Levittown, NY
Debbie Accomando (now Deborah Bevando) - 2pisces@msn.com (bad e-mail 2003.03.27) - Canyon Country, Ca. - 2000.08.02
Debbie Accomando (now Deborah Bevando) - designsbydeborah@hotmail.com - Canyon Country, California - 2004.03.31
my webpage: http://designsbydeborah.org
Christine Allen (now Christine Polli) - gpolli@optonline.net - Massapequa Park - 2000.04.01
Diana Alvino (now McNamara) - dmac047@aol.com - Levittown - 2000.02.09 (new e-mail 2000.12.26)
Rob Andrews - randrews714@aol.com (bad e-mail 2003.03.27) - East Northport, NY - 2000.01.23
Rob Andrews - randrews714@hotmail.com - East Northport, NY - 2001.12.15
Ed Barry - etb11795@hotmail.com - West Islip, NY - 2002.08.10
Lois Bellavia (now Lois Arens) - snera@aol.com - East Northport, NY - 2000.11.08
Roberta Bloom (now Roberta Bloomberg) - bloombergr@aol.com - Brookeville, MD - 2002.04.07
Ellen Byrne (now Ellen Bartram) - bartrame@msn.com - Levittown - 2000.12.23
Lisa Byrne (now Lisa Smoot) - thesmoots@aol.com - Setauket, NY - 2000.03.07
in memoriam, Joanne Cardoza (now Joanne Anderson) (d. January 30, 2001) - archive8.html#1982Cardoza by her sister Jocelyn frazzlednttown@yahoo.com - 2001.02.15 (new e-mail 2004.03.09)
Diane Carroll - e0925@aol.com - Wantagh - 2000.02.15
Robert Cassidy - bcassidy@newsday.com - 1999.08.25
Michael Castro - dimike@bestweb.net - Westchester, NY - 1999.07.14
my website: http://www.bestweb.net/~dimike (photos, album reviews, ...)
Brian Cavanagh - brian_cavanagh@hotmail.com - 2001.05.23
Jerry Chiocchio - chiocchi@symbol.com - Miller Place - 2001.01.26
Jane Clever (now Jane Onkaya) - 1982 but I dropped out early - wish4mee@aol.com - Nassau, NY (a small town upstate) - 2000.07.06
my webpage: http://members.aol.com/wish4mee
John Cole - goatmax4500hinc@aol.com (bad e-mail 2004.10.07) - Texas - 2002.09.02
Jeanne Compton (now Sweeney) - sweeney5@optonline.net - Massapequa - 2002.03.01
Karen Constantine (now Karen Stillman) - reddots2@aol.com (bad e-mail 2004.10.07) - East Northport, NY - 2000.02.06 (update 2001.06.24)
Karen Constantine (now now Stillman) - xkurlykx@aol.com - East Northport, NY - 2005.04.11
Karen Constantine (now Stillman) - xkurlykx@aol.com - East Northport, NY - 2005.04.13
Mike Corrente - miccorr33@hotmail.com - Poconos, PA - 2000.07.22
Chris Corritore - corycc@aol.com - Long Beach, NY - 1999.09.12
Gary Curtis - gcurtis@veggielinks.com - Round Lake ILL. - 2005.02.15
Susan Dargenio (now Susan Kosilla) - steve.kosilla@genmills.com - Atlanta, GA - 2001.08.27
Carl DeFranco - defranco@cshore.com - Clinton, CT - 2000.03.07
Anne Delaney - adelaney@dlj.com - New York City - 1998.05.12
Anne Delaney - anne.delaney@csfb.com - New York City - 2001.11.26
Anne Delaney (now Anne Gugliuzza) - anne.delaney@jpmorganpartners.com - New York - 2004.03.05
Mary Anne Desmond (now Mary Anne Strippoli) - (Went to Summit Lane through 6th grade; moved away 1976. I Graduated in 1982 from Half Hollow Hills HS west in Dix Hills.) - exbury13@aol.com - Still here on Long Island - 2004.04.13
Judy diMonda - pdgatt@aol.com - Levittown - 2000.02.11
Judy diMonda (now Wuerth) - jwuerth@optonline.net - Yorktown Heights, NY - 2003.05.31
Michael DiTomasso - mdito89@earthlink.net - Savannah, Georgia - 2005.05.25
Jim Duffy - duffyjem@aol.com (bad e-mail 2004.10.07) - Hummelstown, PA 17036 - 2001.08.31
Thomas Duwe - tduw@optonline.net - Wantagh - 2003.06.21
Ann Dyer - francisdyer@earthlink.net - Manhattan - 2002.03.05
Ann Dyer - talcky@juno.com - Manhattan - 2002.04.06
Ann Dyer - adbk2004@earthlink.net - 2004.02.20
Todd Esposito - tesposito@solutions.canon.com - Garden City - 2001.05.26
Steve Farmer - farmsm@earthlink.com - Rochester, NY - 2002.06.11
Thomas FitzSimons - tfitz18@aol.com (bad e-mail 2003.03.27) - Tampa, Florida - 1999.06.02 (new e-mail 2000.03.22)
