graduate (West Babylon 1998), she's a great kid. Mark and I are very active in our church; and in our spare time, we enjoy trips on our Harley-Davidson motorcycle. I have great memories of my years at Division Avenue and want to thank those classmates that have worked so hard to make this reunion possible.
Lois Bechler (now Lois Rice) - 1971 - (would have been 1971 - I moved to FL) - melrose53@prodigy.net - Parker, Colorado - 2001.07.08
Looking for: Micky Thiele
Memories: Azalea pool, sledding in the sump, eating at Jahn's, roller rink, riding bikes to Gertz, walking home from school in the freezing cold...
Comments: Hoping to see all my friends this week at our 30th reunion. Even though I moved to Florida after 10th grade, I still have warm memories of DAHS and all the fun we had!
Jacquie Taylor (now Rochford) - 1985 - jimjacq@optonline.net - Merrick - 2001.07.09
Looking for: Beth Brennan
Mary Kuhlman (now Mary Moos) - 1966 - memoos@msn.com - Cranston, RI - 2001.07.09
Memories: Mr. Frickie's advertising & design class, Tuesday night square dancing behind Mays, riding in Bella's "slick" Pontiac, watching John Biscardi play basketball, in short nothing academic, and definitely NOT field hockey. Don't trust a girl with a big stick!
Patricia Aull (now Pat Enzmann) - 1971 - lacrosse@eclipse.net - Flemington, NJ - 2001.07.10
Memories: I have many great memories of DAHS and of growing up in Levittown.
Comments: I am currently living in Flemington, NJ with my husband Gerry and 3 children, Gerard, Jr. 18, Megan 14, and Tara 13. I would love to hear from other members of the class of 1971. This web site is a lot of fun and brings back lots of great memories.
John Phillip Lorentz / Jack Lorentz - 1963 - angels@alpha1.net - Brenham, Texas - 2001.07.10
Memories: Food fights in Cafeteria
Newspaper drive.
Helen Cernigliaro - 1974 -helliemellie1121@aol.com - Not the Cayman Islands! Currently local - 2001.07.11
Comments: What a great idea this is! Thank you, Trina!
Hello to everyone I knew at DAHS and to olderolderolder graduates, too (bro, '63).
I missed the impromptu reunion last summer due to travel, soooo, couldwedoitagainplease, huh, couldweplease, huh, couldwe???
Hope all is well with all of you and life has been treating you kindly.
Please drop me a line if you are so inclined!
Jackie Healey - 1998 - (moved) - buddahl338@aol.com - Greenlawn, NY - 2001.07.12
Comments: I actually graduated high school in Alabama and although I never went to Division, I feel as if I am a part of the graduating class of 1998.
Alan Bechler - 1975 - (would have grad in '75, moved to FL in '69) - beck0la@aol.com (bad e-mail 2004.10.07) - Tennessee - 2001.07.12
Looking for: anyone from Northside High School 1966-69; Bill Stack, Chris Fusco, June DellaBovi, Richard Iamuno
Liz Jenkins (now Liz Koch) - 1982 - ktripled@aol.com - West Babylon, NY - 2001.07.12
Memories: Getting high
Comments: when will I get my invitation for the 20 year reunion?
Tina Martello - 1990 - tinamartello@yahoo.com - Port Richey, Fl - 2001.07.13
Looking for: Old friends who were near and dear to me
Memories: Hanging out with Christine Santer, and climbing the tree in her back yard. Going to North Village Green swimming pool on a hot summer day and bowling at North Village Lanes.
Frank Martello - 1988 - ny13fjm@gte.net - Port Richey, Fl - 2001.07.13
Looking for: Old friends
Memories: Hanging with J.J, Jimmy, Cosie, Tom, and playing baseball for coach Robbins.
Jason Frome - 1976 - jphouse@mindspring.com (bad e-mail 2003.03.27) - Long Island City, NY - 2001.07.14
Looking for: Larry Phillips, Jacqui Wiesman
??? - ??? - 2001.07.14
Looking for: David Scherer
Comments: He was the best teacher anyone could ever have
Barbara Gallo (now Barbara Bitela) - 1973 - nybabz@netzero.net - Antelope, CA - 2001.07.16 (new e-mail 2003.02.05)
Looking for: Anyone who might remember me
Memories: Hanging out with the students and teachers of the music department.
Learning from Bill Reynolds, Dick Erbacher, etc.
BABZ (Barbara Gallo)
Comments: please feel free to email me.
Scott Jacobia - 1990 - sjacobia@mail.med.upenn.edu - Clifton Heights (suburb of Philadelphia) - 2001.07.17
Memories: It's all a blur now, but I would have to say playing lacrosse and spending time with my friends.
Rita Sherwood - 1971 - sherita251@cs.com - Florida - 2001.07.17
Memories: It was all good!!
Anthony DiTomasso - 1971 -ditomedic@att.net - New York City, NY - 2001.07.17
Comments: sorry I could not get to the reunion. It's been a tough year. Does anyone know how or when Frank Anderson died? Thanks.
Teri Tripp (now Teri Tripp-Lanciault) - 1971 - (quituated) - bearwallowcreek@hotmail.com - Guilford, NY - 2001.07.17
Looking for: Kathy Burns
Memories: Going in... getting out, and a lot of fun in between!
I got a bit of a sick thrill seeing Mrs. Felicety fall on her tush once. Also, Mr. Calderone slamming his tie in the desk drawer.
Comments: We (the class of '71) had the best time at the 30th reunion in July 2001! Anyone who thinks they wouldn't enjoy their reunion should re-think it before it is too late!!! High school reunions are a very precious memory-making opportunity. Don't let it pass you by!
Susan McGarrah (now Susan Borgatta) - 1971 - yankeesue14@aol.com (bad e-mail 2004.10.07) - Central Islip, NY - 2001.07.17
Memories: Meeting up with friends everyday, cutting classes, sliding down the hallways, sneaking a cigarette anywhere possible, school was just one big party for me, loved it.
Judy Hall - 1971 - judyhall@alaska.net (bad e-mail 2003.03.27) - Haines (~90 miles north of Juneau) Alaska - 2001.07.17
my webpage: http://www.alaska.net/~judyhall
Memories: We would all walk to school along the same route and I would join my friends as they passed our house - one of the few non-Levitt houses in town...
... When we started the school radio station in a small closet and hung antenna wires in the halls that enabled the "station" to be picked up several blocks around the school. We would play Simon and Garfunkel when we knew the principal was listening and Firesign Theatre when he was not! This experience was my start in what has become a 15-year on and off career in public radio.
Comments: Though I moved to Farmingdale High School for my senior year, I still consider Division Ave. MY high school! ... looking forward to hearing from fellow Division Avenuers!
Karen Crampton - 1971 - kcrampt@vdh.state.vt.us - Burlington, VT - 2001.07.18
Comments: I moved away to Vermont before graduating - but I have been attending the reunions of my favorite classmates!
Patricia Ittem (now Patricia Burnham) - 1965 - justamere26@hotmail.com - Charlestown, New Hampshire - 2001.07.20
Memories: Friends
Jeff Silverman - 1971 - njfotoman@hotmail.com - Cranford, New Jersey - 2001.07.20
Comments: Sorry I missed the re-union... hopefully next time!!
