Levittown, NY
Ann Marie Alberici (now Ann Marie Johnson) - amj1223@msn.com - Las Vegas - 1998.11.07 (new e-mail 2002.01.10)
Maysam Aljader - mays10@optonline.net - Levittown - 2002.12.07
Vanesa Alvero (now Vanesa Jimenez) - jimenezalvero@yahoo.com - Huntington - 2001.08.03 (new e-mail 2002.11.30)
Jill Ayala (now Keller) - (Summit Lane, Wisdom Lane, Holy Trinity) - clyde73@aol.com (bad e-mail 2004.10.07) - Upstate, NY - 2000.09.15
Jill Ayala (now Jill Keller) - kellers5@optonline.net - Island Trees - 2004.10.23
Jessica Bachety - bacharack@aol.com - Massapequa, NY - 2001.06.25
Kate Bollinger - kate.j.bollinger@mercbcp.com (new e-mail 1999.07.27)
Katherine Bollinger (now Goodman) - katherine.goodman@csfb.com - Carle Place - 2001.07.17
Dawn Bosworth - dboz143@aol.com - Jericho - 2001.08.30
Dayna Bradley (soon to be Diaz!!!) - ?@? - Rocky Point - 2003.06.09
Amy Brown (now Amy Nimal) - hellokitty12275@aol.com (bad e-mail 2003.03.27) - New Port Richey, Florida - 2000.06.09
Amy Brown (now Amy Nimal) - amykirsten1275@aol.com (bad e-mail 2004.10.07) - Levittown - 2003.04.03
Danielle Brusini - dani41174@aol.com - Levittown - 2000.06.26
Erin Burns - ernbrns@aol.com - Levittown - 2000.07.11
Jon Cook - fantasiajc@aol.com - Deer Park - 2000.04.20
Santiago Cordova / Sammy Cordova - madilyn@islc.net (bad e-mail 2003.03.27) - Beaufort, SC - 2001.06.19
Lori Corino - lacorino@yahoo.com - Roslyn, NY - 2000.10.28 (new e-mail 2001.01.25)
Isadora Delgado - isadorable@hotmail.com - Washington, DC - 1999.10.20 - Harrisburg, PA - 2002.10.14
Dawn Douglas (now Dawn Stiller) - dawnstiller@quip.net - Virginia Beach - 2003.12.17
my webpage: http://www.quip.net/possibilities/
Joe Dragotta - ?@? - 2002.12.21
Allison Duwe (now Allison Mcdonough) - sam0497@aol.com - Stony Brook - 2001.01.03
Kevin Emmet - emmet11774@yahoo.com - Levittown - 2000.07.26 (new e-mail 2002.09.24)
Kelly Farley (now Kelly Littier) - lacie0511@aol.com (bad e-mail 2004.10.07) - Levittown, NY - 2000.10.21
Kevin Fitzpatrick - kevf@hotmail.com - Brooklyn, NY - 1998.09.06 (update 2001.12.09)
Jennifer Fried - jnp2ofme@aol.com (bad e-mail 2004.10.07) - Patchogue NY - 2002.12.27
Pamela Fried (now Pamela Esposito) - pfried1214@yahoo.com - Spotswood, New Jersey - 2005.02.14
Thomas Garbacki - gonewacki@aol.com - Wantagh - 2001.01.24
Thomas Garbacki - gonewacki@aol.com - Hicksville - 2003.06.03
Stacy Giorgou - stacy1221@aol.com - 1998.03.25
Sharon Hanley - sehanley@news12.com (bad e-mail 2003.03.27) - North Massapequa - 2000.06.14
Gail Harris (now Gail Sneyd) - gs2575@aol.com - Hicksville - 2000.10.31
Corinne Healey - Montgomery, AL - 1998.03.25
Corinne Healey (now Corinne Torres - since Feb.15, 2002) - palmtree13@aol.com - Merrick, NY - 2002.04.13
Gary Herman - amngary@hotmail.com - Maryland - 1999.09.22
Michele Joy Hodes - taz8joy@aol.com - 2002.06.03
Marc Hoffman - mjh4932@hotmail.com - Phoenix, AZ - 2000.04.14 (new e-mail 2000.09.11)
Marc J. Hoffman - marc.j.hoffman@lmco.com (bad e-mail 2003.03.27)- Mountain View, CA - 2002.02.19
Kamden Dee Hoffmann - kamdenh@hotmail.com - Washington D.C. - 2000.07.06
Kathy Keating - roses6666@aol.com - Levittown, NY - 1998.03.27
Kathy Keating (now Kathy Crown) - kathrcro@aol.com - Bethpage - 2003.08.05
Janet Koster - number5child@cus.com (bad e-mail) ; number5child@compusa.com (bad e-mail) - Levittown - 2000.10.06 (new e-mail 2001.01.22)
Richard Kotschau - rskmmh@gateway.net- Tampa, FL - 2001.05.23
Richard Kotschau - kotschau3@aol.com - Denver, CO - 2003.06.16
Patrick La Morte / Patrick A. La Morte - shamen014@aol.com - Huntington Station - 2000.08.01 - Levittown - 2001.06.02 - Bay Shore, NY - 2002.11.19