Thomas FitzSimons - tfitz18@shawus.com - Tampa, Fl - 2003.04.24
Brian K. Fowler - chefbkfcs@yahoo.com - Hicksville, NY - 2002.02.25
Nancy Fox (now Doran) - dor821@aol.com (bad e-mail 2003.03.27) - Virginia Beach, VA - 2000.08.26
Nancy Fox - nancy.fox6@aol.com (bad e-mail 2003.03.27) - Virginia Beach, VA - new e-mail 2002.04.19
Michael Gerlack - michael@smgweb.com - Levittown, NY - 2000.08.12
Charlie Grant - grant1165@aol.com (bad e-mail 2003.03.27) - Leesburg, Virginia 20175 - 2001.03.09
Irene Greening (now Kleber) - irene.kleber@fiservhris.com (bad e-mail 2003.03.27) - Levittown, NY - 2000.04.14
Irene Greening (now Kleber) - newmom0717@msn.com - Levittown - 2002.03.25
Irene Greening (now Irene Kleber) - ikleber23@optonline.com - Levittown, NY - 2005.02.02
Rod Hamas - (omitted e-mail) - Longwood, Florida - 2000.11.24
Thea Hans (now Thea Moskos) - thea126@aol.com - Hicksville, NY - 2000.04.17
Thea Hans (now Thea Moskos) - budgirl512@budweiser.com - Hicksville, NY - 2002.04.02
April Harman (now Leonard) - lady.alisende@verizon.net - Clearwater, Fl - 2002.01.09
Richard Hopkins - (I moved to California in 1980) - richhop64@aol.com (bad e-mail 2003.03.27) - Venice, Ca - 2000.09.12
Richard Hopkins - richhop64@yahoo.com - Santa Monica - 2004.08.20
Donna Hughes - donnabatescpa@hotmail.com
Steve Ingrassia - stevekids3@cs.com (bad e-mail 2003.03.27) - East Meadow, NY 11554 - 2000.06.27
Liz Jenkins (now Liz Koch) - ktripled@aol.com - West Babylon, NY - 2001.07.12
Sue Kazura (now Sue Maneri) - suzee0414@aol.com - New Jersey - 2000.02.03
Eileen Kelly (now Eileen Brown) - paulbrown@interaccess.com - Chicago, IL - 2001.10.15
Eileen Kelly (now Eileen Brown) - pebrown@optonline.com - Fairfield, CT - 2002.07.30
Dorianne Kennedy (now Dorianne Cattani) - doriannec@yahoo.com - Muttontown, NY - 2000.12.07 (new e-mail 2002.12.25)
Dawn Kinsella (now Dawn Traficante) - dmkny1164@aol.com - Hicksville - 2002.05.29
Elinor c. Laban (now Elinor c. Broullon) - roc9fish@aol.com (bad e-mail 2004.10.07) - Wellington, Florida - 2004.10.09
Aldo LaFiandra - alafiandra@alston.com - Atlanta - 1999.09.17
Kathy Lang - longislandklang@yahoo.com - New Mexico - 2002.05.29
Salvador Lima - sac0604@aol.com - Levittown - 2001.06.08
Linda Lombardi - lindalum07@msn.com (bad e-mail 2003.03.27) - Levittown, NY - 2000.10.06 (new e-mail 2001.02.18)
Linda Lombardi - lombardi.linda@mail.co.nassau.ny.us - Farmingdale, NY - 2003.01.30
Lisa Lombardi (now Lisa Alvino) - lindalum07@msn.com (bad e-mail 2003.03.27) - Levittown, NY - 2000.02.27 (new e-mail 2001.02.18)
Lisa Lombardi (now Lisa Alvino) - fourandnomore2000@yahoo.com - Levittown - 2002.07.29
Mike Lopez - michaellopez@emmerel.com - Hicksville - 2000.10.16
Elliot LoPiccolo - antlou@optonline.net - Farmingville, NY - 2000.03.24 (new e-mail 2001.11.23)
Bobby Marshall - twinfish3327@aol.com (bad e-mail 2004.10.07) - Deerfield Beach, Florida - 2001.01.02
Jackie McGowan - jacqueline_mcgowan@nyc.yr.com (bad e-mail 2003.03.27) - New York, NY - 2001.09.27
Debbie Mckillop (now Gordon) - degordon@suffolk.lib.ny.us - 2001.04.01
Lisa Moore (now Lisa Moran) - daniella914@yahoo.com - South Freeport - 2001.02.02
Lisa Moore (now Lisa Moran) - lisa10312004@yahoo.com - 2004.03.05
Lisa Moore (now Lisa Moran) - lisa10312004@yahoo.com - 2005.04.30
DeAnna Moreback (now DeAnna M. Korona) - deedevtay@aol.com (bad e-mail 2003.03.27) - Hicksville, Long Island, NY - 2000.04.21
Monica Munnelly (now Stasko) - stasko@optonline.net - South Huntington - 2001.07.17
Kathleen Munnelly-Thomann - turnot@aol.com - 1999.05.10
Michael D. Napolitano - mnapoli500@aol.com (bad e-mail 2003.03.27) - 1999.09.18
Michael D. Napolitano - mdnappy@msn.com (bad e-mail 2003.03.27) - Huntington, NY - 2001.10.02