Glad to hear it was so successful.
Greg Polidora - 2001 - (moved in 1997) - gpolidora@yahoo.com - Hollywood, FL - 2001.07.23
Comments: I am now at Florida State University, cell phone number is (954)593-8990 if anyone wants to call.
Frank Maniscalco - 1987 - fman409@aol.com - East Meadow - 2001.07.23
Memories: Playing in the pit in all of the plays, and also the marching compettions. I will also never forget Freshman Baseball.
Jacqueline Botti (soon to be Livoti) - 1998 - amazed1999@aol.com - Lindenhurst Village - 2001.07.24
Comments: I am engaged to be married to Robert B. Livoti, also from Levittown, on Saturday, September 29, 2002!!! We started seeing each other on July 4, 1999, my 19th birthday, and this year, on my 21st birthday, he popped the question at the Fire Island Lighthouse! Rob is a graduate of Holy Trinity High School, class of 1986.
We own a house in Lindenhurst Village, where we have been living since March of this year. I work in Manhattan and he is a truck driver throughout the five boroughs. We have not decided which church we will be married at, but we do know that we're going to have one hell of a party at the Memorare Club in Seaford! Then off to Jamaica!
Michael Wein - 1970 - smartykatz@hotmail.com - Minnesota - 2001.07.25
Looking for: Howard Zippel, Rich Shedler, Judy Kellogg
Memories: Singing with those Fabulous CRY-SLURS with Mr. Vitale and chorus with Mr. Reynolds and performing in "The Sound Of Music" - what a blast we had!!! Those were wonderful times and wonderful memories to cherish forever!!!
Comments: WOW has it really been 30 yrs!!! A lot has happened with me over the years. I have traveled to many different countries and have seen a lot but my heart still always comes back to Levittown. I have been married for 15 years to a beautiful wife named Kristine, I have become a multiaward winning poet. I have been published in a lot of different books. I hope everyone is doing well and that your lives have been as blessed as mine has been! May God bless and keep you all.
Bill Erb - 1976 - ubiteme00@aol.com - Levittown, NY - 2001.07.25
Looking for: Mrs. Shoemaker, Mrs. Pacifico, Mrs. Meyn, Ms. Los
Maryann Webster (now Maryann Delaney) - 1962 - care-of subvillato@yahoo.com - Hicksville - 2001.07.26
Looking for: All 1962 graduates for a 40 year reunion
Comments: Just starting to try to find classmates from 1962 interested in a reunion for summer of 2002. Originally figured on '62 & '63, but since no one is interested in helping we figured we would just do '62 and if anyone else wants to join us, then they can. Please e-mail Sue Rutkin Villatore at subvillato@yahoo.com so we can get a count. If you know anyone else who might be interested, please let us or them know. If you live locally (NY), stop by Delaney's Restaurant on South Oyster Bay Road, Hicksville to say hi.
Bill Montagne - 1972 - billm@cms-lp.com - Farmingdale, NY - 2001.07.30
Comments: I was president of the Chorus.
Evelyn Lyon (now Eve Sharp) - 1962 - evesharp06@aol.com - New Bern, NC - 2001.07.30 (new e-mail 2003.07.24)
Memories: School dances in the gym.
Football games
Intermural Volleyball
Whalen's Drug Store, Cherry Cokes and Egg Creams
Jahn's Ice Cream Parlor and the Meadowbrook Theater
Pool tags and the unforgettable Village Greens
Pajama parties, sweet sixteen parties and street dances.
Snowball fights and snow forts
Walking to school in all kinds of weather.
English with Mr. Graham and History with Mr. Kenyon.
Science with Mr. Bringe and watching Buddy Weston sucking on jaw breakers to drive him crazy.
The year the Chorus went to the Commodore Hotel and sang on the carpeted steps.
So many good memories and too many to list
Hanging out at Whalen's Drug Store, drinking Coke and eating english muffins!
Mays, Buster Brown and many more.
spending all the summer at the pool or at Jones Beach
Crushes, How did we survive them?
Watching the Principal line up the guys to take away their "Garrison Belts" and Leather Jackets!
- [] - [] - 2001.07.31
Comments: I'm starting to get all kinds of e-mail (attachments) viruses from DAHS alumni. Can you remove [] and [] from the [] graduating class. Thanks.
Judson B. Sartain - 1961 -donnajudd@aol.com - Womelsdorf, Pa - 2001.08.05
Comments: Hello to all my "old" friends. Happy 40th!! I still have many fond memories of growing up in Levittown until we moved to Miami in 1959
Best wishes to everyone. Judd
Dina Scarangella (now Barbour) - 1981 - sb7879@optonline.net - Bay Shore, NY - 2001.08.05
Memories: Senior Variety Show. Integrated Studies.
Comments: Had a great time at the reunion (20). Hope to see everyone soon, and not have to wait until 30!!!
Richard Caldararo - 1964 - caldofish@aol.com - Australia - 2001.08.05 (new e-mail 2002.04.28)
Memories: Does anyone know the whereabouts of Herbie Blades?
Maryeileen O'Neill (now Maryeileen Smith) - 1970 - fsclij@aol.com (bad e-mail 2003.03.27) - East Meadow, NY - 2001.08.05
Looking for: Adria Kahn & Chris Watzek
in memoriam, Jimmy Dunne - 1972 - by his sister: patsykunkel@msn.com - 2001.08.05
Comments: My brother Jimmy graduated from DAHS in 1972. He passed away on Aug 10, 1996. He was the best brother anyone could ask for. My last visit with him in New York we stopped in front of Division and took some great photos. We also got to walk along the board walk at Jones Beach, something we had not done in 30 years. We ate at the Empress Diner and visited Saint Bernard's Church, where soon thereafter his funeral mass was said.
He loved Levittown and had many many friends that he kept in touch with from high shool. Some were his pall bearers and spoke at his funeral.
Jimmy was the strongest, funniest, kindest, man I have ever known. Even to the end when he was dying from AIDS he always cared about how I was, and did not want me to worry about him. He was quite simply 'The Best'.
I know he will get a kick in heaven to be included in this virtual reunion.
Harry Evert - 1966 - harry_evert@midhosp.org - Haddam, Ct - 2001.08.06
Looking for: Barry Schnittman, Jan Biesiadecki, Phil Simonetti (found)
Memories: Mr. Amen and varsity baseball; streaking at the drive-in (can't remember the name!); great friends. I tell my 3 daughters that Levittown was the greatest place to grow up in the '50s and '60s. So many kids and so many things to do (and so much trouble to get into!!) Looking forward to the reunion next week.
Eddie D'Hondt - 1977 - edwk94@aol.com - Cornelius, North Carolina - 2001.08.10
Memories: Integrated Studies Class comes to mind. The atmosphere Mr.Goelz and Cestaro set that class in, was a mature one and a good learning experience for what lay ahead. I made a lot of friends in that class. I also enjoyed the Varsity baseball team quite a bit. We were a good bunch and had a great time.