Patrick La Morte - lamorte1@optonline.net - Bayshore, NY - 2005.05.25
Ray Latif - nbconcrete@optonline.net - Wantagh, NY - 2003.04.06
Heather Leonard - uumpabo1@aol.com - 2000.07.09
Jerry Leuschen, Jr. - jleuschenjr@yahoo.com - Miami, Fl. - 1999.10.17 (new e-mail 2002.08.18)
Jennifer Levine - jenknicks@aol.com - 1998.10.25
Nicole Levy (now Koster) - mom2kty@optonline.net - Levittown - 2001.05.21
Tara Liquori (now Murano) - murano76@email.msn.com - Levittown - 2000.08.15 (new e-mail 2000.10.17)
Caroline Lopez (soon to be Hidalgo) - caroline270@yahoo.com - Orlando Fl - 2002.05.09
Anne Lukeman (now Anne Lukeman-McAllister) - princess871998@aol.com (bad e-mail 2004.10.07) - Lindenhurst - 2000.06.02 (new e-mail 2001.04.24)
my webpage: http://members.aol.com/_ht_a/princess871998/princess871998/index.asp
Anne Lukeman (now Anne Lukeman-McAllister) - anmcllst@aol.com (bad e-mail 2004.10.07) - Lindenhurst, NY - 2003.07.09
Anne Lukeman (now McAllister) - princess871998@optonline.net - Lindenhurst, NY - 2004.09.30
Teresa Lynch - tsunshine75@aol.com - Levittown - 2000.09.24 (new e-mail 2002.04.11)
Klio Markatos - kklibrat@aol.com (bad e-mail 2003.03.27) - 2001.06.04
Klio Markatos - vze4x39a@verizon.net - 2003.06.09
Kevin McCarthy - mcarty13@hotmail.com - 2001.12.03
Shawn McCarthy - athspm@langate.gsu.edu - Atlanta, Ga - 2001.09.13
Margaret McDougall (soon to be Laratondo) -mosey815@optonline.net - Islip - 2001.02.26
Nicole McGowan - mcgw9@aol.com (bad e-mail 2004.10.07) - Island Trees - 2001.07.31
Erin Mckinley (now Erin Wolm) - pumbadog98@aol.com - Manorville, NY - 2002.07.19
Erin Mckinley (now Erin Wolm) - pumbadog98 - Manorville - 2002.07.22
Meaghan McPartland - meggmcp@aol.com (bad e-mail 2003.03.27) - Deer Park - 2001.01.18
Meaghan McPartland - meggmcp@yahoo.com - Nesconset, N.Y. - 2003.04.28
Kelly Meili (now Kelly Pecoraro) - nockelly@optonline.net - Levittown - 2001.01.17
Kelly Meili (now Kelly Pecoraro) - kpecoraro@optonline.net - Levittown - 2005.04.20
Gina Morano (soon to be Valvo (September 23)) - gigi0428@aol.com (bad e-mail 2004.10.07) - Levittown - 2001.01.30
Gina Morano (now Valvo) - geemo23@aol.com (bad e-mail 2004.10.07) - Seaford - 2002.04.26
Gina Morano (now Gina Valvo) - giva09@yahoo.com - Massapequa Park - 2004.05.12
Kerry A. Nicolay (now Kerry A. La Salvia) -rka20@netstep.net - Stone Ridge, NY - 2002.03.06
Christin Niles (now Christin Niles-Heald) - nytroisin@aol.com (bad e-mail 2003.03.27) - Levittown once again - 2000.08.28
Christin Niles (now Christin Niles-Heald) - cynicalresignation@hotmail.com - Alexandria, VA - 2003.07.28
Chris Nimal - nimpatch@aol.com (bad e-mail 2003.03.27) - New Port Richey, Florida - 2000.07.12
Chris Nimal - jets33ny@msn.com - new port richey FL - 2003.11.29
Carmine Nunzio - fortuneflyer2@aol.com (bad e-mail 2004.10.07) - New Zealand - 2004.05.05
Brian Oakes - brian.oakes@ca.com (bad e-mail 2003.03.27) - 2002.01.23
April Oberle (now April Brooks) - digroovielady@aol.com - Levittown - 2000.09.28
Jenne O'Neill - jenneon@yahoo.com - 2000.08.16
Tracie Panella (now Tracie Kaszovitz) - krazykas@aol.com - Hicksville - 2001.01.18
Peter Pantano - pantpv@msn.com - Oneonta - 1999.09.07 - Annapolis, MD - 2002.06.05
Christina Pastore (now Christina Garbacki) - krissy2359@aol.com - Wantagh, NY - 2000.05.23 (update 2001.09.28)
Christina Pastore (now Garbacki) - krissy2359@aol.com - Hicksville - 2003.06.03
Jim Peck - 2000.03.19 - jp7875@optonline.net - Farmingdale - 2004.01.19
Melissa Peretti (now Melissa Abrams) - mel10443@aol.com - Bethpage, NY - 2000.05.13
Michele Prihodka (now Michele Schroeder) - shellyp449@yahoo.com - Suffolk County - 2000.06.22