Kathy Narbuth (now Kathy Kromer) - ?@? - Copiague, NY - 2000.08.11
Nancy Nowak (now Nancy Nowak Reilly) - nancenow@aol.com - 2000.04.23
Dianne Oest (now Dianne Ludewig) - dludewig@hoflink.com - Levittown - 2002.04.10
John C. Orlandini - fitnessadvantagecorp@hotmail.com (bad e-mail 2003.03.27) - Levittown, NY - 2001.02.03
John Orlandini - fitnessadvantageplus@hotmail.com (bad e-mail 2003.03.27) - Levittown - 2002.08.16
John Orlandini - johnorlandini@hotmail.com - Levittown - 2003.05.13
Linda Passaretti (now Linda Lyles) - xclusive@aol.com (bad e-mail 2004.10.07) ; xclusive64 (not @aol.com 2002.03.24) - Uniondale, NY - 2001.02.27 (new e-mail 2002.03.02)
Frank Pastore - fpastore@tampabay.rr.com - Palm harbor florida - 2005.04.28
Thomas J. Phelan - sgt3qtrs@hotmail.com - Levittown - 2001.09.17 (new e-mail 2003.10.24)
Jeanine Pickard (now Jeanine Colon) - kcolon@optonline.net - 2001.01.09
Jeanine Pickard - usercol242@aol.com (bad e-mail 2003.03.27) - 2002.08.20
Jennifer Prchal - jennifer_prchal@ars.aon.com - Lindenhurst - 2000.11.15
Prchal (now Gelber) - jennifer_gelber@ars.aon.com - Long Beach - 2003.03.31
Jennifer Reilly (now Jennifer Redmond) - jen1131@hotmail.com - Plantation, Florida - 2000.06.13
Terence Reilly - emfd214@aol.com - Levittown - 2000.10.16
Karen L. Robinson (now Rogers) - klr64@aol.com (bad e-mail 2004.10.07) - Levittown - 1999.11.12
Audrey Rogers - audrog@earthlink.com (bad e-mail 2003.03.27) - Kew Gardens Hills NYP - 2001.07.03
Gerry Sammarco - gersteph@optonline.net - Bethpage, NY - 2002.03.18
John Scafordi - scafordi@aol.com - New York, NY - 1999.10.03
Rudolf Schmidt - rudolf.schmidt@sciatl.com - Lawrenceville, Georgia - 2002.04.12
Yvonne Shady (now Yvonne Herrmann) - way2goeve@aol.com (bad e-mail 2004.10.07) - Hauppauge, NY - 2000.11.20
Yvonne Shady (now Yvonne Herrmann) - way2goeve@optonline.net - 2004.11.06
Kathleen Shanahan (now Kathleen Glassner) - kglassner@cs.com (bad e-mail 2000.09.12) - North Florida - 2000.08.24
Kathlleen Shanahan (now Kathleen Glassner) - kathleenglassner@yahoo.com (bad e-mail 2003.03.27) - Nashville, TN - 2002.07.02
Kim Shane - kimmie3739@yahoo.com (bad e-mail 2003.03.27) - Rocky Point, NY - 2002.02.04
Gina Simonetti (now Gina Bernabeu) - patriotchiropractic@erols.com - South Riding, VA - 2000.02.16
Vince Solferino - vsolferino@msn.com (bad e-mail 2002.06) - Dearborn MI - 2000.07.09
Dave Spradlin - ugc1@juno.com - 11756 - 2000.03.04 (new e-mail 2002.03.17)
my webpage (biz) http://www.undergroundcycles.com
Andrew Sullivan - devsul@aol.com (bad e-mail 2001.04.05) - Farmingdale, NY - 2000.09.02
Andrew Sullivan - njdevz@yahoo.com - Farmingdale, NY - 2002.08.14
Tom Sullivan - sullyebi@yahoo.com - Massapequa, NY - 2002.05.30
Theresa Taylor (now Theresa Taylor Browning) - catdoc@sprintpcs.com - Kings Mountain, NC - 2003.05.13
Mary Thearle (now Mary O'Donnell) - mary@odonnellmetalmaintenance.com - Leeds, NY - 2005.04.25
my webpage: http://www.odonnellmetalmaintenance.com
Annmarie Trimboli (now Annmarie Winthrop) -wnthrscooby@aol.com - Las Vegas Nevada - 2002.04.25
Louie Vagnuolo - landlv@bellsouth.net - Fort Lauderdale, Fl - 1999.08.13 (corrected e-mail 2000.05.29)
Louie Vagnuolo - bluelou00@yahoo.com - Davie, Florida - 2001.09.19
Anthony Vourtis - antman6@optonline.net - Levittown, NY - 2003.01.14
Marc Waldman - drbarnos@aol.com (bad e-mail 2003.03.27) - Merrick, NY - 2000.09.18
Richard Wall - wallrr50@hotmail.com - Albany, NY - 2002.04.30
Jim Watson - awatt82@aol.com - Fleming Island, Florida - 2005.06.28
Joe Weingart - weins64@aol.com - Port Washington - 2000.07.29
Larry Weinstein - aimeescottnyaz@aol.com (bad e-mail 2004.10.07) - Phoenix, Arizona - 2000.08.06
Larry - weinsteinny@aol.com (bad e-mail 2003.03.27) - Chandler, Arizona - 2002.04.20