Comments: Currently, I am and have been involved in NASCAR Racing for the last 5 years. For the last 3 years I have been the General Manager for Bill Elliott Racing and I am now venturing out and starting my own Busch Series Team to debut in Daytona February 2002. I live in Cornelius, NC. I have 3 children who still live on Long Island with their mom; Eddie 15 yr. and twins, Stephen and Kerianne 13 yr. I am divorced almost 11 years and have not remarried.
in memory of Carl Yaller - 1967
Trudi Yaller (now Trudi Richardson) - 1964 - trudirr@aol.com - NYC - 2001.08.11
My brother Carl Yaller was a 1967 graduate of DAHS. He died in 1999. He went to Cornell, immediately after high school. Somewhere along the line, he attended Law School at the University of Maryland. He was a labor lawyer, representing a union.
Therese Shady - 1972 - tc54_2000@yahoo.com - Rensselaer, NY - 2001.08.13
Comments: Updated e-mail address
Eric Rutig - 1983-ejrutig@optonline.net - Farmingdale, NY - 2001.08.13
Memories: The "whole enchilada!"
Janet Wark (now Janet Casella) - 1964 - kindergartenjc@yahoo.com - Bellmore, NY - 2001.08.16
Looking for: Carol Carmen (Karmen) Eddie Glucksman and teachers
Memories: Jr. Prom, Sr. Prom, graduation, James Reilly Award at graduation
Comments: I am most thankful for the fabulous caring and nurturing teachers I was blessed with at Division. I wasn't fully aware of the impact they would have on my life until many years later.
I will always remember Greg. He didn't make it to the prom or graduation but he will always be in my heart.
Barry Bienstock - 1967 - zenbock@aol.com - Long Island - 2001.08.17
my webpage: http://www.zenbock.com
Looking for: Some of the non-in crowd
Memories: I wanted to relate a few things from my perspective of attending D. A. H. S.
I find that the 75% of the things I was taught, I seemed to retain about 80% of the education. In my adult years, that was in engineering, and life experiences, I met younger kids out of school. They seemed to have had better grades, but retained about 20%, making the generation that I was graduated from, the people that resolved the problems, and challenges of professional opportunities.
My years at Division were actually not happy ones, mostly because the school had a culture away from where I was at. I can sum it up like this. By day, the cafeteria had a mural of a surfer dude. The classmates were jocks, and penny loafers with white sox.
My night life was going into the East Village, and seeing blues bands, Frank Zappa, and being with what later was called Hippies.
But at my school, I was not cool to the world there. Island Trees District 26 had more opportunities for art-related aspects, music was much more progressive. Luckily, I was involved with the girlfriend, who was in the top honors at Island Trees, and we attended the NYC club scene together, ice cream parlors and coffee houses.
I will share this as well... These days, I am involved in media-related aspects, and any search engine can show what and who I am, under ZENBOCK. As a spoof, my son and I work together, and my son is 40 years younger than myself.
My memories of Division were fighting, bullies, and gals who had no depth being shared in the hallways of the school. With Vietnam raging, I was appalled at the social realizations politically out of Levittown. But my fellow classmates were not in tune with the real information. Only decades later, did the officials later (McNamara) state we were involved in a no-win situation. Division had a long-running flag at half mast, for upper grades men that died in that non-war.
My happiest day was a hot June graduation day in 1967, leaving the headaches and meanness of the students behind me. I will admit I liked a handful of un-cool people at the time, and even a few of the elite crowd. Peace to all, Years hopefully mellowed some of the graduating class of 1967.
Tom Selleck - 2001 - idontknow@yahoo.com (bad e-mail 2003.03.27) - 2001.08.18
Memories: My first splendid memory was when Three Men and a Baby came out. After it came out me and Steve Guttenberg came to Division to talk with my fellow peers and sign autographs.
A bad memory was when everyone called me monkey boy because I'm really hairy and my mom couldn't afford a razor.
Johanna Romero - 2000 - mystychaos@hotmail.com - 2001.08.19
Memories: Being in 9th grade and not having to worry about anything but who you're going to make friends with. Just easy riding it... Mr. Laterza and his "El Wrongo's" and spritzing mouth showers; Mrs. Barret and her "However!!"; Mr. Garraty's sweetness; Mrs. McDonald's laugh; Mr. Wieczerzak's dance (hands up); Mr. Hahn's "Jo Romero" and easy person to trick hehe; Senor Capo's thoughtfulness, sweetness, compassion, and dedication... enough... college is now great. hehe. ^_^ Anna Brady's Mexicana, Mike Cillo's non-girlfriend, Bridget Hammer's child to pick on and beat up, Steve Squire and Galaxy, Tom Saint and his ego, yeah... i'm sure there's more, but, for now, that's who I remember... oh, and Gael from France, cool kid he was... ^_^
Linda Crampton - 1967 - linda@oceanfront-sc.com - Pawleys Island, SC - 2001.08.20
my webpage: http://www.oceanfront-sc.com
Looking for: Betty Ann McGovern
Joel Bienstock - 1963 - schaltraum@t-online.de - Berlin, Germany - 2001.08.20
Looking for: old friends who might be in Europe
Memories: 1. The Dead Piano - all legs stretched to the sky - the one pushed off the stage one late night by ??? and our Beloved Music Teacher who cried throughout the performance conducted by the investigating officers of Levittown's Finest...
2. The famed fire drill out in back that went astray... the fire extinguisher going wild and spraying a line of students.
Comments: Wouldn't mind exchanging Emails from old classmates and especially those who roamed around Quiet Lane.
Susan Duffy (now Susan Wrinn) - 1985 - susan.a.wrinn@marshmc.com - East Haddam, Connecticut - 2001.08.22
Looking for: Class of 1985
Comments: Believe it or not, I'm getting calls regarding our 20-Year Class Reunion!!! Think we might be able to coordinate the event without a Reunion Company -- but wanted to get some feedback first. I see a lot of the class is registered in Classmates.com too. Any suggestions???
Dwight Powers - 1966 - dtjp@aol.com - Long Beach, NY - 2001.08.24
Comments: At the 35th reunion of the class of 1966, reunion organizer Mr. Barnet Silver spoke of some of our classmates whom had passed away. Some of these folks I had previously known about. He mentioned Sal Saitta as one of them. Sal was a good friend of mine from Summit Lane on. We played soccer together on every team since 5th grade (he was a much better soccer player than I was). We even worked together during high school in Primelight, a dank and filthy warehouse in Hicksville. I'd run into him once or twice after high school and we had lost touch over the years. I was really looking forward to seeing him again at the 35th reunion. Then came the news that he had passed away. I am truly saddened by this news. Sal was a good and decent person and a good friend. I can still vividly remember when Sal lost his father, when we were 18. Sal's dad passed away at 38 years old of a heart attack. Sal was affected greatly by this and I can still picture him up at the Green, attempting to drown his sadness with a quart of Rheingold. I and many others tried to console him then, as best as we could. Now, I must console myself on Sal's passing. Sal, old buddy, you are missed!
Joe Norwark - Class of 1968 - jnor777@aol.com - Seattle, Washington - 2001.08.25
Looking for: Paul, Kenny, John, Frank, the two Sues, and company - the whole North Green wrecking crew! - Billy Thomas included!