Jennifer Quinones - jennyq1330@aol.com (bad e-mail 2004.10.07) ; jennyq@aol.com (bad e-mail 2004.10.07) - Nassau - 2003.08.19
Jennifer Quinones - jennyq1330@aol.com (bad e-mail 2004.10.07) - Hempstead, NY - 2003.08.20
my webpage: http://chula10130@yahoo.com
Kristi Robinson - cookie5940@msn.com - Hicksville - 2003.05.03
Chrissy Ruane - ruane6595@aol.com (bad e-mail 2004.10.07) - Levittown - 1999.01.23
Chrissy Ruane (now Mitchell) - carm028@aol.com - Levittown-Island Trees - 2004.07.01
Chrissy Ruane (now Chrissy Mitchell) - carm028@aol.com - Levittown-Island Trees - 2004.07.02
Joseph Sellas / Joe Sellas (now AJ, Anthony, whatever) - soulquakeforever@yahoo.com - Westchester - 2000.03.11 (new e-mail 2002.04.21)
Joseph Sellas - rockvanity04@yahoo.com - Westchester - 2004.02.20
Michele Sheridan - shelly9697@aol.com - Farmingdale - 2000.05.25
Thomas Shortell - tjshortell@aol.com (bad e-mail 2003.03.27) - Levittown - 2000.12.15
Melissa Silver (now Zittel) - mmzittel@aol.com (bad e-mail 2004.10.07) - Buffalo, NY - 2000.07.06
Tanya Sparacino - cino2gbaby@netzero.net - 2000.10.13
Paul Suppan - pjsupp@optonline.net - 2000.04.24
Tracy Tamburello (now Tracy Seeger) - tracyseeger@hotmail.com - Philadelphia, PA - 2000.09.05
Ryan Tate - ryan.tate@hbo.com - Farmingdale - 2001.02.15
Nicole Thomas (soon to be Nicole Palmese) -dole24x@optonline.net - Levittown - 2001.01.03
Nicole Thomas - dole24x@optonline.net - 2003.02.18
Christopher Timlin - sneak23@aol.com (bad e-mail 2004.10.07) - Levittown - 2002.10.07
Christopher Timlin - thegamecmt@yahoo.com - Bethpage - 2005.05.21
Paul Tinelli - paul.tinelli@vh1staff.com - Bellmore, NY - 2004.01.06
Lisa Torabi (soon to be Lisa Russo) - lisa82401@juno.com - Levittown - 2000.08.07
Lisa Torabi (now Lisa Russo) - lisa82401@juno.com - Nassau County - 2003.03.30
Lisa Torabi (now Lisa Russo) - russo824@hotmail.com - Nassau County - 2003.05.21
Nicolle Trivolis (now Nicolle Lohmuller) - aulax44@aol.com (bad e-mail 2004.10.07) - New Hyde Park - 2000.10.05
Lisa Van Nostrand (now Shortell) - chelsea317@aol.com (bad e-mail 2003.03.27) - Levittown - 2000.12.15
Lisa Van Nostrand (now Lisa Shortell) - chelsea1775@aol.com - Huntington NY - 2003.10.10
Denise Ventimiglia (now Aloi) - jimdee34@aol.com (bad e-mail 2003.03.27) - Kings Park - 2002.05.14
Kathy Vieser - suvatsx4@aol.com (bad e-mail 2004.10.07) - Lindenhurst, NY - 2003.06.18
Kathy Vieser (now Kathy Suvatey) - suvatsx4@aol.com (bad e-mail 2004.10.07) - Lindenhurst, NY - 2003.06.18
John J. Waluk - walukiii@yahoo.com - Croton-on-Hudson, NY - 2002.10.09
Christopher Welner - swelnes@aol.com - 2002.01.03
Kerri Wilkinson (now Consi) - islandgirl1437@aol.com (bad e-mail 2004.10.07) - Bethpage - 2003.04.15
Wilkinson (now Consi) - islandgirl1437@aol.com (bad e-mail 2004.10.07) - Bethpage - 2003.05.19
Kerri Wilkinson (now Kerri Consi) - islandgirl1437@yahoo.com - Bethpage - 2005.01.11
Stephen Wolf - teachchemistry@hotmail.com - Bellerose, NY - 2002.04.25
my webpage: http://www.geocities.com/sw317
Mary Yerkes - tulip62997@aol.com - Levittown - 2000.04.30 (new -mail 2002.04.25)
Mary Yerkes (now Mary Franco) - tulip62997@aol.com - Levittown - 2004.11.02
April Zupo (now April Weinert) - aprw4@optonline.net - Levittown - 2000.10.28 (new e-mail 2002.01.23)
The class of 1993 10th Reunion was held on Friday, October 24, 2003. Woodbury Country Club Contact: Reunions of America, Inc. www.reunionsinc.com (631) 266-1836 Reunions of America, Inc. is organizing it along with Nicolle Trivolis-Lohmuller and Shane Dorfman |
last tested 2003.03.27
last edited 2003.12.31