Larry Weinstein - weinsteinny@cox.net - Chandler Arizona - 2003.05.12
my webpage: http://www.tsolution-azsuncontrol.com
Carl Weiss - carl@teamiris.com - NYC - 1999.10.10
Cynthia A. Wheaton - cauhlig@aol.com - Deerfield Beach, Florida - 2000.01.09
Ray Wier - kwrw@peoplepc.com - Port Charlotte, Florida - 2000.05.20
Chris Zappalla - zap@pb.net - 2000.01.31
Chris Zappalla - zap@optonline.net - West Islip - 2001.11.27
Elena Zeoli (now Elena Costello) - sydtayjr@aol.com - Bayside, NY - 2002.07.07
Craig Zwerling - czwerlin@optonline.net - Farmingdale, NY - 1999.12.20
Also looking for:
(unofficial partial class listing & additional classmates)
Mary Crabbs
Maryanne Desmond (moved)
old news
Dear Classmates,
It's been twenty years since we last strode the halls of Levittown Division Avenue High School together, and much has happened in the world and in our lives. Who would have guessed that for our 20 year reunion the Manhattan skyline would no longer contain the Twin Towers? At times it seems like it was yesterday that we sat in class together and stared out the windows, wondering what the future held for us, and other times it seems like ages ago. With 20 years behind us, that future looks a little less blurry now, but there is no doubt that the next 20 years will hold just as many surprises as the last. We would like to extend an invitation for all of us to get together on this 20th anniversary of the end of our adolescence and reminisce, catch-up, and wish each other well on our continued journeys through life. The Levittown Division Class of 1982 20-year reunion will take place on Friday, August 9, 2002 at the LI Marriott in Uniondale NY. Beginning at 7:00 P.M. there will be a cocktail hour and open bar for the evening. This will be followed by a first class buffet style dinner, with choice of Prime Rib, Chicken with Mushroom Cream Sauce, or Grilled Tilapia as the main entrée, with music, dancing and lots of reminiscing. The price is $120.00 per person and includes a great souvenir Tee shirt designed by Tom Sullivan. We have also reserved space on Saturday Aug 10 at Eisenhower Park Parking Field 6A / Cedars Section beginning at 10 AM for a picnic so we'll have a chance to get together with the whole family. We will provide parking passes (for any non-residents of Nassau County), which are required for park entrance, and charcoal with lighter fluid for the grills. It is up to you to bring food, drinks, plates, utensils, ketchup, Pampers, Advil and everything else you might need. What do you need to do? Well it's simple. Fill out the enclosed form and return it to Vince by REGULAR MAIL, with a check for the appropriate amount made out to "Class of 82 Reunion." Mail it back to Vince at the address listed on the form. I hope you will all try to make it, and I look forward to seeing all of you. Thanks, Vince, Sully, and Tony Ro Levittown Division Class of 82 Reunion Registration Your Name:________________________________________________________________________ Your Name in 1982: ____________________________________________________________ Your Guest's Name:________________________________________________________________________ Your return address: Street ____________________________________________________________ Apt # ____________________________________________________________ Town, State, Zip ____________________________________________________________ I will be attending the Reunion at a cost of: $120.00 _________ I will be bringing a guest $120.00 + _________ I will need a parking pass for the Picnic $4.00 + _________ Please make out check or money order to Class of 82 Reunion' for = _________ Mail to: Vincent Solferino 22819 Beech St. Dearborn, MI 48124 |
last tested 2003.03.27
last edited 2005.09.19