Memories: All the great times that made up for the bad ones. Senior class ski trip, Casa Dehne's night club, stickball and handball at the green. Band practice at Gary Proses' house. Partying in the pipes at Azalea and rockin' the pool afterwards. Every years graduation night - and what we can remember of them. And of course the get togethers with the boyz and girlz of Lums (and you know who you all are!!)
Things to forget forever - One that sticks in my mind was the bad haircut and attitude of his highness, Jerry Jewell (yuck!!)
Comments: Who I found through this site - My dear Sisters and party partners Penny Schiller and Christyyyy Mc, Cathy MC, and all the rest of you folks from Lucy I.T.S.W.D.'s theme park world!
Jo Ann Asklund - 1977 - Zephyrhills, FL - 2001.08.25 - joanninna@yahoo.com - 2007.08.30
my webpage: www.myspace.com/joanninna
Looking for: Anyone who wants to reminisce
Memories: Just hanging out with friends! And Mr. Nolan's class was a blast too! Also I loved DECA!
Estella Woo - 1996 - star37@hotmail.com - 2001.08.27
Looking for: Many friends
Memories: The friends and teachers.
Adele Isola (now Adele I. Anderson) - 1974 - ladymtn@msn.com - Aurora, Colorado - 2001.08.27 (new e-mail 2003.03.27)
Looking for: Debby Proccacini
Jacklyn Puns (now Jacklyn Snupli) - 1991 - caska623 [not @aol.com] - Canada - 2001.08.28
Memories: Seeing all smiling faces everwhere!
Comments: I miss you all !!! 143
Margaret Hopper (now Margaret Mahoney) - 1969 - margarett79@aol.com - Selden, NY - 2001.08.28
Memories: senior class trip to Hunter Mountain.
Pete Shanahan - 1969 - shany@att.net or ghostbuster51@yahoo.com - Hopatcong, NJ - 2001.09.01
Memories: Making fun of Howard Pivnick, my cross-country coach
Erick Diaz - 1997 - tankweelies@aol.com (bad e-mail 2003.03.27) - Central Islip, NY - 2001.09.03
Memories: All the madness and and maniacs
Ed Krayer - 1978 - edwardkrayer@yahoo.com - Tampa, Florida - 2001.09.03
Looking for: Bob Pantano
Nancy M. Crumley - 1977 - nmcrumley@juno.com - New York City - 2001.09.04
Memories: Great memories include: being in chorus, band, and the musicals; concerts and cast parties; the mock presidential elections in 1972 and 1976; hanging out in the band room; spending hours at Mays (the department store that had everything, including the world's greatest knishes!); school trips to New York City (remember when we saw Ed Sullivan walking down the street alongside our bus? I think it was the time we went to see "Pippin"); working on the yearbook; Mr. Danhieux's biology class.
There were some wonderful and inspiring teachers at DAHS (I particularly remember Mr. Danhieux; Mr. Reynolds; Mrs. Novak; Miss Gokey; Mr. DeFilippi; Mr. Kaufman; Mr. Miller; Mrs. Wieczerak) but some spectacularly awful ones as well (to remain unnamed!), not to mention a bunch who were just plain mediocre. I am very happy to still be in touch with a few folks from the old days; we really enjoy hanging out on "Memory Lane", sharing both the good and the painful memories of youth, the 1970s, life in Levittown and our years at Division Avenue High School.
Barbara Groves (now Barbara Rice) - 1979 - (moved away in 1976) - barb_tn@yahoo.com - Alexandria, VA - 2001.09.05
Comments: I should have graduated with class of '79 but moved to Tennessee in '76. I still have a lot of good memories from when I was there and would love to hear from anyone.
Barbara Reh (now Barbara Norton) - 1965 - brnorton65@aol.com - Florida - 2001.09.08
Memories: Just want to remember the "good ole days" -- still a cheerleader at heart!
Comments: Keep me posted on reunions -- I've only gotten 1 invitation in all these years -- could not go -- want to!!
World Trade Center Disaster Sep. 11, 2001
death notices
(Class of 1971)
JOSIAH-Jane Eileen (nee Hagan), formerly of Levittown, LI, on September 11, 2001. Loving mother of Jennifer and Kelly. Devoted sister of Ellen Hutnik, John and James Hagan. Memorial Mass, Saturday (Oct. 6) 12:30 PM at Saint Bernard R.C. Church, Levittown.
(published in Newsday, Oct. 3, 2000)
(Class of 1972)
McKEON-Barry, age 47, of Yorktown Heights, N.Y., formerly of Levittown, L.I. Suddenly on September 11, 2001, in the World Trade Center. Executive Vice President of Fiduciary Trust International. Loving husband of Virginia (nee Alcide). Cherished father of Kristin, Jackie, Erin and Ryan. Loving son of Jane, dear brother to Tom and Ronald. Beloved nephew of Mitzi. Adored uncle to thirteen nieces and nephews. Funeral Mass, 11 AM, on September 29, 2001, at St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Church, Shrub Oak, N.Y. Family will receive friends at the conclusion of the Mass.
(published in Newsday, Sep. 24, 2001)
(Class of 1984)
PARRO-Robert of Levittown, L.I., heroically in the line of duty at the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001. (FDNY Engine 8, Ladder 2.) Beloved husband of Karen. Loving father of John. Devoted son of Joseph and Virginia. Dear brother of John, Michelle, James, Kaitlin and Keith. Fond son-in-law of John and Catherine McGee. Adored uncle of Keith Oringer. Caring stepson of Margaret. Also survived by many loving relatives and friends. Friends may call Wednesday 2-5 and 7-9:30 PM (Firemen's Visitation 7-7:30 PM) at the Thomas F. Dalton Funeral Home, Levittown Chapel, 2786 Hempstead Tpke (2 blks East Wantagh Pkwy). Mass Thursday 9:45 AM at Saint Bernard R.C. Church, Levittown. Interment Holy Rood Cemetery, Westbury. In lieu of flowers, donations to The Robert Parro Fund at Fleet Bank, 3161 Hempstead Tpke, Levittown, NY 11756 or Engine 8 Ladder 2 Assoc.; 165 E. 51st St; New York, NY 10022 in his memory would be appreciated.
(published in Newsday, Oct. 7, 2001)
"Newsday.com: Remembering the Lost"http://www.newsday.com/news/ny-victimsdatabase.framedurl
Chris Gossette (now Chris MacBlain) - 1969 - chriswoodfl@hotmail.com - Chipley, Florida - 2001.09.12
Memories: Football games -- cutting class - Lum's - working in the Guidance Office and getting your friends out on "special passes". Loved science - hated math - and too much more!
Florence Kinstrey (now Florence Davies) - 1970 - sfdavies@gci.net - Alaska - 2001.09.13
Looking for: Classmates who've mellowed with age!
Dot Whidden (now Dot Clark) - 1969 - dclark@dps.k12.oh.us - Dayton, OH - 2001.09.14
Comments: Love, thoughts and prayers to all in N.Y.C. and Washington. We will stand strong, together.
Frances Pantatello - 1978 - fmp6360@aol.com (bad e-mail 2004.10.07) - Lindenhurst, NY - 2001.09.17
Looking for: Trudy Fico
Randy Jonas - 1965 - randy.jonas@springs.com - Chicago, Il - 2001.09.18
Memories: Teachers, friends and coaches
Pam A. Davis (still Davis) - 1963 - davisartd@aol.com - Sayville, NY - 2001.09.18
Memories: Mr Aiello letting me leave the school whenever I felt the need.
The North Green.
Fast cars.
Whelan's Drug Store
Penny Davis - 1973 - penelopegd@aol.com - Port Washington, NY - 2001.09.18
Memories: Wilfreds, drivers ed with Mr. Wright, parties anywhere, everywhere?, the stands, growing up with all of you. Today these memories seem more precious than ever. Keep safe.
Comments: I didn't know about Kevin Brown. Did we lose anyone at the World Trade Center? My brother Bug is on his way to his third war with the U.S. Navy. He went to Vietnam when we were in 7th grade. My son is in the U.S. Coast Guard stationed eastern Long Island. Say a Prayer.
Louie Vagnuolo - 1982 - bluelou00@yahoo.com - Davie, Florida - 2001.09.19
Memories: I have already put my memories of high school in this virtual yearbook. The reason for this entry is to let everyone know that although the United States was attacked in a horrible and cowardly way, we will pull together as a people united.
We must have faith in our president regardless of our own personal politics, stand behind him in his and our nation's hours of need.
I would like to let the people who have lost loved ones know that our nation feels their pain. And to the firefighters and police men and women who lost their lives our country salutes you.
God Bless America
Emilio Veiga - 1989 - invest@mundo-r.com - Spain - 2001.09.20
Comments: I was an exchange student from Spain in DAHS in my senior year
Joann Dargenio (now Joann Cannon) - 1979 - jcannon143@yahoo.com - Shoreham, NY - 2001.09.20
Looking for: Ann Champney
Memories: The Senior Variety Show. Bohemian Rhapsody. Being up at the Bleachers when the cops came and scrambling for my bicycle to escape. Going to the Saturday home football games and then trying to find out whose house(s) the party was at afterwards. Watching the guys jump the fence at Azalea to go swimming at night and then getting chased once again by the cops. We really weren't bad kids. Why were we always running from the fuzz? Hundreds of Vanasco's parties. Getting out of Brothers Pub and panicking because the sun was coming up. I could go on and on. I had fun back then and I'm still having fun. Ann Champney where are you?
Dee Welch (now Dee (Diana) Altman) - 1966 - kadiddlefla@aol.com - Florida - 2001.09.27
Memories: The most recent and best our 35th reunion. Thank you to Caryn and Barnet for a memorable and fantastic event although agreeagly tooooo short! I need to get up there more often. It was great seeing friends that I walked to school with, sat next to in homeroom or classrooms. The name tags were too small for our aged eyes so we had to take a closer look, that was funny. When are the pictures coming out?
As for memories of old, surfing with Tommy, Jimmy, Brendan, TJ and of course Frank. I found an old album of a "surfing safari" with my brothers and Rickie Byers - funny. He looked like a doo wop kid. Hanging out at the green and getting in trouble. Partying with Christy. Playing doll house with Kathy Mills when we were little.
All the sports, did not have fond memories of Ms. Garlick though. The football game with sorities.
I too have fond memories of Bunny in New York and he visited me in California as well, a sweet, happy, true spirit.
Comments: Everyone at the reunion looked better than High School. Can we all play together again real soon? Lets have small reunions around the country so everyone can be together. Love you Dee
Kevin Wilkinson - 1991 - tochdwnmkr29@aol.com - Rikers - 2001.09.28 (new e-mail 2003.02.28)
Looking for: My parole
Kenny Carr - 1973 - chartnav@hotmail.com - Belle Mead, NJ - 2001.09.28 (new e-mail 2002.10.29)
Comments: Very sorry to see here the passing of Barry McKeon at the WTC. The McKeons lived around the corner from us on Pleasant La. I used to play touch football in the street with Barry, his brother Ronald, Jon & Rob Davenport, Tommy Moody, Bobby Austin. Barry could really throw the bomb. He was a great guy, carried himself with a lot of class. God bless him and his family.
Sue Corvelle (now Sue Gregg) - 1975 - gbill0919@aol.com - Kings Park, NY - 2001.10.01
Memories: There is not one significant experience that I can call a favorite memory. I felt the entire time I was there was an incredible moment!!!
Comments: Hello to everyone out there. I just found out this weekend about this website, it's a great way to keep in touch.
Tom White - 2003 - drueblagon@aol.com (bad e-mail 2004.10.07) - Levittown - 2001.10.02
Memories: I'm only a junior now but I guess it would be marching band camp
Lawrence Bell - 1984 - buysell@optonline.net - Farmingdale, NY - 2001.10.05
Memories: None!
Comments: Currently a New York City Firefighter - Ladder 160 - Queens
Patricia Ryan (Patti) (now Patricia Rothar (Patti)) - 1968 - auntclara4@aol.com (bad e-mail 2004.10.07) - Sayville, NY - 2001.10.09
Memories: Mike Conway, my red corvair, football games, Hank Martel #34, the Beatles... Mrs. John Lennon (Nancy Hudson), Mrs. Paul McCartney (Ellen Petrone), Mrs. Ringo Starr (Me) and Lauren Rosenberg, I believe was Mrs. George Harrison, but I believed she secretly wanted Paul. etc., etc. all of you.
Comments: I'm so very sad about Barbara Byrne. She was a good friend of mine and I'm so glad I got to see her at the 20th.
Paul LaMar, where are you?
Have 2 kids, Jill and Christopher who were both at the 1988 picnic at ages 13 and 10; now ages 26 and 23. Jill works with autistic children living in Salisbury, Maryland and Chris is a senior at Oswego. I don't have any grandchildren yet, but hope to soon.
Hope to hear from you. Tell Bonnie Wark (Hoffmann) that I'm starting a new job tomorrow and I need something to wear. Nevermind, I'll email her myself. I'm so glad I found this site. Love you all. Patty
Lisa Amoroso - 2004 - piscesgirl2u@aol.com - 2001.10.09
Comments: I dont have liljarcheerleadr*&* xo goddessox 26957 *&* lil missjap15 .. So dont e~mail me under those
Craig Simak - 1991 - csimak@hotmail.com - Seaford - 2001.10.11
my webpage: http://www.ibforum.com
Memories: I miss all of the keg parties and hangin' out at the bleachers. I'd like to set up my own reunion at the bleachers. Classes from 1988-1993 would be a suitable roudy crowd. Let me know if you can make it!
Lisa Moore (now Lisa Moran) - 1982 - daniella914@yahoo.com - South Freeport - 2001.10.12
Memories: Cutting class and hanging out at Catafo's pizza place. Hanging out in the sweat box, Levittown Roller Rink, Teen Clubs, Kippy's and Tony's Pizza.
Hanging out with my friends. (you know who you are!).
Comments: I'm married and have 3 girls one 13 and twin 7 year olds. Living in South Freeport for 4 years. Hope to hear from any school mates.
Chris Maloney - 1991 - wannabfishing@hotmail.com - Hicksville - 2001.10.13
Memories: Most are kinda fuzzy...
Comments: Still alive & kicking! (believe it or not!)
Natalie Munford - 11w (?) -n_munford@hotmail.com - Woking, Surrey, England - 2001.10.14
Memories: Even though I didn't like school much I do regret finishing school cause I don't see all my school mates that I made friends with anymore.
Comments: Anyone that went to Bishop Dvid Brown SColl (BDB) in the years of 1991 to 1995 please get in contact.
Eileen Kelly (now Eileen Brown) - 1982 - paulbrown@interaccess.com - Chicago, IL - 2001.10.15
Looking for: Susie Carr, Krissie Kelly
Gene Corrigan - 1971 - noqfu222@aol.com (bad e-mail 2004.10.07) - Neola, PA - 2001.10.18
my webpage: http://referralware.com/home.jsp/49525315
Memories: All the clatter and going on at the Canteen ...
Isabella Lore (now Isabella McClancy) - 1990 - isabellamusica@hotmail.com (bad e-mail 2003.03.27) - North Bellmore, NY - 2001.10.20
Memories: Talent Show, the green station wagon, TP-ing houses, friends.
Linda Rosen (now Linda Rosen Stremel) - 1967 - lindastremel@yahoo.com - West Coast - 2001.10.20
Looking for: The Maggio family, they went to Summit Lane and were orphaned. They spent many years in the catholic boarding school system and where later relocated to Hemmingford?, Canada. The family owned Rapid Cleaners in Levittown so maybe someone's parents know some thing. Would like to find Mary Lynn, Johnny, Nancy, Birdy, Susie and Robert. Thanks
Memories: Some of my favorite memories are of my best (still) friend Seena and I walking through snowball fights on the way to school. Estelle Ritter's laughter. Being at Sharon R.'s house when Kennedy died. Taking the SATs three times and finally getting into the University of Texas. Mrs S., my art teacher giving me support in the 9th grade. Kindness of Janice W. and Chris M.. Being an exchange student to Costa Rica and hosting Anna Rosa from Central America. Spanish class. Hola, You all. Going on a field trip to the Fonda del Sol and seeing a bad Spanish language move. Mr. Danube's trust in me. It was a lot of fun meeting you all in High School. I hope life has been good. L.
Julianne Dahlem - 2004 - jewel86@optonline.net - Massapequa - 2001.10.21
Comments: hey guys... remember me?! lol... email me if u want my AIM name hope to talk to you soon! ;)
Dolores Haas (now Dolores Roxey) - 1973 - jdjrox@cs.com - Florida - 2001.10.25 (new e-mail 2001.12.08)
Comments: Hi again. I think it is great that you have this web site. I already contacted some people from the web site and they got right back to me. It is so good hearing from people you haven't heard from in 20 plus years. I was wondering if anyone know where or hears from Donna Ladika, Debbie Nelson, Denise Singer, Marla Rabau, Nancy Speranza, Gail Murin, Mary McKenna (1974 grad), Pam Robertson, Linda Melton. If you're out there somewhere, drop me a line.
Stephen Bailin - 2002 - wrestlerfan614@yahoo.com - Levittown, NY - 2001.10.26
Memories: Being on the school bowling team since 7th grade and graduating in June.
Comments: Is it Friday yet???
Ralph Boettger - 1973 - rboettg1@twcny.rr.com - Ithaca, NY - 2001.10.29
my webpage: http://www.geocities.com/ithacafootball
Memories: Debby, football, baseball and pool parties
Mike Brown - 1969 - masterofthearts5@aol.com (bad e-mail 2003.03.27) - Vermont - 2001.10.29 (new e-mail 2002.03.31)
Looking for: My diploma
Memories: I was great at lacrosse. I played on the team every year! Somebody write me if you know how you think I am.
Al Vicencio - 1992 - shonextc@aol.com - Back in Levittown - 2001.10.29
Looking for: Gabe Drummond
Denise Lundy (now Denise Purcell) - 1977 - dpurcell@deweyballantine.com - Staten Island, NY - 2001.10.30
Memories: Drivers Ed with Mr. Miller and working on the yearbook with Mr. Millman.
Lori jane Costilow (now Lorijane Daacke) - 1974 - mom22ws@home.com - Mesa, Arizona - 2001.11.01
Memories: 10/2001 New email address. Remember the Art hall and graphics art with Paul and Suzie. Seems like such a long time ago and now my youngest child (of the two I had) is a senior and getting ready to graduate. I finally made it back to Arizona in 1993. Would love to make contact with anyone who remembers me. I still have the glass mug "We will never pass this way again" that we received at our senior prom. Wow 27 years ago.
Sharon Divone - 1966 - div0nedreamer [not @aol.com] - Delray Beach, Fl. - 2001.11.02
Looking for: Lucy Visco
John Cavallo - 1969 - (failed gym so graduated 1970) - jfc118@aol.com - Levittown - 2001.11.03
my webpage: http://www.erbensign.com
Memories: Meeting my wife of 20 years, Sallie Burke
Lorraine Grupinski (now Lorraine Hutnik) - 1973 - baci2@optonline.net - still Levittown - same house - 2001.11.03
Looking for: Betty Anne Gensinger, Loretta Daly, Lisa Sherman
Robert (Bob) Anderson - 1978- (i quit school 3 times; got my GED) - randerson5@ec.rr.com (bad e-mail 2003.03.27) - Wilmington, NC - 2001.11.05
Looking for: Danny Brown
Memories: Just the great times I had spent growing up with my long-lost best friend Danbo... i'd love to talk with ya!... or anyone else who remembers me
Comments: After living in New York for 41 years, i had enough. i can't take the winters anymore... i've relocated to Wilmington, NC... about 5 minutes from the beach... so far I love it here. hope to hear from some of you soon... Robert
Debbie Damiani (now debbie Traenkle) - 1987 - th2boys@netscape.net (bad e-mail 2003.03.27) - Hicksville - 2001.11.07
Memories: Every memory at Division is a favorite, its hard to just pick a handful !
Michael Wein - 1970 - smartykatz@hotmail.com - Minnesota - 2001.11.08
Looking for: Ed Mancura, Gloria Brogan
Memories: The incredible fun things we all did we were all like a big family with our ups & downs our laughter and our tears all shared through our Division years!! REMEMBER
Comments: Life has been filled with many wonderful blessings & memories to cherish forever!!! (Uncle Max says hi!!!) God Bless!!!
Matt Giudice - 2001 - toolman52300@aol.com - Levittown - 2001.11.09
Comments: I miss everyone from the best class Division will ever see.
Dan DiStefano - 1980 - sengasr@estee.com - Oakdale - 2001.11.09
Memories: Does anyone remember how the holes got in the walls of the ski ranch room I stayed in?
Has anyone seen Jack Barrnet?
Norman Hallett - 1967 - nhallett@directyourmind.com - South Florida - 2001.11.10
my webpage: http://www.directyourmind.com and http://www.hypnotizeyourself.com
Looking for: Arthur Chin
Richard Robinson - 1984 - rickleeuk@aol.com (bad e-mail 2003.03.27) - Hampton Bays, NY - 2001.11.10
Memories: Graduating.
Tish Esposito (now Tish Kane) - 1966 - yankeedoodler@odyssey.net - Cortland, NY - 2001.11.13
Comments: Recently attended our 35th reunion. Barnett and Caryn did a wonderful job and I know that many others worked with them so I want to say THANK YOU. It was wonderful seeing so many from the class. Some I recognized right away others I am sorry to say I cound not recognize. Some probably looked at me and asked themselves "who is that chubby, middle-aged woman?" I ask that every time I look in the mirror. Truthfully, in my heart you all looked so beautiful, and I enjoyed watching everyone have fun. I missed our 25th and can't wait for our 45th. So why not have something in-between? I know 40th seems to be the one, but that seems too far too. Life is much too short, and I don't want to wait that long. Frank M., you are indeed a talented artist. Bob R., you look great. Millie, what a beautiful spirit. Fran, you have a great smile. Henry, thanks for the dance you're great. Hope to see you all again soon. If you write I will answer. Love Tish
Kenny Braun (now KG Braun) - 1975 - kgbraun1@aol.com (bad e-mail 2003.03.27) - Midlothian, VA - 2001.11.16
Comments: I had a great time at the 30th Reunion. I'll miss Jane Hagan and Barry McKeon, killed in the WTC terrorist attack on September 11, 2001. I'm still mad at the cowardly act the terrorists carried out. I hope President Bush will be true to his word and win the war on terrorism. God Bless America.
Christine Worsthorn - 1973 - cworsth@earthlink.net - Long Island - 2001.11.18 (new e-mail)
Comments: Just wanted to update my email address and say thanks once again - this website has been a blast and has helped me reconnect with some very special memories and even more special people.
Stacey Mollitor (now Stacey Schneider) - 1988 - (moved 1985) - stastorman@t-online.de - Germany - 2001.11.24
Comments: Well I should have graduated with ya all in 1988 but I moved to Germany in 1985, and I'm still here! Looking for anyone who might still have enough memory to remember me.
Jesse Darcy - 2003 - limp22kid@aol.com - 2001.11.26
my webpage: http://www.geocities.com/bandnumber2
Comments: Go to that site... www.geocities.com/bandnumber2 ... it rules.
For all of those other class of 2003 members... to visit new news, visit... www.dahs2003.com [gone 2003.11]
Barbara Prainito (now Barbara Ball) - 1984 - barbaraball7@hotmail.com - Fort Pierce, Florida - 2001.11.26
Looking for: Some of the fun people that used to hang out at the gameroom
Memories: The times spent at Memorial. Division was great, but all the time prior at LMHS was the greatest. Those are my fondest memories. Our group had a lot of fun times together (Joann, Laura, Jeannine, Christine, Angela, Kim and all the rest of the crazies). The walk-out was interesting, the saddest was when they closed Memorial and we were not able to be the last graduating class.
Gina Abbatiello - 2005 - AIM - xostargazer5xo - 2001.11.27
Memories: Gina -n- camille bff!!
Camille Lightell - 2005 - clsweety15@aol.com - 2001.11.27
Memories: Camille and Gina bffl!!!
Donald Filippelli (now Donald - I'm not sayin') - 1975 - ddavid57@optonline.net - Merrick, NY - 2001.11.29
Looking for: Annette Kramer, Merry Schneider
Memories: Very happily married to Helen Mancura for 23 years, living in Merrick for 22 years with a fabulous 6 year old son.
It was the best of times / It was the worst of times. All the good times and good memories I have are in spite of the school, the administration, and the sadistic athletes that were allowed to prey on "the freaks".
If it wasn't for all the "queers and faggots" (as we were lovingly called every day) in the art and music department, the plays, Studio Oz, the bands I was in and all the incredible music of those years, I don't think I would have made it out alive.
(That and a ton of pot!) When people started shooting up their High Schools I thought, "gee, there's a bunch of guys who are lucky my dad didn't have a gun cabinet (and you know who you are). BUT... 26 years later, I've completely forgotten about it.
Thank goodness for the enlightened schools of 2001, due to zero tolerance for this crap, my beautiful 6 year old son will never be subjected to what all of my friends had to put up with every day. I even changed my last name so I can stop hearing "hey Filippelli you f--king queer" every time I hear my own last name. (Pretty ironic considering my wife and I, together since 8th grade, had more [fun] in high school than the whole school combined) It's funny but because we were in a war zone, most of my friends stayed together for a very, very long time, like old war buddies. By the way, it was great to see everyone at the last 2 reunions. The Amityville bar get together was a blast. (and I'm glad to get this off my chest and out of my head!!!)
Donny Rosenberger - 1986 -d_rosenberger@mcso.maricopa.gov - Gilbert, Arizona - 2001.11.29
Comments: Just found this website. This is great. I think of all of my old school buddies a lot and I hope everyone is doing well. E-Mail me.
See all of you in 2006.
Dave Emeritz - English, 1971-1976at Division - dave56ny@yahoo.com - Levittown - 1999.08.08 (new e-mail 2001.12.01)
(Also DAHS class of 1963)
Memories: I remember twelve students in my VW Beetle, looking for a prom place. And an evening when Kevin Grau and Frank Cudia had almost gotten my VW Beetle onto the roof of the school... Lots of wonderful memories, both as student and teacher.
Comments: Another hi to all those with whom I've corresponded. And, Sidney Lee, thanks for the pralines!
Dawn Addotta (now Dawn Nola) - 1985 - gracie6716336182@aol.com (bad e-mail 2004.10.07) - Farmingdale - 2001.12.01
Comments: some people may remember me as Ed's sister or the quiet one
Barbara Prainito (now Barbara Ball) - 1984 - barbaraball7@hotmail.com - Fort Pierce, FL. - 2001.12.03
Memories: The times spent at Memorial. Division was great, but all the time prior at LMHS was the greatest. Those are my fondest memories.
I loved all the crazy people that hung out at the gameroom. Those were some fun days. I would love to get back in touch with some of the old gang. I hope to hear from some of you.
Janet Hailer (now Janet Hailer-Michie) - 1974 - jmhail56@aol.com - Glen Cove, NY - 2001.12.06
Memories: The prom and drivers ed.
Patricia Ittem (now Patty Burnham) - 1965 - justamere26@hotmail.com - Charlestown, NH - 2001.12.07
Looking for: Bob & Frank Smith, and the gang
Dolores Haas (now Dolores Roxey) - 1973 - jdjrox@cs.com - Florida - 2001.12.08 (new e-mail)
Comments: Just letting you know that my e-mail has changed. Anybody out there who remembers me, feel free to e-mail.
Barbara Goldstein (now Kane) - 1974 - (moved 1968) - bkane22@aol.com - East Brunswick, NJ - 2001.12.11
Looking for: Jill Wiener
Comments: I did not graduate from Division Ave. I moved when I was in 6th grade at Northside School. I was in Mr. Clark's 6th grade class. Would like to hear from some old classmates.
Bill Cosentino - 2001 - w_cosentino@mail.plymouth.edu - Plymouth, NH - 2001.12.11
Memories: My favorite DAHS memories are playing football and lacrosse. Those were some great times. Ha also Shaun Mohan at the Homecoming party standing drunk on the deck railing... hahaha I hope everyone remembers that. Also Senior Ski Trip, that was a blast... I hope everyone is doing real well and remember... SENIORSSSSSSSS!!!
Nancy Nugent - 1971 - nann3389@aol.com (bad e-mail 2004.05.15) - Dallas, Texas - 2001.12.14
Memories: Growing up in Levittown is appreciated so much more now that we are older... the safety of our neighborhood, our friends and family where our lives. Even though we move on, Levittown, DAHS and our old friends will always have a place in our hearts. I found a picture the other day from Northside School and the bike parade... the town I'm living in now has the same type of parade every year... it brought back memories. Any of you who are wondering... YES I'm still a jock! I don't think that part of me will ever change. I had plans on attending our 30th reunion, but moved to Texas in July. I'm so disappointed I missed all the fun. This was the first reunion I've missed. Over the Thanksgiving holiday, Wendy Clark flew into Dallas and we spent time looking thru the Website at all the reunion pictures and we had a few good laughs and realized
we would have loved to have been there
next time we will be!!!
Justin Builes - 2000 - minion1021@aol.com (bad e-mail 2003.03.27) - L-Town... at school in RI - 2001.12.16
Looking for: Possible Fraternity Brothers
Comments: Curious to see if there are any of Division Graduates or possibly other teachers who have become members of the Delta Chi Fraternity. Right now all I know of is myself, Ian Swensen, and Mr. Sherman (who happened to be at the christening party for my chapter) if anyone else is out there id love to here from you
Douglas P. Hennessey (now CHEF Douglas P. Hennessey) - 1973 - d.hennessey@rcn.com (bad e-mail 2004.05.15) - Southington, CT 06489 - 2001.12.16
Looking for: Elise Cole, Gabrielle Masel, Cathy Rhatigan, Jill Johnson, Marla Rabau
To all of the class of 1973 @ DAHS blue dragons, wishing you and your families a happy and healthy new year 2002, and a very merry Christmas, and have a great time!!! Best wishes to all, chef Douglas P. Hennessey!!!
Favorite DAHS memories: ski trip and my very low-key orange ski suit!!!
Cooking Class 101, with all girls!!! the only class that should have been a requirement to take!!!
Running track and cross country, boy was that the worst sport!!!
Winning the new bicycle, the weekend of the senior carnival!!!
The senior prom, what a weekend to remember!!! and so much more!!!
Comments: I know it has been a long, long time since the last time that I have spoken to anybody, but the lines are open so let's JUST DO IT!!! AND LET'S TALK ABOUT IT ALL!!! TAKE CARE and HAPPY HOLIDAYS, CHEF DOUGLAS P. HENNESSEY!!!
PS, JUST EATING SOME HOMEMADE X-mas cookies and some homemade cakes and brownies!!! yum!!!
Thomas Ludwig - 1996 - castor667@hotmail.com - Fort Benning, GA - 2001.12.17
Memories: Parties
Comments: I am now an officer in the United States Army, branch Infantry. I will be stationed at Fort Benning, GA until I complete Ranger school and will then be sent to Korea for a year. Just a matter of time before I am in Special Forces. Graduated Northeastern in 2001 with a degree in Criminal Justice and International Affairs.
Mindy Sorokin (now Lawrence) - 1984 - mindy727@optonline.net - Islip, NY - 2001.12.17
Looking for: Denise Mauer, Lisa Dwyer, Andy McCue
Richard (Rick) Joyce - 1965-richardkjoyce@charter.net - Sparks, NV - 2001.12.17
Looking for: Bill Harned
Memories: Mr Hennelly's wild "8th Period Animal Farm". When there was a fire drill, we'd get under the drafting desks and pop up like "whack a mole". Shop teacher John Murphy bending an iron bar around his neck to demonstrate to his "unruly" students he was the ruler of the class and disorder in the class was not acceptable -- and then not being able to unbend it without the help of the "unruly" students. The "Dap" hitting a blackboard so hard with his fist chaulk dust came out of the cracks. He was a great teacher. The North Green, Gilgo Beach, Montauk, Ditch Plains. Joe behind the counter at the Green with his kaiser rolls, plain sodas, Big Cat and everything Dwight Powers has said in the post on chapter 7 is true - thank goodness for statue of limitations. I disliked it, yet loved it and the people there. Fond memories to sit back, laugh and smile abou.t
Comments: This web site is one of the best sites I have ever come upon. I thank who ever created it and all those who contribute and reply. I am sorry I was not able to get back to the reunion, but since being pointed in this site's direction, I have found 5 good friends from my past.
Ryan O'Shea / Boomer O'Shea - 2002-rtomic1@aol.com - Levittown - 2001.12.18
Looking for: Friends
Memories: MacArthur games and Ski Trip
Comments: Dragons Baseball in 2002
Raymond Staib - 1985 - uncleray1124@aol.com - Upstate NY - 2001.12.23
Looking for: Steven "Puj" Lampert & John Allen
Memories: Front row KISS concerts for $12.50.
First "smoke" on the pike.
Reds teen night club and $2.99 Gallon Jugs of E&J wine.
Parties, parties, parties.
Roller rink, Spit, Uncle Sam's, Brothers Pub, Classic's
Fast cars, bad part-time jobs
Cutting out of class and hitting field four at Jones Beach.
Fake IDs
Suburbia, to us, home!
Jeff Howard - 1974 - schur@prodigy.net (bad e-mail 2004.05.15) - Chapel Hill, NC - 2001.12.25
Memories: Growing up with wonderful friends. Enjoying activities both in and outside of school. Music, sports, parties, dating, building friendships and learning about the world together.
Comments: I'm living in Chapel Hill, NC. Except for a 3-month stint in Austin, have been here for 9 years. I took a sabbatical this past year and spent 3 months traveling across the US. An unexpected treat was catching up with Debbie (Davis) Horn in Colorado. I'm still close friends with Bruce Frankel and have been in touch with Jay Hallett and Jayne (Boyer) Marra. Hoping to make a trip to Long Island during the spring of 2002 - it's been over 15 years since I've been back.
Best regards to the people I have fond memories of but haven't been in touch with. -- Jeff
Nancy Moga (now Curcio) - 1970 - muxspec@aol.com - Bellport, NY - 2001.12.28
Memories: Hanging out at the Canteen and talking to everyone!!
Playing knock-hockey at our senior lounge!!
Sometimes cutting first period and running up by Mays to have a cup of coffee with an english muffin at the coffee shop...
Wearing those horrific gym suits!! Yikes...
Comments: Hoping everyone is doing their "best" with their lives. There are no promises for tomorrow...
looking for [ Mia Ayala (now Mia Coen) - 1975 - Missouri ] - Linda Ayala - sgonzal123@netzero.com - 2001.12.31
Looking for: Mia Ayala -- If anyone has a recent e-mail address for Mia please respond by sending me an e-mail, or you can provide Mia with my e-mail address. Please respond to Linda Ayala at sgonzal123@netzero.com .
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last edited 2007.09.10